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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Artificial insemination? Cloning? And thouse that are still not possible but will be moust likely in next faw decades like moving consciousness or stoping ageing?
  2. You are so narovminded. Human race has survived as a species becouse it defiend nature and "normal" and created tehnology. When we found a way to build houses we stoped living in caves. And nobady talks about ideal world with no diseases, and no one wants for anything I am talking about ideal world where mayority of people are not idiots and animals and where they finaly learn to use intelligence.
  3. Well isn't that obvius? If you like porn you are a pervert. Oh and by the way perverts who are openly defending "their way" frustrate me to no end too.
  4. Where did you goten an idea that I watch porn or that I am finding anyone sexyaly attractive please tell me? Didn't you read in my post that I have apsolytely none interest in sex. You do know that there are people who don't have sexual needs right? Or did you persuaded yoursef that everyone do and that it is "normal" or something? Nature=instinct Fallowing instinct=Animals Animals=No inelligence or self consciousness inelligence is dyfing nature, becoming above it. I am not pretending that it dosen't happen I am poiting out misstakes that it does happen while in ideal world it shouldn't. As for you "fact" it is wrong becouse sex can have anyone, 2 total strangers can have sex that don't know anything about each other and don't have any fealings for eatch other. Intimacy is something you get by shering feallings and sex dosn't have anything to do with fealings it is just an urge an instinct.
  5. Sharin no Kuni is greatly wining in votes so Sharin no Kuni it is. Thank you all for helping me decide.
  6. If VNs exist becouse of H-scenes then why do we have so many all-ages VNs? (Or at least Japan does). well I don't have much nerves to deal with this topic anymore so I will just say one more thing. I would be greatefull if we really did "have such a great variety in choices" but we don't as not all VNs have an all-ages editions nor do all of them have an option to turn of a H-scenes. Not even to mention that we who don't speek Japanese have even less of a choise.
  7. I haven't watched spartakus but Game of thrones is closer to echii then to H-scenes. As for me being Prude when it comes to sex I guess I could be called that as I have no intrest in sex and I hate perverts more then anything in a world, for me they are not even worth being called intelligent beings they are noting but animals falloving their inctincts. I can understand anything, people usuing drugs, geting drunk, fighting, killing, anything but perverts. Sex is nothing but inctict, and only animals fallow their instinct without question so people who do the same are no batter then animals. No they are even worse then animals as animals don't have a choise. And what are you talking about if something happens in a VN that I don't want to happen how can it not affect my enjoyment, it dosen't have anything to do with maturity. Thouse books that you are talking about are erotic books aren't they? As for your last steintment it is so wrong that I don't even know if you are serius. If you are just say it so I can write a moutein of proofs how wrong that steintment is.
  8. But is that really true only for VNs? Isn't the same true for any storytelling media? Be it that you watch an Anime or that you are reading a book you want to get into it, to put yourself into a role of protagonist. Don't writers of books, anime and movies also want you to put yourself in role of protagonist while reading/watching their work. So we now have you saying that VNs are different because they have something that other story telling media don't while what you are refering to other story telling media infact have too. And even if we put this aside there is still a point I made erlier about H-scenes not bringing more intimacy/romance into a story but do the oposite.
  9. I think that it is something that I would enjoy reading, for some reason it reminds me a little bit on G-senjou and I loved that one. Then again all above seems to be VNs that I would enjoy thats a reason why I can't decide what to read. Kana ~Imouto~ is a story about bro/sis romance witch is my favorite romance sub-genre + I only heard good things about it. Hanachirasu is a samurai style action witch i like, true I heard very little about it. Katahane seems like it is pretty unique/original story + it's shoujo-ai. Phenomeno, to be honest 20% of why I want to read that one is because it is a horror and 80% because heroine is an exact copy of Yukoo from Anime Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. I know not a strong reason to want to read a VN but still. Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star- well this one is obvious I heard so much about it and I want to give it a chance. Togainu no Chi story looks interesting and I wanted to give a chance to one of thouse shonen-ai VNs for some time.
  10. I had recently finished Ayakashibito and now I am in that kinda of loop when I just can't decide what to read next. I have quite a few VNs in my to read list, it's not that I don't have what to read I just can't decide which one to start reading next. I managed to narrow choice to 7 titles to put them on top of my to read list, but now I can't choose one of them to start reading. So I would appreciate (Again, that word -_- ) some suggestions. Thanks.
  11. Actually, I think that not being a pervert is better then being one, it's not a matter of taste. You say that you are not looking at them as porn, but still find them necessary and not only as a marketing tool, then I am interested to hear what you have to say about this post of mine that I made some time ago: That is only true in case of nukiges, in eroges on another case H-scenes are just like 1%-5% of them and there are simply people who want to read those other 95%-99% of them without those 1%-5%.
  12. All-ages I like that, and it seems as an interesting VN. Now only to wait for the more stable PS3 emulator.
  13. This one is both dark and cute, a dark loli kitsune
  14. He helped start this project that is a full translation, but that one is still ongoing and none patches from them are yet released. Interface patch was done by some other guy who is not present here and you can find his site/page true VNDB. But my suggestion is that you should wait for this one to be done as Rusanon said interface patch alone is kinda meaningless. PS: True to tell the truth, I myself didn't know that project that Clephas started and the one that Rusanon is working on right now are one and the same up till now.
  15. There is no really good and evil in this anime, it's more complicated than that. I myself watched it only because of the recommendation of a guy who has very similar taste as me and I loved it in the end.
  16. You can play them in any order you want, true, I would suggest Ever17 as in my opinion, it is better than remember11 and I haven't read never7 yet.
  17. If you are referring to the guy who made interface he said he just copied the names of items from wiki. But the way you put it, is confusing, I can't tell if you are referring to the guy who made interface patch or group that is working on partial. I don't believe that group working on patrial is using google translate.
  18. I don't know how can people think that H-scenes are adding anything to the romance, for me they do the opposite they only destroy romantic feels. It is true that that is a way how it usually happens in real life, but in a real life romance or true love doesn't exist in a first place so I don't see why would you try to bring a story about love closer to the RL where true love doesn't exist. For me it is precisely a reason why I love romance genre in anime/VNs so much that it is a story about a love that is far greater than RL could ever offer. As I see it the only reason H-scenes are there is to bring perverts into VNs and to increase sales, everything else are just excuses made by perverts who want to see some porn. Or people who come to believe in those excuses.
  19. The group here is making the full translation they are not the one that made an interface patch, so you might try asking on a page of people who made it, There was already something said there about an update v1.03 that fixes some crashes.
  20. I think you will like this song PS: I don't know if you are really kidding or not, but I do agree that 99%+ of people in this world deserve nothing but painful death, true, I would use them rather than dispose of them if I had that kind of authority, after all we do need someone for physical labor and stuff like that.
  21. I would start changing the world, I would erase equality from existence and create a system where the more intelligent person is, the more privileges s/he gets while unintelligent people (Average low and below) would be only able to do physical labor. I would put most of the world founds in science since technology is what is changing the world most and the biggest goal would be moving human consciousness into computers and that way gaining evolution from humans into immortal digital beings. Criminals sentenced to death would instead of simply being executed be sent to be test subjects for scientists. And everyone would be required to take drugs for hemical castration every 3 mouths with the exception of the time when they want to make a child and they would have to get a license for that. People with an IQ above average would be able to gain that license twice in their lives while others only once.
  22. One project that is still active and not on a list is a project that I myself am part of Akai Ito, last update around less than month ego Translated: Lines 6260/32121 Scripts 126/602 Procents 19.5%/100% Edited: Lines 6260/32121 Scripts 126/602 Procents 19.5%/100% . And there are qute a faw that are not as much active but not officialy dead eather like Dracu-riot!, Aiyoku no Eustia etc. Should I make a list of them so you can add them or we are not puting them?
  23. Since you decided to use VNTS should I try finding the ones that are missing there? Or do you plan to leave it at just the ones that are there?
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