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Summer 2014 Anime Discussion


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Is anyone excited for Tokyo ESP? I've yet to find anyone that's genuinely interested in seeing it. I read the manga awhile back and I really did like it. Wasn't perfect by any means but I would be interested in watching the anime.


I don't really want to watch SAO2. And I'm actually suprised that everyone seems to be so infatuated with it.


Hail Hanamonogatari.

Too bad Kizu will never happen.

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Is anyone excited for Tokyo ESP? I've yet to find anyone that's genuinely interested in seeing it. I read the manga awhile back and I really did like it. Wasn't perfect by any means but I would be interested in watching the anime.


I don't really want to watch SAO2. And I'm actually suprised that everyone seems to be so infatuated with it.


Hail Hanamonogatari.



of course i'm interesting with Tokyo ESP

EPS = Esper, as i know.,

I think this would be better than To Aru no railgun/index.


hmmm, you don't want to watch SAO S2?,

you haven't seen the season one?

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hmmm, you don't want to watch SAO S2?,

you haven't seen the season one?

I saw season one. But at the risk of sounding unoriginal. I didn't really like it, the first half was decent but I ended up dropping it around episode 20. Went back to finish it about a month later just to say, y'know "I finished it"


All In all I wasn't too impressed.

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I don't think it's the genre.


All in all SAO does not have that many redeeming qualities. It's just an overpowered guy in a game saving his damsel in distress.

The romance is not original or interesting, more like Asuna was the worst heroine out of all possible choices, and the series focuses on her and kirito's relationship too much and it's just not entertaining.

It just gets over hyped because maybe people like tsunderes and cheap romance like that and hey if it that fits them it fits them, but for me it's not enough to call it "masterpiece".

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It's just an overpowered guy in a game saving his damsel in distress.

The romance is not original or interesting, more like Asuna was the worst heroine out of all possible choices, and the series focuses on her and kirito's relationship too much and it's not entertaining.

Thank you. I didn't want to say it myself.


Really I saw it as lost potential. It could've had a quality love story, quality characters, quality plot, but it made all the wrong choices. Which seems to now be a long running tradition with alot of A-1 Pictures anime.

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The series follows the damsel in distress format so I think action is what's a side dish to it and not the other way around.


Indeed the action in SAO was not too bad for what it lasted, but I think it pales in quantity when compared to the focus on the romantic plot and honestly it even pales in quality when compared to other more action focused series.

I mean Kirito fights some bosses and then some other players and none of these fights last even half the episode, none of them, and they're all incredibly monotone with the same format over and over. So I think we can see what wins in terms of quantity.


A good action scene lasts for like half the episode and is explored more in depth. This is if the show is meant to be an ACTION show.

Even if it doesn't last long at the very least it should show some variety.


Here's SAO's action mechanics:

>Discover overpowered villain

>Start getting beaten up for a couple mins

> Recall how much he loves Asuna, power of friendship, other flashbacks and Deus Ex Machina (this usually makes up more than half of the scene)

>Suddenly become more powerful and defeat the villain




>Already too OP

>Defeat bad guy instantly

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Is anyone here watching Zankyou no Terror?


It really intrigued me, I don't know what direction the plot will take or any context related to the main characters, way to pike my curiosity.

So far it just seemed like 2 guys performing terrorist acts for a reason I don't know.


I think it has potential.

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Is anyone here watching Zankyou no Terror?


It really intrigued me, I don't know what direction the plot will take or any context related to the main characters, way to pike my curiosity.

So far it just seemed like 2 guys performing terrorist acts for a reason I don't know.


I think it has potential.

I'm watching it.

They're probably going to clarify why they are terrorists, right?

I disliked the girl. No need for ordinary bullied girl N°001, just serves to make things more annoying. She obviously has no redeeming traits. Maybe she'll become a nice char suddenly, but I doubt it.


Besides that, it seems good. I liked the first episode. Definitely has potential.

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I would hope they explain it or else we're just going to be left with huge question marks on our heads.

Not sure how to feel about the girl since she didn't have any context either but certainly we already have enough bullied girls in anime, but to me i'm more interested what her personality and actions are like rather than her backstory.


As long as they don't ruin it with sappy romance or turn her into an annoying character I think we're safe, I mean she seemed pretty into joining them and getting away from whatever her situation was so let's hope she also joins in destroying Japan (?).

And by sappy romance I don't mean no romance at all, just not forced and unecessary romance.

I would prefer no romance at all in this one though.

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I don't know. If she goes the "I was bullied, life is unfair, so I'll just blow everyone up" route it'll make me sigh too.

Well, I just think those two make a good pair already. If they're good at what they're doing, there's no way newbie-chan will be able to actually help them ('less she ends up doing social work for them, like seduction and such- which is highly unlikely, since she's the bullied kid). So I'll think she'll most likely go the "their objectives are noble and I want to help, why am I so useless *sob sob*" path. Or maybe the "I'm just a normal schoolgirl who can't do anything, why was I dragged into this? *sob sob*" path. I'd also hate her if she became the cocky type, since she has no experience on what she's doing at all. All of the developments I imagined seem annoying. I just can't see her being a good character in any way shape or form. Though they may find a way to make her decent. Maybe.


I agree with the no romance there, it'd be nice if the series didn't have any of that. Plenty of romance already.

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Although it's likely to be one of those 3 scenarios for her, there's also the possibility of the guys helping get over whatever is troubling her and make her feel less uneasy about helping them so there's room for character development


Kind of like how the protag in Tokyo Ghoul gradually develops to embrace his Ghoul self whereas in the begining he was just crying over it nonstop.


Let's stay positive!


I just noticed this series is also an original concept so there's no source material, this makes me more intrested since there's no source material.

Also the genres on MAL are listed as "Psychological, Thriller" so I don't think we'll be seeing romance.

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All in all SAO does not have that many redeeming qualities. It's just an overpowered guy in a game saving his damsel in distress.

The romance is not original or interesting, more like Asuna was the worst heroine out of all possible choices, and the series focuses on her and kirito's relationship too much and it's just not entertaining.

It just gets over hyped because maybe people like tsunderes and cheap romance like that and hey if it that fits them it fits them, but for me it's not enough to call it "masterpiece".


Welp. In fact I'm thinking of dropping SAO.

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If you wanted a harem Rokujouma no Shinryakusha is definintely what you should look for this season.

Nothing too impressive or anything, just your typical harem, but it's not bad for a harem at least.


I like the fact that they just gave the guy his harem out of thin air in episode 1 instead of slowly introducing the girls. Way to get into the action.

Sanae might be in for cutest loli now, I really like her design.


It looks like we have a Steph in this one too, the Mahou cosplay shoujo character.

Honestly she was the one that annoyed me the most out of the  bunch since all she did was cry, but then i started pitying her, i'm too soft hearted.

She's kind of like an exagerated version of Mikuru from Suzumiya Haruhi


This is pretty much like a more ecchi version of Kore wa Zombie desu ka with a bunch of supernatural beings living in the same house as the main guy.


I'll keep watching because it's the only harem, don't have high expectations of course, but it might be entertaining.

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If you wanted a harem Rokujouma no Shinryakusha is definintely what you should look for this season.

Nothing too impressive or anything, just your typical harem, but it's not bad for a harem at least.


I like the fact that they just gave the guy his harem out of thin air in episode 1 instead of slowly introducing the girls. Way to get into the action.

Sanae might be in for cutest loli now, I really like her design.


It looks like we have a Steph in this one too, the Mahou cosplay shoujo character.

Honestly she was the one that annoyed me the most out of the  bunch since all she did was cry, but then i started pitying her, i'm too soft hearted.

She's kind of like an exagerated version of Mikuru from Suzumiya Haruhi


This is pretty much like a more ecchi version of Kore wa Zombie desu ka with a bunch of supernatural beings living in the same house as the main guy.


I'll keep watching because it's the only harem, don't have high expectations of course, but it might be entertaining.

Pst. This show doesn't even have an android girl.


But that aside I don't like the cosplay girl. She is nothing like steph. She is just annnoying.

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Pst. This show doesn't even have an android girl.


But that aside I don't like the cosplay girl. She is nothing like steph. She is just annnoying.

Steph wasn't annoying? :P

But i also agree she's annoying, she's more like Mikuru, Mikuru was annoying as hell.

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Just saw Rokujouma

So a ghost girl,cosplay girl,underground girl, alien girl and furthermore the club president and the landlady seems to be a part of the harem as well.

Also wat about the first one he saw when he fell,wonder when she's gonna appear again

when first i see it.

I think this might be the same as ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin, that's wrong, lol :D


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Steph wasn't annoying? :P

But i also agree she's annoying, she's more like Mikuru, Mikuru was annoying as hell.

I actually did not think Steph was annoying at all. Maybe that's just because I read the LN and then watched the anime though... In the Ln she is much more developed as a character.

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SAO II's 2nd episode was boring, not caring for this seaaon so far. i liked the arc in the light novel, i thought it was actually really good while the first two were decent, but the anime is failing to satisfy :(

Just waiting for more of Sinon's character to shine.

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SAO 2 episode 2: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Really nothing interesting or relevant to the plot going on, it was pretty much filler, such a shame.


Also am I the only one that feels like the graphics are a bit downgraded?


I actually did not think Steph was annoying at all. Maybe that's just because I read the LN and then watched the anime though... In the Ln she is much more developed as a character.


Well yeah I liked Steph too i'm just saying she did get bullied a lot just like this mahou cosplay shoujo. But Steph's personality wasn't really as annoying as this one.

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The problem with this second season is probably going to be that they're not adapting 4 volumes like the first season but 3 (Phantom Bullet + Mother's Rosario) which will mean they're going to needlessly stretch stuff across a 24 episode span.


Episode 2 is living proof that they're needlessly stretching stuff. There was no need for an entire episode about how Sinon took down a couple guys and then tease us at the end with some plot and finish it off in a cliffhanger. They could have easily introduced her and killed off those guys in 15 mins or less and then proceeded to giving us some story, but they didn't.


If you want people to get into a series you need to captivate them with something. I don't think it's okay to give people several episodes of nothing and then give them plot and interesting stuff. Fillers are okay if they're placed properly within the series, but if you put a filler right at the beginning how am i supposed to be interested? It's an underwhelming feeling that I can't shake off. 


When I say i'm bored it's because the series didn't captivate me, I don't think it's a problem with me, the series is not giving me anything so how am i supposed to feel. I want to like SAO but SAO is not giving me something to like.  

I didn't hate the first season of SAO, I don't think it's the masterpiece a lot of people make it out to be, but despite its clichés and bad MCs the series was still flashy and did have some elements to grasp you from the beginning.

Season 2 failed to do this so far.


Now okay they're just 2 episodes, for some people this is excusable, sure I can accept that and I wholeheartedly believe it'll get some better scenes later on, but that doesn't mean i have to feel excited for random filler early on.

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