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Everything posted by Zebhra

  1. Im playing it through bluestack (android emulator for pc) just download fate\grandorder.apk and isntall it. Looks abit straightforward to me atm (you just select the cards of same color or the character you lvled the most and spam em) but ill stick to it till the end of the week atleast and then decide continue or drop.
  2. Who cares, already halfway through it with google translation Which means: getting bored
  3. I absolutly can not choose only 1, here is atleast three: 1) FMA Just and absolute must see. 2) Gurren Laggan If you didnt saw thisone, then you have no idea about magma in your veins. 3) Baka to test Both seasons need to be watched in one go, one of the best comedies evar.
  4. Confession: i decided...to ... do some researches... on nukiges Giff me three bestones you know, please
  5. Welcome Feel free to flood anywhere you want to, abuse the chat as much a possible and be carefull with posting loli pictures Enjoy your stay!
  6. Wow, this is actualy looking good...gonna try it..even though my japanese skills is around 10% google translation! i choose you!!
  7. Oh and i have my remark about votings too...Tina=Helga, Mel=Gerta....so someone trying to force Alice
  8. Dam, my mighty scores burned in the fire of time ...anyway tomorrow is 17th, so what are you prepared for us?
  9. Okay, next time i get depressed, i know who to blame
  10. Confession: Sometimes all those lucky guys and their cute and awesome girls in VNs makes me depressed
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoVBgk57mps Just saw the movie...youtubed the ost
  12. Confession: "view new contet" is blank, so..ressurect all the threads you want to!
  13. Is it fixed already and im late for the party?
  14. True. Im kinda...nerd...so i got PS3, NDS, 3DS and a PC, mostly using my PC though, ps to watch stuff (showtime) and 3ds for trips/aa games ^^ Next person thinks XboX sucks
  15. Confession:...i guess..i spent too much time on youtube....
  16. False. I prefer it in 2d, there is really not that much movies where 3d is justified, mostly it is just used to raise the price on the tickets. Next person already installed win 10 and love it so much <3
  17. Actualy no, this one Michiru's scene was actualy one of the best h scenes in all game. But i agree on how absurdly timing was choosen in her and Sach's routes...but they are in this school for reason, so lets just say they all are completely insane A few sidenotes: Yumiko- best girl Michiru - best route Nyammel - Best supporting character =^__^= Makina - smug-face of the century And no Chizuru on that picture makes me sad
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