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Everything posted by Zenophilious

  1. Just passed the part where I could have locked into Makina's route...soooo depressing... I mean, I know some wealthy parents do that to their kids, but geez, she's pretty screwed up.
  2. Well, I think I've pretty much got all the parts decided on. I bought the monitor yesterday, since I wasn't sure how long they were gonna knock $40 off the price, but I've yet to buy the other parts yet, so if anyone has any last suggestions, now would be the time to do it. I know I've said this several times now, but really, I greatly appreciate all the advice and help you guys gave me. My friends definitely don't know as much as you guys do, and I'd have been fairly lost without your help.
  3. I get the common/heroine route details spoiling the story, but...how in Satan's glorious name could looking up the OST spoil the plot?
  4. SATISFACTION SHALL BE MINE! I googled "Grisaia common route" and managed to find out how close I was to finishing the common route without spoiling anything for myself. I don't think I've ever found anything like that out before without entirely ruining the game for myself...I'm in shock...
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. If you're wondering why I didn't pick those in the first place, frankly, it's because I don't know jack about building computers. Everything I know, little that I do know, I learned from my friends and the internet. I pretty much just sorted through the ones in the highest rating sections until I found a good price range for the ones that I had no idea about.
  6. It's fine. I'm capable enough to find other things to do until people reply to my posts. I would have been bored out of my mind ages ago otherwise xD If you want to talk stupid, ask me to do any part of math that's above Algebra 1. I'll happily hand you back a paper full of random marks and failure. I'm terrible at math, and I'm proud of it. That's what calculators are for, anyway. I understand about not saying where you live. I don't care if people know what country (and state) I live in because the odds of anyone actually tracking me down are so low it's not even worth trying to calculate them. That's just me, though. I'm not suspicious of people that are the opposite. I can still appreciate honesty, though, and I salute you for it, sir.
  7. Title pretty much says it all. Just list your favorite VN of all time. Mine...well, since I've read through the astoundingly high number of 3 VNs, would have to be Hoshizora no Memoria. I got pretty attached to almost all of the characters (Aoi, I will always hate you. ALWAYS), and the plot twists were great. I think I cried about 3-4 times playing through it; the feels were so strong, and I'm a crybaby when it comes to heartrendingly sad and bittersweet endings. I can't say anything about Mare's or Yume's routes, since I'm waiting until the fandisc gets translated, but I loved Asuho's, Kosame's, and Komomo's routes.
  8. Okay, managed to find a highly rated WiFi card for ~$20, and went for a 1TB HDD instead of a 2TB HDD. I realized it would be a waste of money, for me at least, because besides gaming, I won't be doing anything that'll eat up 1 TB of storage. It cut the price down to ~$1,350, which is a lot more manageable. If I need a bigger HDD, I guess I can just get one sometime in the future and just make do with the 1TB HDD. I also switched the video card to the Asus GeForce 720.
  9. The only wired connection we have is downstairs, and there's not much room for another computer there; I also have no choice but to put it in my room, and to get a wired connection I'd have to pitch in to have another phone jack activated. I also don't have a phone jack in my room, so that's pretty much impossible. I have to have WiFi or I don't get an internet connection.
  10. Don't worry, it says stories in general, not just VNs or just books. Your opinion is still important :3 *hug* Believe me, I've done much stupider things before. Don't feel bad about that.
  11. Okay, I followed Flutterz's advice and used PC Part Picker. Still not 100% sure if what I picked is good or works together; I'd very much appreciate it if someone could look over it and tell me what they think. If at all possible, I'd like to trim a bit off the price, as $1,500 is pushing it a little for my budget. Here's the PC Part Picker list, in case you missed it in my original post: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Zenophilious/saved/46pG
  12. I generally prefer a balance, but if I couldn't have that, I'd rather have character dialogue. I found The Lord of the Rings trilogy very hard to read because of Tolkien's obsession with describing every little detail of every setting; I ended up skipping most of the unimportant descriptions because if I didn't, I'd get bored and space out. I also adore character development, even if it's just one character's psyche reacting to traumatic events around them. I love learning about the character's mind and how it works, and seeing a mind change fascinates me. I also love feeling immersed in lore, though; my go-to example is the A Song of Ice and Fire series. It really feels like the world it's set in is real, at least to me, and that it already existed long before you started reading it, you just happened to start observing at the time the books began. Too little lore leaves the reader to question the legitimacy of the world, and too much bores them. I've had both experiences. It's hard to find the right balance of lore. Thanks for being honest about the reason behind this thread. I don't care if I don't get anything for it, I just like being helpful. I would have been a little put off if you'd disguised your reason for asking it, but since you didn't, I don't mind answering it at all.
  13. I once played Dead Space alone with all the lights turned off. Scared the living hell out of me whenever a corpse popped up and tried to eat me. I couldn't relax until I quit the game and turned on about 2/3 of the lights in my house. Perfect atmosphere for games like that.
  14. Really? Wow, I'm terrible at determining compatibility from specs, then. Thanks for the suggestion.
  15. How is Tsukihime, by the way? I'm going to get to it eventually, and I only really read the description of VNDB, so I'm a little curious about it.
  16. YES. I got to that part a few days ago, and I laughed so hard I almost cried. I expected some stupid super hero, but Tuna Man takes the cake for the stupidest super hero ever.
  17. Okay, edited my original post to include the motherboards I'm looking at. They're both compatible with the i5-4670K. They both have sound cards (I think), but I'm not quite sure about the CPU socket types. They're off by five, and I'm not quite sure what that means.
  18. Remember how I said I hated my neighbors? I decided that I'm going to report them to CHP every time they park in the fire lane in front of my house. So far they're 2 tickets for 3 calls. I consider it a major success.
  19. ^^^ One of the best VNs I've read so far. Great story, and the most of the characters are surprisingly deep. The fantasy elements in it feel a bit silly at times, but if it helps at all, just try to interpret what it symbolizes. Definitely a good VN to pick up.
  20. Oh, I forgot. Does the type of monitor really matter that much? I mean, I was gonna get an LCD monitor, but other than that, I'm not quite sure what I need. Also, would a water cooling system only really be a good idea if I have some extra cash to blow? It sounds a bit excessive to me.
  21. Thanks for the recommendations. I know pretty much nothing about hardware, so, really, I appreciate all the help I can get. I edited my main list, which is on Google Drive, and I'll replace the i7 on this list with the i5.
  22. Holy crap, dat necro post. I know this was posted earlier, but the Engrish part from Grisaia no Kajitsu had me laughing so hard. I seriously had to stop and take a breather so I could breathe normally again lol
  23. Okay, sorry for not replying for a while, I was camping for about two days, and I felt like death from lack of sleep when I got back. Generally, I think I'm going to stick with Steam. I have a few old GOG games, like Fallout 1-2 and Tactics, but that's about it. Right now, the most graphics-intensive games I know I'm going to play on the PC are Fallout 3, Skyrim, Mirror's Edge, Just Cause 2, and The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings. I'm almost sure to get more games, but those are the few right now that I know I'm gonna be playing that (I think) have decent graphics requirements. Most of the other games I have are indie pixelated games, or are games that I could pretty much run on a toaster, like The Binding of Isaac or Terraria. Also going to be playing League of Legends on it, but I doubt that'll be a problem. Outside of gaming, I'll be using my computer to surf the net, play a flash game or two, type documents, and read VNs. That's about it. I might dabble in coding, but nothing serious. I'll edit my original post to list the parts I'm looking at, and all the parts I have on my list. EDIT: A few friends of mine told me to pick the power supply and motherboard last, since the size and variation depends on the other parts I'm getting. They were stumped about the WiFi card and what monitor I'd need. I'm not sure if I'll need a water cooling system, and I don't know if I need extra fans, or how many I'll need if I do.
  24. Thought I might as well ask you guys for a bit of help, since I know next to nothing about building computers, much less gaming computers. I've had some advice from my more experienced friends, but I thought I might as well ask you guys here on Fuwanovel, too. Anything that this guide doesn't cover? I'm going to be building a gaming desktop around the price of $1.2-1.5k, and I'm hoping to make either a good medium-level computer or a low high-end computer. Is that viable? Any brands I should stay away from? My PC Part Picker List: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Zenophilious/saved/46pG I'll list the individual parts here if it's requested, but since I'm fairly lazy, I don't want to do that right now.
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