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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. Confession: I need to study for tomorrow but I can't I'm so freaking tired, I'm so close of having my law school degree and I don't know why but the truth is I don't care :wacko: (don't let my father read this or im a dead person xD )

    But why not?! You could be the next Phoenix Wright!

  2. :pyaa:

    Confession: I have nothing to confess because nothing happens :<

    Are you... me?

    Back on the topic of women are we?

    *WARNING -- If you do not want to hear me gush over my relationship, continue on with your life without looking xD*

    Hidden Content

    I love hearing about relationships, you're welcome to gush more often.

  3. My deepest apologies, I am having difficulty correlating this question to the topic of girls. Please give me 24 hours to further investigate the matter and I'll attempt to get back to you.

    No need to apologize, I am the one at fault, therefore I will revise my question.

    How is it that girls I can always find grills something that makes me laugh in every one of your girllllllllllsssss posts?

  4. Well, as long as no one mentions Undertale for "best game of 2015" (God forbid :makina:) i think almost anything can be called best of 2015.


    UNDERTALE BEST GAME 2015!!!111!11!!!

    Even though I've never played it.

    Seriously though, I don't think I've even played a single game that released this year.

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