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Why would you try to swerve around a deer on a car, I'm sorry but cars can't parkour people.


You're not supposed to hit the brakes, though? They limit the car's ability to steer, and the possibility of running into the object if it surprises you is high - you don't really have enough time to brake effectively (Canada's Worst Driver is life and law might be the actual reason I chose that answer).


Can't say I'm too surprised about any of the results, but they're still interesting to read. Thanks. I have no idea if I could've mathed if I tried....

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You're not supposed to hit the brakes, though? They limit the car's ability to steer, and the possibility of running into the object if it surprises you is high - you don't really have enough time to brake effectively (Canada's Worst Driver is life and law might be the actual reason I chose that answer).

Actually, from what I've heard you're not supposed to try and swerve to avoid hitting wildlife.  Odds are that you'll flip your car over or go off the road and hit something really bad, like a tree.  You're only supposed to swerve when you're about to hit a moose, since odds are it'll seriously injure you.


Source: http://www.dmv.org/how-to-guides/wildlife.php

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