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Posts posted by ittaku

  1. Not a bad summary, but you left out a massive reason they're not very profitable - piracy. People feel a sense of entitlement to porn, and also a degree of guilt with buying porn, so they pirate it instead. It's estimated there are 10x as many pirated copies of eroge compared to the number of units sold. Add a section of the community that is toxic and encourages piracy or discourages purchasing because they have some personal beef, and you've got a clusterfuck right there.  Whilst pirating is rife in all media areas, eroge seems particularly bad, which makes it much worse when the profit margins are so slim now.  VN translation is not a good business model, and virtually all the Western localisers do it because they're passionate about the medium, and most of the staff accept relatively poor pay for the same reason.

  2. 11 hours ago, minamichita1 said:

    okay, i might be necroing this but... here goes:

    is ruuko

      Hide contents

    an alien or not? the epilogue implies she's the person whom takaaki came up with when lying to karin, but then again she does remember her time with him before returning and isn't against being called ruuko so uh... could this be 'ruu''s doing? she did say that she could no longer be a 'ruu' near the end of her route and would become an 'uu' to be with takaaki or something along those lines.

    nonetheless, her route was pretty enjoyable for me, one of my favorites in the game even

    Good question. Unfortunately the correct answer is


    It's meant to be ambiguous and left up to the reader to decide. There's no reference to supernatural stuff in the epilogue, so it could easily have been Takaaki having delusions, dreams, misinterpretation, misremembering, illness based confusion etc... or it could have all been real.


  3. Almost none work natively on linux. Many will work with WINE under linux, but they almost always need some kind of massaging to work properly. Unless you have a bit of familiarity with doing this, it's going to be a massive learning curve to get them working. (I do all my VNs  with wine under linux, but some take a lot more effort than others to get working, and I'm an experienced software engineer.)

  4. On 10/20/2022 at 4:06 PM, adamstan said:

    I continue Clover Day's - yesterday I landed a few scenes past the OP movie. So far it is amazing - it actually exceeds my expectations. While it uses lots of common tropes, so far they seem to be well executed, and it simply just "clicked" for me :)

    I laugh heartily on comedic bits, while emotional moments (mostly in flashbacks) made me shed a tear or two. Heroines are cute and likeable (well, apart from that annoying brat Izumi :P - but she's funny in her own way), and there's strong "Group of friends" vibe present :) What's more, many side characters also have sprites, which makes the world feel much more "lively" - the lack of those was what bothered me the most in the otherwise great Aonatsu Line for example.

    So yeah, there's the potential for great charage/moege here. Let's hope they don't mess it up in the routes ;)

    And good luck for NekoNyan with their upcoming English version :) Actually I remember watching the progress of @astro's FanTL project, and I was really disheartened to see it stalled. While in the meantime some things changed - namely, I got more inclined towards all-ages versions and learned enough Japanese to attempt to read untranslated VNs - which ultimately made me go with the Vita edition ;) - I'm still very glad that this got picked up for official release :)

    BTW, does anyone have some route order recommendations? Guide at seiya-saiga lists them in order Anzu -> Anri -> Hikaru/Hekiru twins -> Tsubame -> Izumi.

    Glad you're enjoying it; it's my favourite VN ever with just the right balance of moe, comedy, and a hint of naki.

    I would suggest two alternatives:

    Hekiru/Hikaru->Tsubame->Izumi->Anri->Anzu, or

    Hekiru/Hikaru->Anri->Anzu->Tsubame->Izumi (my preferred)

    for plot reasons, depending on which is your favourite pair of girls (as they are paired routes) and whether you want to do them last.

    As for the sex, the game has a great deal of sexual innuendo outside the H scenes so if anything the AA version is very heavily cut; not the other way around. The game was written as an adult game to begin with and then modified for an AA version.

    Disclaimer: I'm the translator for the official localisation with NekoNyan.

  5. 1 minute ago, HataVNI said:

    I think the solution is to still keep doing the project in the role of an advisor and project overseer, but trying to get some other ppl to work on them if you are too busy to do that. Having the routes entirely untranslated it is maybe a bit mean for those who do want to experience them. You don't have to do them by your own hand, but maybe we should aim to be able to reach completion somewhere down the line. 

    @Clephas considering you think it is one of the best Nakige would you be willing to operate as a TLC for a potentially additional project if Ittaku does not want to do that on his own?
    After all, Ittaku didn't outright forbid - and how should he do so - for others to complete the project. I think?

    I have absolutely no objection to someone taking what's done and completing it; that was always the plan to begin with but the number of fan translators is thin on the ground, and none have followed through in the past. Why would that be any different now?

  6. 46 minutes ago, Narcosis said:

    People have the right to speak against a fan translation, where fan translator's sole decision upon not translating said routes conveys to arbitrary fan elitism. A good translator translates everything - as it was meant to be - so people can experience the entirety, both good and bad and deduce their own opinions. Omitting the bad parts is basically manipulating the fanbase to build a faux image of a game in the vein of a person who translated it. I personally find this kind of behaviour - regardless of initial good intentions - incredibly deplorable and hurtful towards the original creators; it's one thing to have opinions and another to push them forcefully upon others.

    In other words - who do you think you are to decide what's in the best interest of other fans?

    I'm not. I'm the only person who could be bothered translating this game so I get the right to choose to translate whatever I want, and express what I like about it or not since that's my opinion. I am not obliged to do any fucking thing at all as a fan translator. You can take it or leave it.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Riku said:

    The VN's worth is Miyabi's route. As long as it's translated, everything is fine. 😛

    Like, seriously, the route is just so well structured and Miyabi is such a good character (+Liida!). I'm glad people will be able to play it!

    Special mention to Shino who has one of the most memorable and romantic H-scene I've ever read. Still remember her dialogue to this day, 5 years later.

    Now the question is: should I replay Miyabi route in English? 🤔

    Miyabi's is a great route, but Lida also shines in it, alas suffering from the lack of her own route. I cried the most in Shino's route though.

  8. Recommended order: Any, but suggest doing Yuuna last.


    Left - branch school (Yuuna)
    Right - main school (Miyabi, Tonoko, & Shino)


    I'm worried about Kazamatsuri Miyabi
    ...wanting to help her

    I sigh at the ongoing meeting.
    ... wanted to ask her something.
    laughing incredulously that I might oppose them.

    I sigh at the ongoing meeting.
    ... smile and walk down the hill.
    laughing incredulously at how powerless I am.


    I'll ignore them for now.
    Lay here a bit longer.
    Resign myself to my cheap instant noodles.
    Go it alone.
    Love between parent and child never changes.
    Ask Aizawa herself.
    Obviously she's speaking from experience.
    Wait for Aizawa to show.
    Ask her about Miss Infomercial.
    Ask about Aizawa and Nire's acrimony.
    Stay here a while longer.
    Don't interrupt their harmonious gathering.
    Leave her alone.
    What's that woman's relationship to Hashiba?
    Use roundabout tactics!
    Casually interrupt them.
    Follow Nire.
    Ask Hashiba if she'll participate.
    - Next choice doesn't change route outcome.

  9. Yuuna and Miyabi routes playthrough proofreads complete. No more outstanding bugs are obvious. I've committed quite a few proofread typo fixes, and alas there will probably be quite a few that still make it to the final, but overall it's pretty solid now. Tonoko's route was proofread in the lead up to this so it doesn't need proofreading. A quick play-test shows it works fine to the end.

    That leaves only doing a playthrough proofread of Shino's route, and I can then finalise the patch for release. That should hopefully be done within a week, barring finding any new bugs.

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