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Everything posted by Yukiru

  1. Cute avatar, that's my way of saying welcome.
  2. UBW is just the best food my fanboyism can feed upon. Still, I don't want to see everyone die... why do you do this Kinoko?!
  3. Playing a genre you don't frequent is pretty cool, it makes for a good time.
  4. Hey there, you like nakige over other genres?
  5. Would you add "nyaa" to your sentences whenever possible if you were asked to?
  6. Your avatar brought quite a bothersome memory... tch. Anyway, welcome to the forums, I hope you like it here.
  7. Welcome to the forums, I see you like Type-Moon, good good.
  8. So I'm up to date on almost everything I was interested in. Akatsuki is, well, I'll drop it; Twintails is cool, fairly funny, fairly cute, a good moe comedy; Amagi is pretty cool, it surpassed my expectations; Terraformars... well, I'l probably drop it in one or two episodes. There's Kiseijuu too, that one is my favorite one so far, followed by Log Horizon and UBW. I still need to watch the TRIGGER anime, and sora no method, but I have second thoughts on the TRIGGER one.
  9. Your favorite classic mystery novel?
  10. I knew you voice was too girly to be a man's.
  11. Should probably get a pinker signature

  12. That manga info, is it told how much time has passed since the events on the first series?
  13. I'll be hanging out for once, I'm proud of you Yukirun!

  14. Did you put a cuter Kaguya because I put a cute Tewi?
  15. They might pull a second season of the manga, though. I think this thread's name should be changed to Naruto discussion now. At least the content is constantly bad.
  16. Source? You might as well create a thread for the news, seeing how trollish both endings were. I mean, please do it.
  17. It's a matter of setting a date and making fuwa proud. You have my bow. But seriously I suck. I'm free next weekend by the way.
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