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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. TFW you play Sm4sh and you were expecting to get enjoyment but end up being frustrated then try and win several times and lose 95% of the time and there's nothing you can do about it and you just end up with a ball of frustration that you can't get rid of because you're BAD. *inhale* Yeah, I revived this thread just for that.

  2. *Shiko looks to one side of the confession thread*

    Confession: I'm not sure what left/right means in politics. Which side is liberal and which side is conservative?._. 

    Confession: I'm not sure what left/right means in politics. Which side is liberal and which side is conservative?._. 

    Confession:  Neither do I.  I'm a Bernie Sanders fan but most of the details behind politics have always been muddy because I've never had faith in this kind of stuff to genuinely care about the everyday people.

    Confession: I'm not sure what left/right means in politics. Which side is liberal and which side is conservative?._. 

    Left is liberal, right is conservative.  Additionally, communists are far left and fascists are far right.

    Additionally there are nuances of meaning b/w left and right depending on the countries. And you can have a conservative left. Or a liberal right.

    For example from a french point of view, american democrats would be the right and republicans so far extreme right they're kinda off the spectrum.

    *Shiko looks to the other side of the confession thread*

    For example from a french point of view, american democrats would be the right and republicans so far extreme right they're kinda off the spectrum.

    Most likely because the Socialist Party is in power in France, and the American Democrats are a party which typically likes to straddle the Centre. So sure, it's easy to see why if you stand to the left, the Centre is to your right.

    Actually, it's kind of silly how we label politicians right or left in America. Even inside of the two major political parties you have those who are less inside and further outside than the supposed "norm" of the political spectrum. Most of them don't actually even understand how things in the world work in the first place, and are really just Ritchie Rich socialites who can get elected because of their bankroll or position in society.

    For instance, for all intents and purposes Bernie Sanders, a "left" Democrat, is pretty much somewhere between a socialist and a communist, basically meaning Government controls a lot to the vast majority of things needed in your life, redistribution of wealth, etc. As an example, Sanders would likely favor overhauling the so-called "Obamacare" so that it's even more extensive. What's hilarious is those who hate "Obamacare" also have been shown to not want money taken from Medicare, which is essentially socialized health care for certain people. Anyway, I actually think Sanders is the most sincere person running out of this farcical group of rich kid idiots, however he also strikes me as voting for a meme with his simplicity of how the world should be.

    And then you have Donald Trump. I have no fucking clue how to describe him in terms of being a Republican. There's a party who needs to shut up the idiots who have managed to grab control of the party and get their voices to the front of the media. Believe it or not, there are differences in the Republican Party. There used to be a term called Rockefeller Republican, where the group was conservative in the financial aspect but tended to be more liberal on social issues. Christine Todd Whitman was a good example of that. They've mostly been driven to silence or over to the Democrats.

    Generally speaking, your average American falls toward the center in one way or another, not agreeing with the all aspects of what the vocal majority of a party says they stand for. Which is why I weep at our collective sheepish idea of clinging to a two-party system.

    And then you have Donald Trump. I have no fucking clue how to describe him in terms of being a Republican.

    He's more like a Nazi than a Republican. Shit, even Bush didn't stoop this low.


    For example from a french point of view, american democrats would be the right and republicans so far extreme right they're kinda off the spectrum.

    Most likely because the Socialist Party is in power in France, and the American Democrats are a party which typically likes to straddle the Centre. So sure, it's easy to see why if you stand to the left, the Centre is to your right.

    Well if I was speaking from my own point of view the socialist party in france is pretty much centre-right in acts, especially since the state-of-emergency was declared :P

    But yeah as Valmore said it's not always a very sensical distinction anyway, it's more a historical thing. Things aren't simple enough that a linear spectrum with well defined boundaries for parties would work.

    Not saying I agree with him, but the idea of making a group carry a card isn't exactly new in America, as you have to register to be a Native American and they have Federal ID cards for it. 

    When did this become a politics thread?

  3. Confession: Today I met a girl that likes anime, has a similar political stance (far left), loves games in general (she loves Undertale which is my fav game this year), has a fun personality (at first glance anyways) and is also pretty cute. I also just found out she's single.


    Go go gadget ask her out!

  4. *listing romance anime list...finds Grisaia in it...cries... *

    And since i have no idea how romanitc anime works (like...is toradora romantic?....or i dunno...date a live?) i'll just wait for results and buy some teasures in meanwhile becase doki-doki stuff are always makes me mushy :yumiko:

    Just find an anime that has the romance genre and is interesting to you. You don't have to look so deep into it, find something you like.

  5. It seems like she is starting to share my ideas, but my other sister has started calling us sociopaths. 

    Naaaawwww, you aren't sociopaths, you're just misunderstood.

    Confession: I cannot watch porn anymore. Every time I see a girl doing a porn movie (specially those low budget ones) I start thinking that she is probably not enjoying anything of what she is doing even being forced to do it, what kind of things are going on through her mind, what happens once the camera is turned off, why is she there in the first place... and I can't keep watching. It didn't happen in the past because I never stop to think about those things but now that I do I can't watch anything anymore >_> fuck everything.:amane:

    I have a simple solution, watch hentai. Not real girls = No feelings = Problem solved.

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