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Questions for Japan's Popular Culture Industry


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Firstly I apologise if this thread is in the wrong board.


I just got accepted into a Winter School course that takes place at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. The course will allow me to learn about Japanese media and the industry behind it, we will be focusing on the media of Japan's popular culture (anime, manga etc.)


I figure that I will get an opportunity to also learn more about the Visual Novel industry while I'm up there so if any of you guys have any questions about any of the industries I can try asking them for you.


I can't guarantee that I'll be able to ask all (or at this time, any) of the questions but I'll do my best.

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The first question you should bring up for discussion: Why are most PC VNs pornographic?


Because most people actually do enjoy a little pornography in their romance VNs, especially considering their main audience are young teenagers with massive libidos.


Why do companies(almost 90% of them) insist on the same thing: main character being school boy around 17-20 years old at most!! Is there something wrong with a person having more than 20 years? Why are they so obsess with that...


Mainly because their main audience are teenagers of that age. High school is all the rage in Japan. It's as if you die immediately after graduating.

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Why do companies(almost 90% of them) insist on the same thing: main character being school boy around 17-20 years old at most!! Is there something wrong with a person having more than 20 years? Why are they so obsess with that...

Because seishun. If the question is 'why teens Japan?' the answer is always 'because seishun'. People don't realize just how magical of a word/theme/concept it is to Japanese folks.

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Why do companies(almost 90% of them) insist on the same thing: main character being school boy around 17-20 years old at most!! Is there something wrong with a person having more than 20 years? Why are they so obsess with that...

Well, because that's the most suitable age range for blooming love (LOL).

Why not Nintendo? Visual Novels on the WiiU doesn't sound like a bad idea.

For me, VN on console is already a bad idea (except for handheld console).

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Because you have to go through Sony/Microsoft if you want to port it to console, and they hate porn, so the only platform left is PC.

We're only talking about in America right? Because every Sony console in Japan is flooded with VNs. Before Sony it was Sega (well at least for the Saturn/Dreamcast era)

Edit: Oh wait you mean pornographic ones. Never mind I'm an idiot.

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here are a couple.


why are so many male proatonists, such winy little brats without much character?

Why are there not more protagonist who have both brains, social skills, and strengt to make a good proactive prtagonist at which i dont roll my eyes at.


( think more yuuij he's a pretty good example, as wel as hakuoro is another example)

(souske from fmp is a half good example, he aint stupid and has a lot of strengt, but his social skills are god awfull)

(takeru is a prime example of a terrible protag for me, i absolutely cant stand him for the most part)


Why do japanese company's on a general level have such low interest in the international market?

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why are so many male proatonists, such winy little brats without much character?

Why are there not more protagonist who have both brains, social skills, and strengt to make a good proactive prtagonist at which i dont roll my eyes at.


It says something about their target audience. If a whiny brat in a visual novel can get a massive harem of ladies, then anyone can do it.

Yet, majority of that audience never have girl friends, let alone friends.

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Why do companies(almost 90% of them) insist on the same thing: main character being school boy around 17-20 years old at most!! Is there something wrong with a person having more than 20 years? Why are they so obsess with that...


This. I'm sure there are plenty of Otaku in Japan who are avid VN readers who are young adults that have already graduated highschool. So I think the answer to this question may be more complicated than what Aniki originally said. Also Aniki, I spent a good 2 minutes staring at your signature.   

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