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Everything posted by Zenophilious

  1. Dunno. Maybe? Pretty sure it's also in F/sn. I know at least the "it feels so good I could vomit" originated from F/sn. Gotta give a hand to the writers, they really worked hard to make a romantic atmosphere. [/sarcasm]
  2. Yep. 35/49.99 GB is uncompressed audio. I quote from Eurogamer: "Respawn lead engineer Richard Baker told Eurogamer this was to do with the developer engineering the game's data to work with less capable machines. In short, Titanfall reserves a decent proportion of CPU time for audio decode. By having uncompressed audio, the game runs faster for those using slower systems." Don't really get why you'd be getting a next-gen game if your computer is that slow, but whatever. Not planning on buying it any time soon, so I can't complain.
  3. Now, if you want terribly narrated h-scenes, read Fate/stay night. The narration completely ruins the mood in most of them. Really, I think in one point one of the heroine's lady parts are compared to seafood, and in another one Shirou says that the sex "feels so good he could vomit". Not joking.
  4. Don't know even a single guy that hasn't had a random boner at some point in their life. It's not too hard to hide as long as you don't have to get up, just cross a leg or put a book in your lap.
  5. Not saying that it isn't, but...Jesus, certain parts of it are really, REALLY fucked up. I see what you did there ;D
  6. I hope your body is ready. Apparently Saya no Uta freaks people out. Won't spoil anything, but it's pretty messed up.
  7. Wow, I guess a lot of people didn't like it if Michiru got retconned. Devs don't usually want to mess with what they set as canon. Uhhh...what? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Yuuji doesn't even seem to be an abusive/angry person so far. Not saying that you're wrong, but what the hell. Not even in line with his character. That's got to be some extremely lazy writing.
  8. It's really that bad? Bummer, I was kinda looking forward to it. Oh well.
  9. Not sure if I asked this before, but how is Michiru's route? I'm starting to like her character a little more now that I can see she's not entirely empty-headed.
  10. I fucking hate my neighbors. Sorry if I'm coming off too angry, but I just can't help it. They used to constantly make noise at 12-3 AM (like blasting music, screwing around with girls in their driveway, or working on one of their many cars and revving the engine), but even after they stopped that, they still leave trash all around their yard, which blows over into our yard because they don't pick it up, the youngest boy throws random crap over the fence and into our yard for fun and steals lemons from our tree, and they also park in the fire lane by our house, which also prevents us from putting our trash bins out. They decided a while back to kick all of their cats outside, and two of them have been killed and eaten by coyotes (we live in a semi-woodsy area compared to the rest of the city, and coyotes are pretty common here). That was what made them irredeemable in my eyes. Anyone that knowingly puts their pets in that kind of danger is a terrible person.
  11. At least I didn't fail pathetically, just miserably. Making a half-assed attempt is better than a quarter-assed attempt.
  12. Wait...Tsukihime is longer than Fate/stay night? O.O Wow. If that's true, I'll think I'll move it lower on my to-read list. I need a break from long VNs for a little bit.
  13. There's another thread exactly like this one that was made recently? I looked back a couple pages, but I couldn't find one. I made some effort to avoid having the mods merge this thread with another, so...
  14. Everyone gets interested when they hear that breasts are involved xD
  15. Oh, dear God, I remember Misery. That was one disturbing book. It was good, for sure, but Jesus Christ, Stephen King is one twisted man.
  16. It also heavily relies on the team captain not being a troll/noob/flamer. Part of the reason I had to wait 30 minutes was that I kept getting booted by the captains because I was trying to play Annie Mid. Got booted from 3 games in under 5 seconds each time. Think I set some kind of record.
  17. I gotta admit, Speaker for the Dead was the best of the sequels. The others didn't exactly have the same feel of Ender's Game very well, and the weird sci-fi stuff in Xenocide and Children of the Mind. If you liked the original series, then you'll probably like the Shadow Saga (aka Bean's series). It explains how Peter consolidated all the power of Earth and took control, and also fleshes out Bean and Petra and several other characters. Not important in regards to Ender's story, but still worth reading.
  18. I'm guessing that I'm probably gonna accidentally necro a thread via having my thread merged with another old one, but I thought I might as well try. What are your favorite books, and why? I love The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It was rather hard to read the first time through, but I love the dynamic between the father and the son, and the writing style is so bleak that it matches the book's setting. It's a horribly depressing book, and is fairly disturbing in its content, but the bittersweet ending made my cry again and again. Great book. Next favorite is technically a series, but whatever. I've been obsessed with the A Song of Ice and Fire series ever since I read A Game of Thrones. I love the setting, I love how most of the characters are in shades of gray, and I also appreciate the fact that it's technically realistic fantasy. Never really read a fantasy book where people were terrified of magic and avoided it at all costs. I find it rather refreshing. I wish there was more realistic fantasy out there. Last one I can think of, off the top of my head, is Ender's Game. Didn't really like its sequels, but the first book was golden.
  19. Yeah, it bummed me out a little, since now I have no free option to stream Netflix on my Wii in case I don't want to continue getting Xbox Live. It makes sense, though. No point in continuing WiFi service for a console that's not generating any profit.
  20. Anyone else tried out Team Builder yet? It took a long time for me to find a match (around 30 minutes), but still, the people actually knew how to play their roles. It was amazing.
  21. Sadly, most of my friends wouldn't be very interested unless I told them that a lot of VNs have h-scenes in them, so if I wanted them to try them out, I'd say something along the lines of "interactive story with h-scenes and background music and art. Did I mention that they have h-scenes? Boobs." Now, if I was talking to people other than my fairly perverted friends, I'd say something like, "they're essentially choose-your-own-adventure books, but with art in anime style. Some of them are voiced, but almost all of them have background music at all times. They're well-known for dishing out feels and having very well developed storylines."
  22. Oh my God, I just remembered the endings to FLCL and Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. I seriously thought I was watching an edited version of the episodes that were made to troll people. Unfortunately, that was not the case either time.
  23. Really? That's the first I've heard of it. Oh well, at least someone is making an effort to do it. I guess I'll wait until the fandisc is translated to play through Mare's and Yume's routes.
  24. Well, I try my best to not experience or see a lot of violence (it's a little pointless, but I don't particularly want it in my life), and since I'm not very strong in the sense of not letting violence get to me, I'd have a very hard time adapting to it. If I lived in a pretty violent neighborhood, I'd have a lot of trouble with it, since crappy neighborhoods + anxiety disorders don't mix too well. I don't think I could live there and stay emotionally healthy. Sex is a different story for me. I wouldn't really have a problem if real sex was common on TV or in movies, or even if I regularly saw people having sex in real life. I'm not particularly prudish, so again, I wouldn't have much of a problem with it. I don't think sex and violence are equal in the sense of how they can effect people. Consensual sex between two consenting adults is normal and healthy, while violence has been proven to mentally warp people. I just have a problem with sex being publicly displayed because nobody should be forced to see something they don't want to see.
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