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First of all, I would love to thank Fuwanovel for posting some of the games in a certain website that allows me to download them with ease.

Well since this is my first time here I will mention the VN that brought me to the art of such a glorious thing. Katawa Shounjo, story felt complete to me and it was hard to delete it away from my laptop since it created such a bond. I used to read books and even didn't think about manga, but when i came to such a visual novel it piqued my interest of how narrow sighted I was. How I kept my imagination in a small box refusing to expand it. I was stubborn and thought that only words is what a person would ever need to satisfy their thirst of "another world"

Katawa Shounjo has remained on the top of the list neck in neck with G Senjou no Maou. Sorry if I made you bored or if you think I'm weird, I will still like to become friends with you ^_^

BTW: super cool anime Sword Art Online, most of you probably heard about it but if you didn't it's a great anime and I recommend you to watch it.

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Welcome! Katawa Shoujo was my entry VN as well. It definitely changed my life and remains one of my all-time favorites. Which was your first route? Which have you played? Have a favorite?

PS: Sword Art Online was wonderful.

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I did all routes but I skipped Rin's.

first: Emi (It was good it was like sampling an appetizer before the grand meal)

second: Shizune (Didn't really hit me so hard but provided me entertainment for what was yet to come)

third: Hanako (I went through the bad ending first so it hit me hard...I also went through the good ending later and was still left satisfied.)

fourth: Lily (God...This girl was the reason why I didn't want to go and do Rin's path...Her story line gave me the "Grand Final" "Main Course" I still had nostalgia with Hanako since they were together alot but it only stimulated the situation to the point I knew VN's was something I'm gonna start doing now. I was happy I chose her last and left her last.

Don't get me wrong, From Emi to Lily, If I skipped one of them or left it alone I won't be here right now. Lily was my favorite but each girl contributed to the greatest of my expectation and I couldn't possibly ask for more.

The order they came to was least to great but by a small margin.

Why I left Rin and didn't complete her story?

Simple...the path I took gave me a the least to greatest feeling... creating an insane experience overall...

If Rin was a tad better than Lily, I don't think I would be emotionally stable anymore. If she was a tad less than Lily, I would feel irritated and grow some resent to the VN.

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Katawa was very well done, but I'm not too into H scenes in games, especially with something like Katawa. I did Rin and Emi's arcs. I loved Rin's story, and Emi was solid.

Haven't seen SAO yet, I hear the first half was great but the second half falls apart. Any truth to that? And I'm a huge fan of anything Shaft animates, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei being my favorite anime.

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I am not so crazy for H-Scenes as well but I do feel they hold some kind of significance in the VN. It makes it look more real than rather another fairy tell novel, if you catch my drift...But even without the H-scenes my experience wouldn't have changed at all.


the second part wasn't a let down, they just drifted too far from the foundation of what made SOA unique. But I would say it was like the first part of SOA was on 6 gear and they shifted to 5 gear.

First part was incredible and the second part was...not so strong. Would explain why but even if I don't add spoilers it is possible it could ruin the full enjoyment of it.

Overall: They probably miscalculated the timing of the end.

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Welcome and glad you liked katawa shoujo!

It was my entry VN and it really changed me for the better after the emotional shock it caused me :)/>

I'm planning on watching SAO as well as my friends recommend it but I have a lot to watch and so little time.

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