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Everything posted by Mevvrynne

  1. I win. I hate you I hate myself I wish that image would disappear while I'm typing this reply.
  2. I seem to be arguing about logic with Steve when the game in question involves lolis. I will not win.
  3. I seem to remember talking about something called a "pso experience." Only one fits into that "experience."
  4. I don't watch a huge amount of movies unfortunately, but if there's one franchise I like it's the Mardock Scramble movies. I love cyber punk things like Ghost in the Shell, so it just kinda clicked with me (I'm not comparing them though).
  5. You ask what's on my mind? Not to quote Steve, but it's "lolis."

  6. Welcome to the forums, and I suppose you could call me the 4th person learning Japanese but I'm quite a few years into it already, I can at least grasp what's happening in an untranslated visual novel 95% of the time. Other than Little Busters what else have you tried or are interested in?
  7. Happy cakeday to Garajei and Benjamin Dean!
  8. The fact that your school has an anime club and mine doesn't makes me very jealous~ Why not go with something like "To bring 2D, to life." I'm not creative just go with that.
  9. This has to be the greatest reason for not being able to validate a walkthrough EVER.
  10. I like Terraria a lot more than Minecraft, it's pretty damn enjoyable.
  11. I have read through (japanese ones to the best of my ability), 47/50 of the visual novels listed here. The only 3 I have not read are ef which I plan on reading later this year, and the two I REFUSE to read, Kira Kira and School Days. Why? All of the characters in School Days disgust me, and all of the characters in Kira Kira disgust me.
  12. Finished both Soul Link and ShiniKiss (last night), and will be starting up Harukoi Otome to cross that off my list that way I can get into ef for the winter holiday.
  13. I would probably abandon everything on the day the episodes come out and run home faster than I ever have before. Even if I'm in a different city and my car breaks down, I would sprint full speed.
  14. Just wait for the fanbase to turn into giant fanatics like touhou fans and it gets a fanmade anime. Closest thing to an anime I think it will get~
  15. Returning to my DS version of Chrono Trigger, because it's still one of my favorite games of all time.
  16. If you don't like raking, take a lesson from this guy:
  17. You can never have too much Tsumiki I don't remember if I posted this one... And of course, nobody will be as awesome as Io
  18. So it's a matter of whether or not we should also host the games separate to the patches in addition to prepatched versions? If that's the case, I've got mixed feelings for it. As people have stated, Fuwanovel was made by Aaeru for western-localization of visual novels, that means in English, which the pre-patched version entails, it's an immediate shot into the game in English, most of the time without having to install the game also (which is GREAT). If people say they are having issues with the pre-patched version, there's a reason why we have a technical difficulties forum, it is there to help. But for the side that says I'm for it, I lean towards this side with the same thought I have towards options in video games, "more options, always better." I LOVE having even one additional option available to me, whether it is because of technical difficulties, or whatever other reason you might think of, it's just always nice to have that one little extra thing. The only real good way I can see the usage of this (at least in the future), is to host the .iso (or the game's equivalent) files before a patch is released, that way people can download the game and when the patch is released patch it themselves quickly without having to wait for the pre-patched. However, if that option takes place I think there should also at least be a "patching guide" added when the patch itself is released, that way people don't get too confused as to how to patch it themselves. And just to comment on the whole "lolprepatched" crap. Don't give into the bullshit that comes from the internet; what matters is how the community feels about it, not one person who doesn't understand basic human communication. There's my two cents.
  19. She's still an unbelievably adorable existence who continues to put a smile on my face though!
  20. The story for it sounds interesting, count me in.
  21. 3D moving image, may cause minor motion sickness:
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