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Everything posted by Okami

  1. I don't get what you mean, how did we ignored him?
  2. False, I stopped going out when it's not necessary. Next person doesn't have trust in anyone.
  3. Krill>False, Chihaya is the best. Edit:False, I am skipping H-scenes anyway. Next person gets lost in thoughts very often.
  4. You can try looking here, If that doesn't help, you can try asking Tay to spread the news about recruitment for a project on Fuwa blog.
  5. I actually support Moenovel for cutting out H-scenes in IMHHW, however, they censored far more than just H-scenes witch was going too far. But back on the topic, I don't believe they will do anything to the translation team of Cocoro@function! like making them stop the project. True, they might try to make a deal with them like JAST have done with Dakkodango when they translated Aselia the Eternal.
  6. True, But only if we are talking about god old Warcraft III I don't like WOW. Next person is Bioware fan.
  7. True. I find it more comfortable that way. Next person speaks with himself more than with others.
  8. False. Next person prefers to have a serious discussions rather than to joke around.
  9. True, But only in 2D world, I don't care for 3D one. Next person likes dark stories.
  10. There is allredy a topic for this. Here.
  11. I think that Like button should be used only when you think it is deserving, like when someones post helps you or when someones post something that is a good addition to Fuwa community and you found it helpful or when someone says something that you think is very important to be said in that conversation and you totally agree with it. Or when you really like a lot what some person posted. I don't think like button should be used for minor things like you found something funny.
  12. False. Next person has made at least one AMV.
  13. There is really no such thing as well put and necessary H-scene, even if sex is necessary to the story (which is very rare) it still doesn't justify H-scenes as it's not like they can't let you know that two characters are having sex without giving you porn.
  14. False. Next person sleeps durning a day.
  15. False, I haven't watched it or read it yet. Next person waits for anime to finish araing to watch it.
  16. True, It is in my plan to read list but there are faw VNs that I want to read more at a moment. Edit: False, it's very rare for me to play two VNs at same time. Next person likes happy endings.
  17. False Next person newer droped a VN or Anime
  18. False, Next person post in this topic daily.
  19. True. Next person is a proud Lolicon.
  20. True. Next person likes rivers more then seas
  21. Nagisa>False, I am not planing on having a wife and children because I am only interested in 2D, and I haven't watched Clanned yet. Edit: True. Next person is member of Fuwa for over a year.
  22. True, I am single for life as I am not interested in 3D people. Next person watches Anime from one siting.
  23. Actuelly there are greater chances for me to fall for something unhuman than for human as I am not really fan of human kind especially 3D ones, so yea as long as it is intelligent being yes.
  24. False, I used to drink coffee all the time but now I am more of a tea person as I have problems falling asleep I usuly avoid drinking strong coffee and I don't like light coffee. Next person favorite food is meat.
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