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Everything posted by Mevvrynne

  1. Deus Machina Demonbane walkthrough started. Fully edited and submited~
  2. Time for me to revisit the Metal Gear Solid games!
  3. Deus Machina Demonbane Licensed by JAST USA Voice Patch (Imports PS2 Voices to the PC Version) VNDB Summary Arkham city is a bustling hub of commerce and industry, however it's also a center of eldrich lore: home to Miskatonic University, an institution of higher learning with one of the most complete libraries of arcane literature in the world. In the span of two generations the town was built up to the status of prestige it now has, an expansion helmed by the Hadou Group, an industrial complex and family dynasty currently run by the young Hadou Ruri. She pursues the peace and prosperity of Arkham diligently, against the forces of darkness threatening to plunge the city, and the world, back into a second dark age. Among the most sinister threats to Arkham City is the evil Black Lodge syndicate, led by the charismatic Master Therion. His nihilistic outlook shapes the group's destructive goals: with a circle of powerful sorcerers at his command, the potential for sowing chaos in the city is unmatched. Former Miskatonic University Magic Academy student Daijuuji Kurou knows little of grimoires, but what he does know terrifies him - enough that he left his university life behind, and now practices a failing detective business in the shelter of an orphanage in a quiet corner of Arkham. But just when he thought his Academy past was buried, it catches up with him and pulls him back into the dark shadows of the occult: Hadou Ruri herself appears at his door with an offer he can't refuse. The only way to combat the Black Lodge's growing magical power is to find, and retrieve, a grimoire with the power to activate the mightiest Machina of all: Demonbane. The quest to find this forbidden tome will change Kurou's destiny... forever. Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There are three main heroines, two of which have bad endings (they will be noted in their respective heroine guides). There is no restricted order of completion, so you may start with any heroine that you wish. The personal suggested route order for me would be Al Azif - > Hadou Ruri - > Leica. Route Guideline Al Azif Good Ending Happy/True Ending Bad Ending Hadou Ruri Good Ending Happy/True Ending Bad Ending Leica Leica Ending (There is only one ending) Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on Gamefaqs (created by as102) with some adjustments made by me.
  4. I can do a Deus Machina Demonbane walkthrough if there are no objections.
  5. I remember the Dreadsteed quest for warlocks back in vanilla....it was so epic, but I never want to do it again. But still, having to resort to the random items you came across is pretty damn funny, need to improvise when it's required.
  6. If I was part of the opposing army, I would lay down my arms and start yelling "MOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  7. The Clannad gifs....the Clannad gifs! Going to have to go read through it for the 5th time now. My behavior when I don't have any monster or coffee in the morning.
  8. But life is so short~ But in all seriousness, that is probably the only gif that has actually made me cry a little.
  9. Tales of Symphonia, when I was a kid was one of my favorite games (go on, criticize me). It was just so damn enjoyable. And I am disappointed with myself. I pride myself as a hardcore gamer, and I have yet to play Shadows of the Colossus
  10. Which boss from X-2? I beat the game a long time ago and when I was playing through I didn't think it was too difficult. I REALLY need to go back and play the first two diablo games. The first one I played was diablo 3 and I've been told it doesn't do the game justice compared to the first two. M'uru effectively made 4 major raiding guilds on my server disband. I can't possibly agree more that when you kill him for the first time, nothing can beat that feeling.
  11. I really like the moments in games where some characters that originally help you, then turn against you for their own reasons, but then later in the game you have the opportunity to save/spare their lives or kill/leave them to die. One of my favorite applications of this was from Metro: Last Light, where:
  12. I could not agree more that the Sending was a little eerie. And oh god yes, Karazhan was an unforgettable experience, especially the moment I got the Fiery War Horse on my shaman before Wrath came out . That moment, entering Rapture for the first time, that was one of the only moments in a game where I was actually speechless. No words could describe how incredible that was.
  13. I have no need for sleep! please let the night light work......
  14. Image not showing for me Sioxz, might need to change the host.
  15. Since I have contributed next to nothing to the forums (at least in my opinion), I figured I would ask everyone in general: What was your favorite moment (or if you have multiple, by all means say them!) from any video game you have ever played. Any video game can be used for your choice, whether it was an old school RPG, an MMO, a side-scrolling fighter/shooter, even text adventures or the really old school games like pong and asteroids, any will do! This topic may result in people posting spoilers for other games, I fully allow them to be posted. Just a warning. To start things off, mine was in World of Warcraft during the Burning Crusade expansion. There is a raid called Serpentshrine Cavern (some of you may remember it *wink *wink), and in that raid there were these jerk mobs that would mind control random people to attack the rest of the group. One of those mobs decided to mind control our guild/raid leader, who was a warrior at the time. In response to that, our mage decided to be a silly little dick and use a certain little spell called Polymorph on him. Now, people who had played WoW should know what Polymorph does, but for other's sake, Polymorph, when cast on a applicable target, would turn that target into an animal and keep them from using spells, abilities or even move at the will of the player/npc. Now what might be so incredible is what you are probably asking, well our raid leader being a warrior and all, has something called "Spell Reflect," which as the name suggests, reflected the first spell that he received back at the caster. While mind controlled by the enemy, our raid leader went into Defensive Stance (required to cast spell reflect), used Spell Reflect, and our mage, unbeknownst to him, cast Polymorph on our raid leader, just to have it reflected back onto himself, turning him into a silly little turtle for about 10 seconds. Just the chain of events that built up to that made our entire raid that night worthwhile. Go on and share any nifty (that's the word kids use these days right?) stories you have when you played any game.
  16. There are that many arcs......?
  17. Well it says girls, so technically you can post a female sheep doing a cute thing and it would still be considered relevant to the topic in my opinion.
  18. So it looks like in the options you can't set it where the audio will still play as you are in a separate window, but the scenes still play out while in auto-mode. That's a little unfortunate.
  19. Follow-up on homework killing: No, but it definitely causes more fatigue than anything I've ever done.

  20. I've seen it, and I was just annoyed by it. I couldn't follow what was going on very quickly and it was one of those "I just can't take this story seriously (at least on an anime scale)," moments.
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