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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. When I was a young I had a habit of just taking off my clothes. I grew up in a poor neighborhood in the Philippines and everyone was broke. So boys were just going shirtless all the time. Of course my poor innocent mind was like, "Hmmm I feel kinda different. I should take off my clothes too." The boys didn't mind since they were little kids too and didn't know much about sexuality. It went on for a while unnoticed since my parents are never home and I am always alone in my house. Also, people easily mistaken me for a boy since I didn't fix my hair and acted like a tomboy... I wasn't very feminine and got into fights a lot.

    Then one stranger came to me and asked if I should come with him (while I was naked). This is as we know it, a pedophile. Luckily a cop was in the area and arrested him and the cop called my parents. They were worried sick of what just happened and lectured me that I should keep my clothes on from now on. They bought me a full closet of dresses... as punishment?

    You were literally a female Gray Fullbuster. Amazing.

  2. Confession 3: I wish I could make friends here, but even on the Internet I'm too scared to make a first move and feel anxious because I might make myself look stupid and embarass myself.

    I know exactly how you feel :< I just can't start talking to people without a good reason for it.

    Can I join this club too?


  3. I've never had a bad relationship with my brother, who is 6 years older than me, and I don't have a sister either, so I'm not sure if I can help your situation. We bond over video games, even though I wasn't able to see him for most of my childhood. We usually don't talk too much, we each stay in our separate rooms, but when we do talk, it's around 30 minutes to an hour, and we joke and mess around with each other as well.

    I'd say the anime would be the better choice if you don't have much in the way of games. Though, when you can get games, co-op ones are probably your best bet. Like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes for example.

  4. Confession: I decided to come back a little earlier than planned. Turns out taking a break from Fuwa hasn't given me what I hoped it would. Considering how the number of people irl I can relate with, I started feeling a little bit lonely. I have managed to reconnect with a few people on FB, but they're mostly gamers that I met online. So I'm just about doing the same thing there as I was here, but with even fewer people. My irl friends have either moved away or won't respond to my messages. Kinda blows. :kosame:
    So yep, I'm back! I have at least made a little bit of progress, in that I have a few job applications in and I'm starting to sleep a little better. Turns out it's actually a lot easier to sleep when you wake up before sunrise. I started drinking decaf sleeping coffee too (it works really well). But in spite of all my efforts to de-stress myself, I still can't seem to get it together. My psychologist decided that I need to start getting therapy treatment for my depression and anxiety issues, so hopefully that helps to get things going along.

    I feel at home coming back here. It just felt like something was missing from my life and I couldn't feel right no matter what I tried. That said, it does feel a little awkward not having Gravity Green, but I'm sure I'll get over that... Maybe. Either way, it's good to be back.
    Just in time to wish Flutterz a happy birthday too! Holy crap, has it really been a year already? I remember doing this for your last one. o.o

    Eyyy man, welcome back.

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