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Query - Chat



15 members have voted

  1. 1. Why don't you chat?

    • I don't want to download a program
    • I find the steps for the current options a bit too much.
    • I find I don't necessarily like the chat topics on these.
    • I just have no interest in chatting, I like forums only
    • Other

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So over the past couple of weeks, people have brought up their own little chat programs, apps and etc.


My question is this... as it stands there is an IRC and TS running (both are for chatting on), but quite often its only a small handful of users on either.


I wanted to ask, what is it that stops you chatting?


I should point out as well, even if you do chat, if any of the above apply, do vote.


Please vote in the poll above, if other, post in a comment,



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Oh ... voting resets replies ... Damn.


So yeah, problem with chats is that - in my humble opinion - it's not easy to be comfortable in if you aren't used to.


I mean most of the time it's random talk and often makes no sense at all. :rolleyes:

Not saying it's bad but it might to be to everyone's liking.


Plus it's hard for a new user to find his place in a chat where everybody knows each other already (although the effort to integrate oneself should be made to).

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I don't know when to step into a conversation, nor can think of a way to start one without embarrassing myself in the process.

This alongside not feeling like downloading software just for it. 


I think it was brought up some months ago but it was eventually forgotten, some people suggested a built in chat in the forums which is possible with IPB (I've seen some IPB forums with a built in chat though I'm almost 100% sure the chat is hosted by a 3rd party website). I think if it became a reality it'd cause a much bigger influx of people to chat together within the fuwa community as oppose to forcing them to leave the site just for chatting. The IRC and TS are practically their own separate communities from what I hear.


But as far as IRC and TS it's not for me. If Chrome worked properly with IRC but it never works for me (I've tried several times before and always fail)

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Well I would summ it up like this I guess: for quick chat you want to chat with people with generally same interests.

That's why for TS chat I mostly invite people with interest in lolis and such (or they actually come by themselves these days).



As for the current options, there is the IRC and TS.

IRC is mostly people who come straight from the website, that's why there is tons of people there who never even posted on forums or post very rarely.

TS on the other hand is just the lolicons from the forums, most people there are active forum posters however, unlike IRC.


I'm actually not sure why Nosebleed is not there since its mostly the people he chats with on skype but posting lolis all day xD

I try to keep TS pretty small like that as well, no need to have separate groups there, its basically Steve and Luch and people with similar interest as us - that's the active part xD Then there are people who come and go, some stick for longer, some not.

But there is always lot of lolis xD

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I'm actually not sure why Nosebleed is not there since its mostly the people he chats with on skype but posting lolis all day xD

I try to keep TS pretty small like that as well, no need to have separate groups there, its basically Steve and Luch and people with similar interest as us - that's the active part xD Then there are people who come and go, some stick for longer, some not.

But there is always lot of lolis xD


I don't know how this stuff works! #2dumb

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I marked Other because I just never "got" the big deal of chat.  Even though I still try it sometimes.

I never really understood the appeal of random, group internet chat

It is truly hit or miss.  There is no control over the topic.


And it's patently inefficient.  Because of idling for one.  There is no way of knowing if people are really listening.  Because unlike a phone call, nobody actually has to "pick up" to answer you.

Another is that people in the same channel end up talking over each other about different topics.  Then you can't follow what's going on.


An organized group chat is a whole different thing.  Agree in advance on a certain time of day GMT, a certain topic, and a certain length of time (half hour, hour, etc.)

Each participant connects to the channel at that time.

They remain on the channel, chatting for the designated time.

When that chat session is over, they log off.

At least that, I can understand.

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Man I had Chatzilla plug-in installed and running in 15 seconds.  If you use Firefox there's definitely not a technical barrier to IRC with that.

After a while, I might deign to give IRC another try and see if anyone new is one there.

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I don't know when to step into a conversation, nor can think of a way to start one without embarrassing myself in the process.


Basically this. I also find it hard to become part of the community because for a little bit your just that one guy who's not really known and is just...there.

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