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Everything posted by Yukiru

  1. Technically links to pixiv and possibly discussion, who knows. Hisona My #1 favorite, his works are kinda sloppy, but I think that suits me just fine. Henki I like his style, specially the hair, looks so retro. Unidentified Kanji #1 His works can be pretty smooth. I should just go study Japanese Really good wallpaper material. Yurami something He's pretty cool too. 6 Probably my second favorite. ksw He draws Accelerator, and he does a really good job. hakusai For Miku fans out there. I can read this much, but... what a pain to write down I just fell for his Seiba Hakuri For more Vocaloid. More annoying kanji You'll find at least one picture to your liking. Blah blah blah Not Touhou, nor Vocaloid, what a hipster. bon Really cool. An2A This guy's works are gorgeous. tecoyuke They're so cute. kazeharu Another one of my favorites. Narota No Touhou here either. maru Not many works, but he's latest work is great. I won't even bother trying Do it for KagePro guys. Yu His works are trully cute, this is another one of my favorites. Blah blah blah #2 He's works are pretty smooth too. *Yawns* See for yourselves. Panchi This guy is a feast for the eyes. Alright, this took me a while, so there might be a little mistake on a link somewhere. Also, I do not take any responsibility for NSFW content coming from one of these links, almost of them are safe, but Pixiv is a place where you can turn NSFW on and off, so yeah. The only one who's enough of a pervert to warn you would be the "*Yawns*" one So, what are your favorite Pixiv illustrators? Do you even use Pixiv? I'm told it's not used that much.
  2. I don't understand what is so complicated about it, humans are the same at their core, they care about themselves not out of instinct, even when they are helping others they are doing it for themselves.
  3. Oh, I came here to post, but saw that I already did, anyway, I changed my mind, favorite one is now from Inu x Boku SS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by9NgTbgmTw
  4. There's the cutest picture thread already, though. Posts there are also counted... I wonder if lolis posted there will be moved here, I'll go and see what happens.
  5. ARENA 01: Momo Belia Deviluke [shokuhō Misaki] ARENA 02: Yukihira Furano [Tobiichi Origami] ARENA 03: Azuki Azusa [Dekomori Sanae] ARENA 04: Chitanda Eru [Takanashi Rikka] ARENA 05: [shiomiya Shiori] Kurousagi ARENA 06: Kuriyama Mirai [Abstained] Laura Bodewig ARENA 07: Yūki Asuna [Abstained] Yatogami Tōka ARENA 08: Nyarlathotep [Yoshino] ARENA 09: [shirakiin Ririchiyo] Haqua du Lot Herminium ARENA 10: Yui [Abstained] Himeragi Yukina ARENA 11: [Yūki Mikan] Chocolat ARENA 12: Nōmi Kudryavka [Takanashi Tōka] ARENA 13: Charlotte Belew [Yukinoshita Yukino] ARENA 14: [Roromiya Karuta] Yaya ARENA 15: Tokisaki Kurumi [Nibutani Shinka] ARENA 16: Aoyama Nanami [Abstained] Kuroyukihime ARENA 17: Kirigaya Suguha [Natsume Rin] ARENA 18: [itsuka Kotori] Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko ARENA 19: [Kozakura Marry] Ikkyū Tensai ARENA 20: Haruno Hime [Abstained] Momoki Run ARENA 21: [Konjiki no Yami] Victorique de Blois ARENA 22: Hasegawa Kobato [senjōgahara Hitagi] ARENA 23: Makise Kurisu [Misaka Mikoto] ARENA 24: Hirasawa Yui [Abstained] Kirishima Shōko ARENA 25: Shana [Nakamura Yuri] ARENA 26: Kasugano Sora [Abstained] Kashiwazaki Sena ARENA 27: [Yui-nyan] Aragaki Ayase ARENA 28: [illyasviel von Einzbern] Nakano Azusa ARENA 29: [iwasawa Masami] Charlotte Dunois ARENA 30: Yuzuriha Inori [Aisaka Taiga] ARENA 31: [Oshino Shinobu] Sengoku Nadeko ARENA 32: Kōsaka Kirino [Eucliwood Hellscythe] ARENA 33: [shiina Mashiro] Honma Meiko ARENA 34: Tōwa Erio [Last Order] ARENA 35: [Nagato Yuki] Tachibana Kanade ARENA 36: Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) [suzumiya Haruhi] ARENA 37: Mikazuki Yozora [saber] ARENA 38: Akiyama Mio [Abstained] Katsura Hinagiku
  6. Will there be an actual discussion here? Like, I generally liked lolis as characters but, and later liked their designs, but why is it that lolis tend to be that kind of character? I mean, there's a certain thing in a loli's personalty that makes it clear she's a loli at heart, I wonder if it makes sense.
  7. Yukiru


    I always found it funny how bishounen are visually similar in shoujo manga.
  8. Watching Black Lagoon, I kinda get the Cowboy Bebop vibes all over.
  9. I would tell you to go for the manga, it is great, characters can die at any moment, but it is not something overused like in titles like Shingeki or Akame ga Kiru, so it makes for nice suspense. Also, the amount of insanity in the manga is just, damn, white Kaneki is too much, and white Kaneki ver 2 is way too much. The other guy (Juuzo, I think) is also incredibly insane, and there are also moral characters like Amon that make up for the lack of morals in other characters and give a nice contrast. I would totally recommend the manga.
  10. 1- Yuubana Mayuki, for entertainment purposes, not to mention her ability to lie her way out of trouble. Who am I kidding she's my waifu, that's all there is to it. 2- Illyasviel Von Einzbern, a powerful merciless and sadistic magician, yet another loli for some reason. 3- Hisui, I need a maid, she's not a loli, but she sure is flat. 4- Kohaku, I need another maid for what Hisui lacks, and well, *spoiler* 5- Itsuka Kotori, coming from LN, but DaL got a VN so there should be no issue, I need a commander for my operations, I can't have Kohaku as commander after all- yet another loli. 6- Tohno Akiha, yes, I know- too much Tsukihime, but it isn't my favorite just for showing. I've always liked her *spoiler* they are truly overpowered. 7- Kirigiri Kyouko from DanganRonpa, For the sake of mystery. Having characters like Archer from Fate, felt like cheating, and having someone from a work I haven't read like Aoko also felt wrong. I made do with the last two, but meh, they are still cool.
  11. 見る - みる - See How convenient of you Nosy.
  12. It was a special ability of that one avatar, and by that time Akihito wasn't in a comyu. Special camouflage was it?
  13. ARENA 01: Yaya [Natsume Rin] ARENA 02: [Nōmi Kudryavka] Kuriyama Mirai ARENA 03: [Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko] Shiomiya Shiori ARENA 04: Yukihira Furano [Yukinoshita Yukino] ARENA 05: Charlotte Belew [Abstained] Aoyama Nanami ARENA 06: Chocolat [Nibutani Shinka] ARENA 07: [itsuka Kotori] Nyarlathotep ARENA 08: [Takanashi Rikka] Dekomori Sanae ARENA 09: Yui [Abstained] Kirigaya Suguha ARENA 10: [Chitanda Eru] Laura Bodewig ARENA 11: Yatogami Tōka [Roromiya Karuta] ARENA 12: Kuroyukihime [shokuhō Misaki] ARENA 13: Yūki Asuna [Momo Belia Deviluke] ARENA 14: [Yoshino] Tobiichi Origami ARENA 15: Haqua du Lot Herminium [Takanashi Tōka] ARENA 16: Tokisaki Kurumi [Azuki Azusa] ARENA 17: [shirakiin Ririchiyo] Kurousagi ARENA 18: Himeragi Yukina [Yūki Mikan] ARENA 19: Kuroha Neko [Abstained] Ryūgajō Nanana ARENA 20: Suō Amane [Abstained] Kagari ARENA 21: Kashiwazaki Sena [Abstained] Tōwa Erio ARENA 22: Charlotte Dunois [saber] ARENA 23: [Nakamura Yuri] Kōsaka Kirino ARENA 24: [Konjiki no Yami] Mikazuki Yozora ARENA 25: [shiina Mashiro] Senjōgahara Hitagi ARENA 26: Aragaki Ayase [Oshino Shinobu] ARENA 27: Nakano Azusa [iwasawa Masami] ARENA 28: Yuzuriha Inori [Honma Meiko] ARENA 29: [Misaka Mikoto] Kasugano Sora ARENA 30: [Last Order] Hirasawa Yui ARENA 31: Victorique de Blois [Eucliwood Hellscythe] ARENA 32: Yui-nyan [suzumiya Haruhi] ARENA 33: Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) [illyasviel von Einzbern] ARENA 34: [Makise Kurisu] Shana ARENA 35: [sengoku Nadeko] Hasegawa Kobato ARENA 36: [Tachibana Kanade] Katsura Hinagiku ARENA 37: [Nagato Yuki] Aisaka Taiga ARENA 38: [Akiyama Mio] Kirishima Shōko
  14. over 15, 000 times. It is boring, no denying that- not the most boring thing ever, though, Kyon's narration can make it enjoyable when he says something he hasn't already said- but it is because it's boring that it's good, we could pretend we understand Nagato after skipping endless eight, but after experiencing a little of what she did, we're closer to understanding what is it that drives her to change so drastically. And come on, for every anime out there there has to be a swimsuit episode, Endless Eight has 8 of them! Ain't we lucky? It's also a reconstruction, we got the same cliches but given to us by the Haruhi universe's eccentricity, we get the bon festival, the fireworks, the pool episode, the stargazing, the going shopping, and of course the time loop cliche, but instead of a wrapping it all nice and pretty, they do something completely different, that's pretty much what defines Haruhi.
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