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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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So many replies while I slept for 5 hours at the end of the event. Ended at 1917 for event points and 2108 for song score.

Used my scouting ticket... and... FINALLY

Only one to go!


Listening to Nawatobi just make me want to cry.

Hanayo's voice is simply amazing. She needs more of this!!

At first I felt the song was like a confession from Hanayo. Sort of imagining this being animated, etc.

Then looking up the lyrics, it more or less is like a confession which made it even better.

Gah ~ Beautiful song.

Hanayo singing is beautiful. Yes, Nawatobi sounds sad, but those lyrics are so happy, and makes me smile, and are partially the reason why Hanayo sits at 2nd in my favorites, just behind Rin. She really deserves more attention.

Now, do you know the lyrics to Kodoku na Heaven? They give the opposite happy feelings than Nawatobi...

Yeah, you guys are right. I can still do the draw if I somehow end up with enough love gems after the one event that's really important to me. (If I'm feeling masochistic enough for the guaranteed disappointment of a 10+1, that is.)

Ganbare Never Never Give Up~ I'm so happy Love Novels is back.

On another more positive note, when I went out with my friends last night, we had a bunch of new people join us and now I finally have an IRL friend who also plays SIF. Pretty sure that his center being Rin and mine being Hanayo means we're meant to be best friends for life.

My one friend who plays this game's leader is Hanayo, we must be meant to be friends as well. This upcoming event is the first he is trying hard in, and is going to be my first tier 1 :)

And the Honoka's kept coming anyway. Maybe it is a sign that you should start liking her more. :lol:

Share some of that love for Nico to her.

I would have kept joking about that, but he has gone through enough torment.
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Remember those RinPana posts I did some time ago? I found out it's actually an on going 4-koma series, so I decided to translate all of them.


There's only 4 out but I'm following the artist now and when they put a new one i'll translate it and post it here.

Anyway, enjoy some RinPana cuteness





42.jpg<- Look at that cosplay shop edit, that is a fabulous edit.

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Remember those RinPana posts I did some time ago? I found out it's actually an on going 4-koma series, so I decided to translate all of them.

There's only 4 out but I'm following the artist now and when they put a new one i'll translate it and post it here.

Anyway, enjoy some RinPana cuteness




42.jpg<- Look at that cosplay shop edit, that is a fabulous edit.

Love it Rin is so cute and funny :3 thank you

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3 attempts and can't FC Korekara no Someday due to technical difficulties. My phone is near dead, I can barely play SIF at tomes because it lags soooo bad. Like, the notes are chopily moving across the screen, if not teleporting every song I play. My phone lags just typing this post, I'll bit like 10 keys before it even registers that I touched anything :(

Oh, and the same thing happened to Love Novels as well, which should have been a first try FC... but instead the phone didn't register I pressed something.

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Just did a 10+1 and got 2 Hanayo SRs. Wasn't too happy as Hanayo was one of my least favourite idols so I paid for another 10+1 and got this




I'm satisfied  :)  Now I have a UR leader for all 3 of my teams. Kinda wish those URs were Nicos though.

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Just did a 10+1 and got 2 Hanayo SRs. Wasn't too happy as Hanayo was one of my least favourite idols so I paid for another 10+1 and got this




I'm satisfied  :)  Now I have a UR leader for all 3 of my teams. Kinda wish those URs were Nicos though.

*Flips table*

Your posts are literally the most frustrating to read about. How many URs do you have now!?

Two in one draw as well.

And congratulations, but I'm still annoyed by your luck.

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I just want to strangle you.

So I finally did another draw this morning and got this:


I'm really dissapointed. 2 average SR's and a bunch of completely useless, fodder rares are not something one excepts from a 10+1 draw. At least it's the previous event Kotori and those are much rarer than the rest of cards, but it's still a bad draw. I could use some of the better rares to build up stronger teams, but instead I got all of the weakest and most useless cards.

People collect 50 stones in a month+ on average and then it takes a lot longer after ~3 draws or so, since there's less opportunities to get them fast in a reliable manner. I often get 3 rares during normal draws. I still think it's quite absurd to get so many standard rares during those large premium draws; even if it's RNG (I've seen numerous screens on the internet with people getting few SR's and/or UR's at once), the overall % chance of getting R's is still way too big.

I can't wait for the new system updates.

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*Flips table*

Your posts are literally the most frustrating to read about. How many URs do you have now!?

Two in one draw as well.

And congratulations, but I'm still annoyed by your luck.


I'm actually amazed that I managed to get 2 URs in 1 draw as well. The chances are like super low. Currently I have an idolized Umi UR, Kotori UR and 2 Nozomi URs so that would be 6 URs in total. Kinda regret idolizing my Umi though, could have improved my Cool team further by having 2 Umi URs instead.


Hmm, I don't know if it works for you guys but what I tend to do is keep spamming FP draws before a premium scout. If I fail to draw a single R within 3 scouts then I will perform my premium scout. I found out that I ALWAYS get a UR during my second premium draw through this method. Call it RNG or coincidence or just pure luck, but it worked out for me so yeah, just sharing this method with you guys. Try it at your own risk though  :blink:

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I'm actually amazed that I managed to get 2 URs in 1 draw as well. The chances are like super low. Currently I have an idolized Umi UR, Kotori UR and 2 Nozomi URs so that would be 6 URs in total. Kinda regret idolizing my Umi though, could have improved my Cool team further by having 2 Umi URs instead.

Hmm, I don't know if it works for you guys but what I tend to do is keep spamming FP draws before a premium scout. If I fail to draw a single R within 3 scouts then I will perform my premium scout. I found out that I ALWAYS get a UR during my second premium draw through this method. Call it RNG or coincidence or just pure luck, but it worked out for me so yeah, just sharing this method with you guys. Try it at your own risk though :blink:

I really do believe everyone has a time when they will get a sr ur guarantee for me it is the first hour right after an event ends :D I always got a SR with only using 10 gems :D and I never got a SR during an event or between two events I remember spending a lot of love gems but no use... you found your way to get URs hopefully we can too :D I will try 10+1 draw right after Hanayo event and see if it is the right for me :D

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Sure getting 3 rares in a draw is fine

But asking for a UR that's just too much.

I've been getting so many rares in normal draws it's ridiculous..

And look. Another Honoka!


That Rin... It's literally the only rare I haven't drawn so far, and I've drawn every single other one at least 3 times (except Pure Rin)



Look at this~




I'm still the YASM Master, right? At least I redeemed myself after Umi's event



And the Japanese version refuses to let me have a Rin. I did a 5-gem draw to earn myself my 5th ticket, and I got my 2nd SR from just 3 5-gem draws on the JP version, and it was this one




Have I ever mentioned I don't care about Eli?


And so I had 5 tickets and did my guaranteed SR/UR 1-card draw, and I got a repeat SR



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Just did a 10+1 and got 2 Hanayo SRs. Wasn't too happy as Hanayo was one of my least favourite idols so I paid for another 10+1 and got this




I'm satisfied  :)  Now I have a UR leader for all 3 of my teams. Kinda wish those URs were Nicos though.

Well you just drew my dream draw. With 9 gems left to gather, I don't know if I'll make it in time for the drawing this time.

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I've done 3 honor student draws since that 11 student draw and i've gotten all rares.


It's impossible, i'm just beyond salvation.


It's very tempting to keep spamming honor draws. I think I have already used close to 150USD on the game already. I even took up a part time job just to fund my game. Can't believe I'm going so far just to draw some pixels within a game. Then again every time I look at those new cards being added somehow I will find myself purchasing gems to do honor draws. I'm beyond salvation as well!  :wacko:



Well you just drew my dream draw. With 9 gems left to gather, I don't know if I'll make it in time for the drawing this time.



I'm not really a big fan of Nozomi. If only I could trade them off for Nicos Nicos and more Nicos! I think its definitely possible as they are giving up love gems daily for hitting 4 million users, or is that in the JP version? Coupled with the love gems frm daily rewards and S-Sing the new songs I think you should make it.

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