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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. I had another strange dream today. So I think I broke something and for whatever reason, I needed to go somewhere to fix it. My brother was driving us to someplace and I was reading this book that had something to do with someone's life story or something, and apparently there were Instructions for how to fix a hydrogen peroxide bottle... which I guess I needed to fix... So we get to this place, which I assume to be a gas station, and my bro has to do some stuff, so we say our goodbyes and I pull out the peroxide bottle and... That's it... Nothing else...


    Again. My dreams make no sense.

  2. If you've clicked on this thread, you either don't know what the Fuwa Anime Club is and want some information, or are just curious as to what this thread entails.  Either way, here's what it is.


    The Fuwa Anime Club is a place where a group of people watch anime in a certain amount of time, which is usually around two weeks to a month depending on the length of the anime. During this period, they are free to discuss with each other about the anime.

    There are four types of cycles: We'll start with the Normal Cycle and the Seasonal Cycle. The Normal Cycle is where people vote on a genre they want the anime to be, then they can suggest anime of that genre for everyone to watch. The Normal Cycle goes like this:

    1. People vote on 3-5 or more genres they want the anime to be, depending on the amount of people participating.
    2. Each person can suggest one anime they want to watch or have watched as long as it has the genre that got the most votes, is 26 episodes or under, is not rated M and is not a sequel.
    3. All participants will vote on 5 randomly picked suggestions, with another voting option for every 3 people above 10.
    4. Everyone may discuss the anime chosen as they watch it and/or after they have watched it.
    5. Everyone can rate the anime on each of these aspects: Story, Characters, Sound, Art, Enjoyment and Overall.
    6. Repeat

    The Seasonal Cycle is similar to the Normal Cycle, but people suggest airing anime instead.

    After every three Normal Cycles, there will be a Mini-Movie Cycle where participants can suggest an anime movie to watch, it'll be the same as the Normal Cycle except with movies.

    There will also sometimes be a Special Cycle, where on certain months, people will suggest anime that fits the theme. (Like Horror anime in October)


    So, now that you know what the club does, I invite all who would like to join to watch anime with others at The Fuwa Anime Club!

  3. On 1/7/2016 at 8:21 AM, Turnip Sensei said:

    Does anyone have any ideas about what's good this season, because I haven't the slightest? There's not even anything that looks super interesting on the first glace.

    Also as I can't use the poll without voting in all categories, so I'll just say that my vote goes to Seinen.

    I still need to think about a little what we could do for Anime club, but I think that doing some sort of recruitment post/topic wouldn't be a bad idea. To get some attention and to explain it to those how might not realize what the Anime Club is.  

    Thankfully this post had been saved and I'm quoting a post that never existed in this timeline.

    I usually just bookmark anything that looks even a small bit interesting, then after a few weeks I'll drop a few and keep the ones that turn out to be good.

    Regarding the recruitment idea, I think that would probably be a good first step.

    It seems like Seinen has been picked so my recommendation for the Normal Cycle will be Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin

    And for the Seasonal Cycle: Boku dake ga Inai Machi

  4. I had a dream a while ago (don't even know how long), about everyone here on Fuwa. We were all on this spaceship or something and I decided we should have a party for some reason, I don't remember much, but I think we were fighting some kind of threat. At the end I think, Funya and Cyr got together for whatever reason, and I had a crush on Cyr too apparently so I was salty.

    I had another dream about that same universe today, where Cyr and Funya weren't doing so well. That and we had to exterminate these rat-like things that had some sort of disease.


    My dreams make no sense.

    lol, rain getting NTR'ed.

    Confession: I've had dreams about Fuwans before, but I forget what they were about now :nervous:.  

    That's funny that you dreamed about the same thing twice xD.  Were there any yaoi pairings on the spaceship? haha.

    I only remember us three really. I see that you and Rain have changed to matching Noragami avatars.

  5. I had a dream a while ago (don't even know how long), about everyone here on Fuwa. We were all on this spaceship or something and I decided we should have a party for some reason, I don't remember much, but I think we were fighting some kind of threat. At the end I think, Funya and Cyr got together for whatever reason, and I had a crush on Cyr too apparently so I was salty.

    I had another dream about that same universe today, where Cyr and Funya weren't doing so well. That and we had to exterminate these rat-like things that had some sort of disease.


    My dreams make no sense.

  6. Confession: I finished Majikoi. Now for my verdict. (Why am I putting it here? Because I don't wanna make a review or blog post with a giant wall of text.)

    9/10. It was very enjoyable, I like the friendship kinda thing, and the comedy was great too. I only had one problem with it.

    The serious choices could've been better. It was so easy to avoid the bad ends in all of the routes. The comedic choices were great, but most of the serious ones were not. I would've liked it if some were similar to Momoyo's route choices where you had to think about them.


    Protag turned into a total doormat during momoyo's route and chris' route was one of the biggest disasters I've ever read.

    Momoyo I wasn't exactly happy about either, which is probably why I failed the first time, because I just followed what choices I would make, not choices that would get senpai to notice me. The only reason I didn't rate it lower is because I felt that was just due to my preferences, and it didn't get in the way of me enjoying the route.

    May I ask what the problem(s) is with Chris' route?

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