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Nosebleed's AMA


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Sixth is full of lolis, including a blonde psycho loli vampire.

You should start with 12, though.


Do you eat too many sweets?

Not really.

I mostly eat toasts during the day, it's one of my most fullfilling snacks.

I only go out of my way to eat sweets in some random occasions like easter or if i suddenly enter a candy store for whatever reason.



If you don't care about bad graphics, start with Imperishable Night (08). It's the game I appear in, after all <3

If you like fighting games, maybe you should start with Hopeless Masquerade (13.5).

If you want to have the best graphs as possible in a non-fighting game, start with the 14, I guess.

Recommended download site is this, in case you have forgotten. http://moriyashrine.weebly.com/official-touhou-games.html


It's not like you need to try it out right now or anything, though.

Favorite character after shinobu?

I guess i'll do imperishable Night, have to see Kaguya in action.

Thanks for the input again, hopefully i don't forget.


Yazawa Nico is my second favorite character of all time. I have a huge obsession with her and Love Live that not many people know about.


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If we're really talking touhou, 6 is a bad idea. It's one of the hardest games- I'd say it's only easier than the 11, the 12 and the 9 (with all of the photo games aside. Those are insane). You also can't see your own hitbox in the sixth, which is a big disdvantage to a newcomer (after you get better it doesn't matter all that much, though). 8 is the easiest, though it's still plenty hard.


Even if you don't pick the 8, I'd suggest the 7, the 10 or the 13.


Your thoughts on this song?

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you can start with touhou 6 ;) (embobinement of scarlet devil (good luck to see Flandre ^_^))


Do you really have a nosebleed (expect when you look Kaguya or Shinobu xp)

Sometimes. If what i'm looking at is moe enough.



Yeah I would say start with 6 too.


If you had a super power what would it be?

I've already said this before but i'd have Shinobu's powers, i think they're the most awesome thing to have ever for a person like me.

Being able to have my own private dimension, be immortal, time travel, all these things are perfect, I wouldn't need anything else for a life of entertainment. Except Kaguya obviously<3



What is the colour of the panties you are wearing right now Nosebleed?

Pink and white shimapan.


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If we're really talking touhou, 6 is a bad idea. It's one of the hardest games- I'd say it's only easier than the 11, the 12 and the 9 (with all of the photo games aside. Those are insane). You also can't see your own hitbox in the sixth, which is a big disdvantage to a newcomer (after you get better it doesn't matter all that much, though). 8 is the easiest, though it's still plenty hard.


Even if you don't pick the 8, I'd suggest the 7, the 10 or the 13.


I disagree with that, I think 6 is the third easiest. The hardest would be 10 or 12 in my opinion (Haven't played 11, 13 and 14)



Kaguya is a rather difficult fellow, not exploding agaisnt Reimu is already hard enough, I've never actually faced Kaguya, Inaba always gets me. So...

I insist you start with 12, it has both Murasa and Nue.

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If we're really talking touhou, 6 is a bad idea. It's one of the hardest games- I'd say it's only easier than the 11, the 12 and the 9 (with all of the photo games aside. Those are insane). You also can't see your own hitbox in the sixth, which is a big disdvantage to a newcomer (after you get better it doesn't matter all that much, though). 8 is the easiest, though it's still plenty hard.


Even if you don't pick the 8, I'd suggest the 7, the 10 or the 13.


Your thoughts on this song?

Reminds me I still have to read Fate.

It was also a good song. Sounded like a love song too which was sweet.


So are you saying your relationship with Kaguya is based on entertainment and not love? hmmm

Never said that. I meant aside from having those awesome powers I'd also need Kaguya and everything would be perfect since I wouldn't need anything else  ;)



Will you ever get a new avatar that Doesn't have shinobu in it?

The probability of that is as much as the probability of you finding the next prime number.

It's not 0 though!

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I'm already immortal since hourai elixir,  so if you also get that kind of power, we can travel through space! That'd be pretty cool.

Which place in the universe should we visit first?

Indeed we could go around and observe everything we wanted.

I'd like to see another planet that's capable of having life. Seems like it could be a very interesting experiment. As long as that form of life isn't human of course.

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Tell me about yourself in real life. Not your name, of course, but at least some details :P

That's kind of vague.. want to specify?

I was planning on doing something like this for my 3000th post too so you could always wait until then :P

Shouldn't take long.


Fun fact: My real name was on my media fire account to which i sent some files to some people here. Of course now I changed it but it was there for months. Wonder if someone spotted it.

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How often do you get a nosebleed?

Looking at NicoMaki doujins and fanart

Looking at cute lolis

Watching cute anime with cute girls doing cute things

Talking to Kaguya



Basically stuff like...

Age, occupation, location, family situation, what you consider your personality :P

Age: 18

Occupation: NEET (literally)

Location: Portugal, state of Lisbon, in some small town in the middle of that :P

Family situation: Not really sure what you mean, I live with my father, mother and younger sister. Hopefully not for too long though. Grandparents live above me (not shared house though). Aunt, Uncle and Cousins (3 of them) live next side me as neighbours too. Rest of my family also lives in the same town about 5 mins away by car and 20-30 walking.

I consider myself an extremly introvert human being that would do anything if they could stay inside the house and avoid outside human contact. I don't dislike going outside, it's just that going outside usually implies dealing with people and that's what I don't like. I'm not good at socializing with people i don't know because of this as well so my amount of real life friends is reduced.

Also it's not like I wouldn't mind telling people my real name but it's much more entertaining if I don't. I feel like I have another self built around my user which grew fond with me so I'm leaving it as that for now~


That's a nice dose of private info. 

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Favorite video games? (visual novels don't count)

Not much of a gamer. Last console i owned and was really into was a PS2

I have a 3DS for pokemon though but it's a consoled shared with my sister.

But if I had to pick a game that really stayed with me it would be the Ratchet & Clank series.

I played and beat every game in the original series and replayed it countless times and enjoyed it thoroughly.

I have not played the future series due to  the fact I don't own a PS3 though but thankfully the Original Series was all available for PS2 and PSP.

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What was the most amusing drama incident in fuwahistory, of the ones that happened? Least?

^I'm not sure if you have to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm just trolling or not.


Should I make an AMA, and in that case when?


What characteristics do you look for in a girl/boy?


Did you have any really embarrassing net handle when you were younger?


Why do you love Shinobu so much?

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