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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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JP has reached 8million users!


In celebration, they are giving away 1 lovegem a day for a week starting March 1st. Kinda a ripoff considering 3mil they wrote songs for the game (Paraidse Live and Takaramonos), and then a later milestone they did the subunit songs, and even other milestones they started to design and eventually release the R sets that JP has. They're still supposed to come out with the Music Start rares they announced a while ago (I think it was 7mil users?)

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I already ran out of stones long ago, then stuff happened and I managed to get two more just in time. I'm still floating around ~500 in ranking, along with additional tokens saved for dark hour; it's quite surprising, considering the previous Rin event. Now if I could only FC Mermaid Fiesta on EX, but I always get a stray miss somewhere. More stones wouldn't hurt, especially right now but I doubt I'll ever manage to FC that song with my phone, uh.


I wonder, whether I'll actually manage to fit within 2500 before the end. Everything seems good so far, but nothing ever ends good with the events unless you have a constant stream of stones available at hand. I kind of regret wasting those 25 stones trying single draws beforehand.

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I did one draw this morning ten stopped but now I felt pretty happy and did one more got her!!! :')

Congratulations on the Honoka! She looks really cute idolized. I'd totally trade my leopard maki for your bear honoka >.<

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It is very. very difficult to get an idolized UR if you are F2P unless you are god

Praeliator's our local god. Somehow, just somehow, he managed to not get a single duplicate UR out of his 50 idolized URs
Most others that spend in his price range you see their bonds have like 2000+ meaning lots of duplicates. 

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It is very. very difficult to get an idolized UR if you are F2P unless you are god

Praeliator's our local god. Somehow, just somehow, he managed to not get a single duplicate UR out of his 50 idolized URs


50UR? Thats a bit much :P ... I will not tell specific numbers but that is really way too much... But I'm still envious and I feel like Praeliator is my nemesis :D (even if I like him)

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