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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. I understand that she was dumb for not reading the sign, but couldn't you have given her what she wanted anyway? I mean a customer is a customer.

    She is still there, nearing an hour after normal closing time, if only because I dragged my mom over there and said "if you care that much, you deal with her."

    Waiting for customers is fine and all, but if you don't stick to your established rules, the customers will walk all over you.  We close when we close because all the machinery is on a timer.  The boilers shut down at around 8:30.

    If you had a shopping mall, and it closed at 9pm, would you let customers continue to shop and not get in line at 10pm? Fuck no.   If customers can't follow the rules of the establishment, then we have every right to refuse service.  It was already grace on my part to let her stay for 30 minutes.

    I see, I retract my comment then.

  2. In my opinion Rewrite is very good, it has a fun common route, good characters, an interesting world and awesome writing. The only thing I didn't like about it was that it was so long and it was so serious all that time that I had to take a break every once in a while.

    But besides that you will get the feelz, especially towards the end, definitely would recommend.

  3. Confession: I hate dumb bitches who can't read.

    > Me: I'm going to have to ask you to leave within 10 minutes.

    > Retarded whore: Why?

    > Me: Because it's past closing time.

    > I point to a sign literally 6 feet away that is lit up by her car lights.

    > We close at 9pm, it is now 20 past, I'm giving you 10 minutes to leave.

    Retarded bitches be retarded.  Why is the literacy rate in this country astoundingly low sometimes.

    I understand that she was dumb for not reading the sign, but couldn't you have given her what she wanted anyway? I mean a customer is a customer.

  4. Do you like the holy trinity of condiments on hotdog, namely mayo, ketchup, and mustard?

    Only ketchup please. Mayo and mustard = Bleh.

    In all seriousness, try mustard again in a few years. I hated the stuff when I was young, and probably never ate it at all from the time I was 10 until I was maybe 25. Then I tried it again and thought, "This stuff is great!" Your food preferences can change a lot over the years.

    I know this but I'm very picky when it comes to food, and I don't like tasting new things, it usually ends with me being partially disgusted.


    But why male models?

    Please refrain from asking the same questions.

    You do know that I go searching through this thread's logs for this exact quote every time  you ask that right?

  5. Confession: I finished Majikoi. Now for my verdict. (Why am I putting it here? Because I don't wanna make a review or blog post with a giant wall of text.)

    9/10. It was very enjoyable, I like the friendship kinda thing, and the comedy was great too. I only had one problem with it.

    The serious choices could've been better. It was so easy to avoid the bad ends in all of the routes. The comedic choices were great, but most of the serious ones were not. I would've liked it if some were similar to Momoyo's route choices where you had to think about them.

    ...Didn't you get bad end when you tried Momoyo's route?

    Well yeah but that was because I wasn't prepared and was really lax about it.

  6. Confession: I finished Majikoi. Now for my verdict. (Why am I putting it here? Because I don't wanna make a review or blog post with a giant wall of text.)

    9/10. It was very enjoyable, I like the friendship kinda thing, and the comedy was great too. I only had one problem with it.

    The serious choices could've been better. It was so easy to avoid the bad ends in all of the routes. The comedic choices were great, but most of the serious ones were not. I would've liked it if some were similar to Momoyo's route choices where you had to think about them.

  7. I'm gonna be that one guy who says all the mushy stuff so bear with me here.

    I joined Fuwa on February 24th and a lot has happened since then. I learned more about Visual Novels, I joined the anime club and I met lots of people here. I'll start from the beginning.

    My introduction thread: I decided to sign up and join this community since I wanted more info about VNs and there seemed to be a multitude of nice people here. My thread was nothing special compared to all the others, but it's interesting to go back and see all those that greeted me are people I know/are familiar to me now. I also hadn't watched many anime back then either, just the most popular stuff that looked good such as One Piece.

    The Ambidex Game: Not too long after joining, I found in the Member's Lounge the Ambidex Game run by Stray Cat at that time. It looked like a nice opportunity to meet some people so I said why not and signed up. I met quite a few individuals there, such as the aforementioned Stray Cat, Tiago F.Varela, Funyarinpa, Kurisu-Chan, LinovaA, Cyrille and probably a few others that I can't remember at the moment.

    The Anime Club: I joined the club in February as well, it was an interesting experience. It was my first time joining a club of some sort. I joined for the same reason as the Ambidex Game and that it would be a good chance to find new anime to watch. My visits to Fuwa continued peacefully like this for a while till late June, when Stray Cat left the site for certain reasons. He put me in charge of the club since I was most qualified, being there every cycle for the last few cycles. We didn't contact each other again till a little later.

    A Friendship is Born: A little while after Stray left, KosakiFag had commented on one of my status things that nobody uses anymore. We had a conversation about that, then we played Osu together and learned stuff about each other. I then made a PM where we talked for a while. Eventually, he asked if I had a Skype account and if we could talk there. I said I'd make one and we started talking through that. Not too long after, Kosaki told Stray that I had a Skype account and we started a group chat. Over time we added more people to the group and we talk pretty often.

    Some Miscellaneous Stuff: I started my Strange Stories sometime before Stray left and have been writing them ever since, even if they're few and far in between. I finally finished Rewrite a few months ago and I started up Majikoi soon after.

    All in all, these are my favorite moments of the year and my favorite year so far. I hope to be here for many years to come!

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