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The Official Fuwa Anime Club: Voting and Summer Season Sign-Up

Stray Cat


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  1. 1. What anime will we watch?

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My recommendation is White Album 2. Since I recommended it during the True Tears cycle if I can't do that again then my other recommendation is Kimi ni Todoke. Everyone has already seen this most likely but I feel like re-watching it.


I finished Selector both seasons last night. My general thoughts:



:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

*clears throat* OK, I loved pretty much all the characters through out both seasons. Even Hitoe started to grow on me... A lot of people were saying it was over-dramatic but I didn't feel that way at all through out the second season, first season maybe, but not the second. I really enjoyed the story and Tama/Yuki were awesome with Ru. The ending was really great imo.

If I had to rate it I would give the show a 9/10. Going of MAL 9 is "Great" which I feel this show was.

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Finished it.  10/10, not as many twists as the first season but still outstanding.


Yuki best girl, hands down. Was not expecting that shift but it was really great. Question though, do we know what happens to her because I didn't see her in the ending.


Nope we don't at least to my knowledge. I assume she stayed converged with Tama.

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Due to time constraints I was only able to watch Selector Infected WIXOSS. Here's my review:


Story 8/10


This anime is focused on the pursuit of wishes, which range from acquiring friends all the way to the taboo. The story follows Ruuko, a girl who isn't particularly good at making friends as she engages in a card came called WIXOSS. After obtaining a card deck she discovers a special card within called a LRIG. This is her avatar and the means through which Selectors can engage in battle.


Selectors are WIXOSS players who fight using specialized decks in order to become an "Eternal Girl" and achieve their wish. Selectors communicate and cooperate with their LRIG, the avatar in their decks, in order to win enough battles to become the "Eternal Girl".


The show does a good job of immersing the viewer in the battles that are portrayed. There is no need to have extensive knowledge of the rules of the card game. What is important is the way the girls interact with each other on the battlefield and outside of it. The only thing that one needs to know is that the Selectors need to make their LRIG 'grow' enough times in order to make them strong enough to defeat the opposing LRIG.


The anime does a good job of making you care about how the girls go about making their wishes come true. There is a lot of banter in between the battles, but once the girls get on the battlefield it becomes an emotional tug-of-war with either girl baring their emotions in order to get the upper hand. It was interesting to see how far these girls would go in order to pursue their wishes, even if meant not being able to salvage their normal way of life.


Characters 8/10


Ruuko is our main character in the story and for the most part is a blank slate without any real desires to spur her as she engages in WIXOSS battles. She is tormented by her past when she recalls her loved ones rejecting her on the basis of not being able to understand such an empty child. It was nice to see her grow as a person who did not want anything, and at one point was nihilistic to someone who would put her life on the line for her friends.


The characters are for the most part complex and it is enjoyable watching them interact with each other because we get to see personalities clash and conflict arise. They are all fighting for different reasons and believe their desires take precedence over all the rest. When we get outside the core group of: Akira, Yuzuki, Hitoe, Ruuko, and Iona the show starts to slip a bit and use the other characters at times as mere plot devices in order to create tension. The example that stands out the most are the girls who are gossiping about the illicit relationship between Yuzuki and Kazuki. During these moments it felt as if the drama was being brought to the surface merely to aggravate the situation and not to build the existing character dynamics which I was enjoying.


Soundtrack 7/10


I'm giving this a low rating for the overall soundtrack, and not for the OP and ED, cause I loved those two songs. I couldn't pinpoint a moment when the soundtrack served to reflect the ominous tone of the battlefield or pop out in the general lives of the characters. The electronic ambiance and dubstep which sometimes surfaced didn't really do it for me.


Art-Style 7/10


The battleground is basically the same dark colors, except for those episodes when it reflects the affinities of Hitoe/Ruuko/Iona. The washed out colors in the city show the desolation that characters must be feeling pretty well. The colors really surface when the LRIGs are pitted against one another. Explosions of light, streams of fire, and electricity crackling in the air shows how for many of these characters these battles reflect the height of their emotions. Battles are very fluid and were a joy to watch. The power-ups were pretty amazing and I was left wondering if there was a limit to the transformations. I believe Hanayo's transformation is the one that reaches its highest state in the first season.


Enjoyment 8/10


The show has a lot of depth and I appreciated the darker tone that it dabbled with it as I progressed through it. Sometimes character reactions are slightly exaggerated but it was never to the point where I would let out a sigh or become frustrated with the characters. The amount of information that is revealed is also done well and there were good cliffhangers that left me wanting more. The card battle were superb and I could feel the tension reaching grand levels as I watched the show.


Overall 9/10


Plot twists, wishes, desires, and great characters makes for an interesting show to watch. Can't wait to watch the second season at a later time!

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I thought I would be able to finish the second season of Selector, but I was quite mistaken. I don't know, it became a bit of a slog for me, despite how much I was enjoying it at first. I guess it just lost it's hold on me. I will finish it eventually, that I am sure. I can't just leave it unfinished after all. Just gonna be slow getting there.


So reluctantly, here is my review of Selector Infected:


Story: 7/10


There was definitely some heavy Madoka influences here, but honestly I never minded that. It did a great job of introducing the plot, and the symbolism of the tower in the middle of town is wonderfully shown. I definitely came to care for all the characters (minus Akira... cause screw Akira) which is a plus in my book.


The fact that WIXOSS is heavily influenced by Magic also gives it a few points, but I would have liked to see something a little more unique than a card game that has already been done before.


Most of my qualms with the show are just me nitpicking little things and not having all the answers, all of which I am sure are going to be fixed in the next season. But as I have not watched the second season, I must leave my rating at a 7/10.


Characters: 8/10


Absolutely awesome characters. All of them were wonderfully written and brought to life and I was brought to care about their plight in their struggles as Selectors. And of course, the characters I didn't like were wonderfully written as well... but seriously screw Akira. Every single one of them is tormented by their own wants, desires, and pasts and each brings something unique to the table to create a colorful cast of characters. 


I just realized that this review is severely lacking in BATORU...


The one thing I gotta say though... is that the school mates of Ruuko and company are absolutely dumb. I found myself completely drawn out of the experience the way they went after Ruuko and Yuzuki when Akira was looking for them. It was like they were mindless zombies at the whims of Akira. I know we are talking about a model and middle school girls here... but I was unable to suspend my disbelief for that (although I can for epic card battles and girls trapped in cards... go figure).


Soundtrack: 6/10


Decent enough I suppose. I found that the tracks fit each situation nicely, but there were no real standouts other than the OP, which is godly by the way. Not much to say about it really. 


Animation/Art Style: 8.5/10


I really enjoyed the art style of this one. I personally felt that the blend of moe-esque characters alongside the grainy/gritty backgrounds really helped with the show on the whole. The battle areas were kinda cool, with the dark border representation of the barrier between their minds (or so I assume).


The animation never really lagged behind anywhere and was consistent the way through, but I would have liked to see a bit more when it came down to the battles. I mean they were awesome to watch, but there were times where I was hoping for a little more.


Enjoyment: 7/10


While you may remember saying how I was really enjoying it near the beginning, that enjoyment began to wane somewhere near the end of the season. I never got to the point of saying I didn't enjoy it all, as I definitely did. However I just found I was not in the mood to watch it... ever. I had to struggle my way through the last three episodes, but that is not saying they were bad. In fact from a critical standpoint, they were some of the best episodes.


I just need to be in the right mood for this kind of show is all.


Overall: 7.3


Not my normal cup of tea, but definitely has it's merits. Lots of twists and turns and with a familiar feeling, I would recommend this to pretty much anyone who enjoyed Madoka.

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Just finished Selector WIXOSS.

The ending was good, pretty mediocre but not bad. I couldn't help but like Yuki in the last few episodes where she was like the highlight of the show for me. Though the anime pulled a ghost-revenge-like reason behind the whole selector battles which kinda felt like a cheap trick.


Will post the review in a bit.



For the next cycle looks like my recommendation was selected again lucky me.

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But then why does it just look like Tama?


Polls are now live, an interesting mix this time.


Just speculation on my part but since Tama and Yuki were both halves of Mayu maybe they needed to become one to materialize as a real girl. That wouldn't explain why it just looks like Tama though so I have no clue.

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The review for Selector WIXOSS (both seasons) :



Story- Battoru/10



The plot was pretty solid in the first season but it went downhill in the second season. The most glaring problem was the reason behind the battles - just because some girl was feeling lonely and wanted revenge doesn't mean that everyone is engulfed in a supernatural battle where people swap bodies and their memories are altered. The revelation that Mayu is already dead just gives a revenge-seeking-ghost feel which didn't really help. There some really good plot twists in the first season primarily the fact that Yuzuki became a LRIG and at the end Iona becomes Ruu's LRIG.

The plot overall was fine, which could have been much better if some things were better planned/done.


Characters- Aki-lovely/10



The characters were well developed and had proper motivations behind their actions. The character was great too, each of the girls were properly fleshed out. The only problem was that many of scenes were over-dramatic. Overall I liked the different types of characters showcased. The characters were probably the best thing in the anime.


Art- Tower/10



The art and animation were quite average. The metaphorical view about the tower, Ruu's dreams and the selector battlefields stood out the most. 


Soundtrack- firstOP/10



Except the opening of the first season(which was great) nothing really stood out.


Best Girl- Snow/10

Yuki is the best girl definitely. It was due to her that I was able to watch through the last couple of episodes.

Yuzuki with her twincest comes as a second though. If it was just the first season then Yuzuki would have been the best girl.


Enjoyment- 6/10

The over-dramatic nature was a bit off putting but other than that it was pretty enjoyable. Though I didn't feel bored watching it, I didn't have that driving urge to watch the anime either


Overall- 6/10

The show was good but it could have been better.

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okay here is my review of selector

story 7/10

the way they used the common card game thing to make something completely different was really nice. It had a dark feeling to it although i still feel like they were trying to shove friendship down my throat. I`m not really sure where to put this but i think story is the best. what are the rules to the damn game? 

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