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Bethesda E3 2015 Conference


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Don't believe I saw this on the forum or if anyone else is even interested. This E3 (2015) Bethesda (creator/publisher of games like Fallout 3 + New Vegas, Elder Scrolls, Dishonored, and Wolfenstein) is having its first ever E3 press conference. This is really big news because this likely means that Bethesda has multiple games they wish to announce as there would be no reason to hold a press conference for a single game (unless it was one of their big ones). 


It seems more than likely that we'll finally get information about the DOOM game they've been working on forever but Fallout 4 is really the biggest game in their line-up that would warrant a conference outside another Elder Scrolls game (which is unlikely since they are still trying to get people to play ESO). They will probably announce FO4, Dishonored 2, DOOM, and a new IP at the conference but really as long as they have FO4 I think it will end up being a success. There is also a possibility that this could be an Elder Scrolls spin-off game similar to what they did with Fallout 3 and New Vegas...possibly dealing with the Aldmeri Dominion or something else in the ES universe.


Regardless they will be announcing something (probably more than 1) and although I hope it is FO4 really Bethesda has rather astounding games regardless.

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So excited for this. I liked Fallout 3/NV, but not as much as most. Still, a Fallout 4 reveal would be awesome. 


RE: TES -- I really, really wish I could hope for a new TES announcement, but I just don't see it happening. ESO is coming to consoles around the same time, and they're going to need to hype that as much as possible due to its past performance. A new TES game would put the nails in its coffin, methinks.

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 ESO is coming to consoles around the same time, and they're going to need to hype that as much as possible due to its past performance. A new TES game would put the nails in its coffin, methinks.


Maybe if they had developed the game themselves, like you would expect a developer to do when it involves their signature series possibly expanding in very lucrative ways, it wouldn't have bombed as hard as it did...


I'm gonna guess Fallout 4 as well.

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Just, something, Bethesda didn't created Wolfenstein, Fallout New Vegas and Dishonored, they just edited these games.


Please, credit the developpers of these games.



Nazi appart, a new TES seems suicidal, when fallout 4 would be the best thing to do now, in order to no flood the market with too much Elder scrolls stuff.


Expecting a Doom 4 trailer and gameplay.


I also expect 2 other games : Dishonored and Wolfenstein, these two games sold well, and they are great games with lots of potential, a Dishonored 2 would be good, this or a new IP, since Arkane Lyon said that they wouldn't do a Dishonored sequel.

As for Wolfenstein, i really believe that a sequel for the new order could be great, this game sold well, it was one of the "few" good FPS of 2014, they have an open field for a TNO 2, more ambitious and better in everything.

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I might be slow on this, but I recall there are rumors about Fallout 4 being massively multiplayer?

Unless anyone can correct that, I'm going to have to load ammo onto my bullpup handgun to shoot my own head with.


Nope, it's another game, who was called fallout Online and was developped by Interplay (the guys who edited Fallout 1 and 2) but well, with no money, and a dickhead managr, the project is near death.

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If they don't announce Fallout 4 this year I'll be pissed.



So excited for this. I liked Fallout 3/NV, but not as much as most. Still, a Fallout 4 reveal would be awesome. 


RE: TES -- I really, really wish I could hope for a new TES announcement, but I just don't see it happening. ESO is coming to consoles around the same time, and they're going to need to hype that as much as possible due to its past performance. A new TES game would put the nails in its coffin, methinks.

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