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Fuwanovel-Home to the most derailed threads in history?!(video)


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Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...


I've personally bean aboard more planes than I can count, and I must say it all depends on the airline. Suggestion: NEVER eat the stuff they give you on any Chinese airlines, if you wanna live...

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My wife recently got a free upgrade to business class. She can confirm that her bourgeoisie meals were signifcantly better than the slop served to us serfs in coach.


Also -- that video... was... surprisingly good. Very funny. +677 XP


Also (#2) -- I think you've got some natural skill and intuition with video production. You should probably consider looking into that. There's gold in them thar hills.



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^except not really. I asked Aaeru the same thing. Bah, I need to find the quote from the Aaeru herself again? Meh whatever, anyway it's more from fuwappo / floaty, fuwafuwa interpretarion is fine too, but originally she was in for it because of novels that made her heart go fuwaaaaaa~


Anyway Remember11's TIPS has a huge spoiler for Ever17 so I recommend reading Ever17 first.

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Read the thread n00b, someone said he needed to read the infinity series and this was an obvious followup


quoting is for l0sers l0l


ok not really

99.99% of posts here proved my point in the video right... including this one.

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Ha Ha Ha. The Majikoi thread is its own forum housed by Fuwa. I like to think that I am a major contributor to derailing.

And that isn't enough. We are lurking around in our spammy Skypechat too. That doesn't have nothing to do with Fuwa but I think thanks to it we don't spam 5 - 10 pages a day.


I pronounce fuwa Fu wa. Anyway good video. It made me laugh.

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I also thought a "disagreement" with how other sites did it would fit, which is why I asked Aaeru in the first place. The name is p. cool, ain't it?


And to think we were once debating to... because of... but eventually it turned out that... so all of... turned out to be... and then... and most things were good on fuwa except for... and yeah it's kind of sad that... put so much effort into it only for it to...


If you can fill in the blanks here, congratulations you know what the hell I'm talking about lol.

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I also thought a "disagreement" with how other sites did it would fit, which is why I asked Aaeru in the first place. The name is p. cool, ain't it?


And to think we were once debating to... because of... but eventually it turned out that... so all of... turned out to be... and then... and most things were good on fuwa except for... and yeah it's kind of sad that... put so much effort into it only for it to...


If you can fill in the blanks here, congratulations you know what the hell I'm talking about lol.


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That accent... wow.


Low quality video, I am disappointed :(


disclaimer: I dont care if you don't want feedback, I'm posting it anyway :D

Wow, the #91 actually ends up being the first complaint. I'm impressed by myself ^_^

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