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Everything posted by Mevvrynne

  1. -_-....I don't want to see that exam score....

  2. From what I remember, FF games have been sony console exclusives and PC for the MMOs (11 and 14). That includes the handheld PSP and Playstation Vita along with the larger playstation consoles. There were only a few that were ported to the nintendo portable devices but that was several years later. For the most part I do believe that the FF franchise will continue to be an exclusive on their consoles/devices, I mean if not that kinda kills the main reason I'm getting a PS4...
  3. My list remains more or less the same: Only additions would be: Witch Craft Works Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda Nobunaga the Fool Mikakunin de Shinkousei (maybe) Hamatora Pupa (again)
  4. I play them usually after a long playthrough of a separate video game or a long session of a multiplayer game, but mostly at night when I'm trying to relax crossing my fingers that hopefully I'll be able to sleep that night.
  5. Welcome to the forums~ I take it that since you liked Kira Kira you plan on going through the other Overdrive visual novels as well? Ones such as Deardrops (same universe as Kira Kira, but different characters) and Dengeki Stryker (awesome incarnate). Who doesn't love Komomo?
  6. Anxiety medication + depression medication + blood pressure medication = horrible insomnia the night before an exam....good life

  7. Sometimes...I just wish I was naturally good at calculus...

  8. Oh god no, I lost all feeling in my head after about half of it.
  9. I actually miscalculated the timezone nonsense and realized it will happen around 7:30 for me so I might be able to get on for while.
  10. I feel proud of myself for actually reading that entire thing.
  11. Ahahaha I saw that on imgur the other day, I couldn't even think clearly to see if it was real or fake.
  12. I've been told a lot of negative things about this, mainly how the heroines treat the protagonist. They tried to summarize the heroines as "variations of tsundere." To me tsundere is nothing more than a plus+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I don't have a doubt in my mind that I will like it~
  13. I am very irritated as to why I can't seem to comprehend this:
  14. Nothing...My mind is free of constraints...I am one with the cosmos...I am the whole...I am eternal...I am a pebble. Why did that brat throw me across a lake?

  15. I will definitely be unconscious then unfortunately, the class I have the next day is mandatory and I can't even be late or I will actually fail the class if I am without a good reason.
  16. I don't particularly care if it's a troll review, because the fact of the matter is most of the consoles that were sold were bricks to the people who bought them (both Xbox One and PS4).
  17. 2) Not even a choice. I don't need other people to rejoice at my existence, and I can always make a theme song for myself if I so desire. If I can enjoy the rest of my life without working or worrying about...well anything, then why the fuck not! 1_Gain $500.00 (or your regional equivalent) every hour for the rest of your life, and cause a blight of disease on a random country. 2_Lose 80% of your remaining lifespan and save a country currently blighted by disease and famine.
  18. See I have the original Xbox, didn't touch the 360, and I continued with Sony's consoles because there has been NOTHING wrong with them for me (I don't use PSN for anything so that whole credit card nonsense that happened didn't affect me). As soon as more games come out I'm getting the ps4 for any good exclusives (the final fantasy franchise for example) and for netflix on my big screen.
  19. Skyrim with texture and other graphic mods = the most beautiful fucking game ever.
  20. I will either be unconscious the entire day to prepare for my nightmarish week of classes, or be available all day, we shall see~
  21. maybe I should start writing a list of reasons not to buy a console, at least at launch or pre-ordering.
  22. I would substitute it for rockstar even though it tastes horrible compared to monster. What if Sioxz was forced to drink monster every day for the rest of his life.
  23. 1) because I don't get into enough fights to warrant having such skills as a fighter. Plus being decent opens the path to improvement! 1_Breath rainbows that when touched cause living creatures to burst into stars and confetti. 2_Shoot lava from your eyes (it doesn't burn you).
  24. I wouldn't have a dark master What if my house was haunted by the thoughts of everyone on Fuwa? (everybody's thoughts just miraculously get audible in my house)
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