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Message added by Yuuko

What the Fuck

Purpose of Life



Hello! Glad to see you reading this.

Welcome to the Anti-Blonde blog! This is a blog where we hate on blonde girls because it is a bad hair color. So I thought I'd finally write my first blog post here after the Riddle Joker one. It is 1AM currently so don't expect quality.


Today I went out with friends for the first time in maybe 2 years lul and there was this cute blonde girl who was so sweet and fun that I decided that I need to get my own one that I can hug and have sit on my lap. Uguu




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Today I went out with friends for the first time in maybe 2 years

That explains it all. You are out of training with alcohol and you clearly can't handle the amount you had before writing this blog entry. Have fun tomorrow when you wake up with a hangover and a lot of comments about your blog making no sense whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, tymmur said:

That explains it all. You are out of training with alcohol and you clearly can't handle the amount you had before writing this blog entry. Have fun tomorrow when you wake up with a hangover and a lot of comments about your blog making no sense whatsoever.

Hello but I don't drink

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6 hours ago, phantomJS said:

Taking after mah idols, HMN and Kiriririri, shit-posting here to fill up my post count:P

wait what

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14 minutes ago, Zander said:

can we ban this idiot

Wow, that's pretty harsh...

Although, clearing the blog feed from obvious shitposts would not be completely unreasonable, I guess? Not sure if mods ever did any QC here...

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May we please hold a tribunal to determine whether or not the accused individual, Kiririririri, is deserving of the punishment of being banned.

I humbly apologise for my previous insulting statement, which was not borne of malice but misplaced passive-aggressiveness.

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Don't mind me. Just a passer-by shit-posting~~:wub:

Btw I fully recoomend this blog post's comment if you are looking for the purpose of your life :D

On a totally 'related' note, our admin just logged in the first time since forever. Gosh, I amazed myself on what a useful post this is :wub:

Edited by phantomJS
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2 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

Fuck off

This blog is as serious as I can get


I think i have fallen in love with you:wub:

Will you marry me? :wub:

Edited by phantomJS
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