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Will you sell your soul?


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For those who check the "What Anime are you watching now?" thread then you probably have seen how much i'm loving Jigoku Shoujo and the concept sorrounding it. So much in fact that i want to make a thread dedicated to it to hear what other people would do in a similar scenario.


Keep in mind this is an entirely hypothetical scenario created by me, based on several scenarios in the anime and I'll try my best to clarify everything in it. I'd also appreciate if you don't bend the rules a lot because I kind of wanted to know people's serious opinions.


First off in this scenario both heaven and hell exist. As well as the concept of a soul.


Heaven: A place of eternal rest. When you die and your soul goes to heaven you will achieve eternal happiness and peace. 


Hell: A place of eternal suffering. When you die and your soul goes to hell you will spend eternity in pain and despair.


Soul: Kind of like your consciousness. Something that leaves your body after you die and is then sent to either heaven or hell based on your actions during the time you were alive. While in either heaven or hell your soul is able to materialize in another you so it will have a human form in the after life. I think that's as accurate as I can make it


Warning: Long text is long


The scenario/story:

You are a relatively successful individual of society. You have your own house in a nice residential area near the city, a family that you love with a wife/husband and one child who is still attending middle school, a social life with people you hang out with at times, you are healthy, you have a stable income with a job that you like that still allows you to spoil yourself and your family every once in a while. Things are going great for you right now and you're wishing these days would go on forever. 

However things quickly get reversed as one day you come home and find your wife/husband with bruises curled up in a corner in pain. You have no idea what happened and as you ask them about the situation their state of shock doesn't allow them to speak. You are clueless but you still call an ambulance that takes them to the hospital. After a talk with the doctors they reveal that your wife/husband was assaulted and violated in your house. You go home to take care of your child who's scared and crying for their hospitalized parent. Regardless you believe you will pull through if you stick together. But things aren't so easy as the next day your child comes home crying. After they calm down they tell you they were bullied at school, called names and got objects thrown at them, they also ruined your child's clothes. Frustrated you call the school to know about the matter but the teachers deny any suspicious activity although they will look into the matter. Unable to do anything else you lay your child to sleep and go get some rest yourself. Perhaps this was just some really bad nightmare. However when you wake up, said nightmare is still on going. Your child is missing. You call the school but they are not there either. Panicking and putting some clothes on you get ready to leave to search for them when you recieve a message on your phone. It took a while to process but the image in that message was cleared. Gagged and tied up on a chair was your child, as clear as day, with tears rolling down their cheek. On the bottom of this message there is a monetary value. Why wouldn't there be? It was obvious this was a case of kidnapping. But it was as clear as day that you couldn't gather all that much money in time. You're set into near despair but you hurriedly leave the house to the bank in order to get the full amount you were asked. Luckily you manage to get it though to some connections. You transfer the money into the designed account and hurry to the appointed location. In a dark caved, still gagged up and tied lays your child. Weak and barely able to move you hold them tight, it feels like an eternity has gone by since you last saw them. But their voice is faint, you try to convey all your feelings to them right there but you're not getting an answer, the hand you were holding is no longer giving a reply, the body you're holding is cold, stiff, now devoid of all life right in front of your eyes. How do you react? What is one supose to do in this situation? You feel like this is just a terrible joke, the world most be toying with your emotions. After some tears and a long embrace you slightly regain your composure and are able to call the police.

After the interrogation you decide the right thing to do is talk to your wife/husband. You know it will be bad, they are still hospitalized from the shock, but you want to tell someone close to you what just happened, you need someone to share your grief badly or you won't be able to take it all. As expected your wife/husband is set further into a disarray of emotions and is unable to control it. You hold them but it's useless. You understand what you can do right now is just sit and let it go by. You stay the night at the hospital with them in hopes that things will be better once you're awake. But your worse fears were just beginning to appear one by one as your eyes open slowly to nurses shouting. Something's wet, you can feel it dripping on the palm of your hand, the same hand you were using to hold your wife/husband's hand before you went to sleep. Red, everything is stained red. That dark redness slowly flowing down their mouth lick an endless stream. You fully come to your senses a bit after. Screaming loudly and falling on the floor as you feel every ounce of strength leaving your body. Why? Was it too much to take? Wasn't your presence enough to comfort them? It didn't matter anyway. They won't talk to you again, they won't hold you again, they won't love you again. After a talk with the nurses you find out the previous assault had damaged their body more than the doctors had predicted and the condition suddenly worsened. At least that was the jist of it you were willing to listen to.

As you arrive home you just want to curl up in a dark room alone and forget about the existence of the world. You want to follow them to the afterlife and bring back your cheerful days. You could just die right there, it's not like it would matter anymore anyway. Vibrations circulate through your body. You slowly pick up your cellphone. You know you won't take any action if it's from your job or friends, everything is pointless now. But the contents of the message send you in a chuckle. As you thought nothing could get worse you just got noticed in your phone that you are being removed from your house. Well why wouldn't you? You have no money left, you can't even afford a snack from a vending machine anymore. You'll probably just starve to death. It's not long before you get a call from your boss. For one reason or another you are now dismissed from your job and don't have to come back the next day. Apparently in the mess you forgot to call your boss and tell them what the situation was.

After you throw your cellphone against the wall and see bits of plastic falling on the floor, you feel a sudden breeze. Perhaps it's coming from the window. You take a look up, dark and glistening under the moonlight, a young girl's hair was wavering. Who could it be? It didn't matter. Whatever they say doesn't matter anymore. You're just going to sleep and hope you don't wake up the next morning. But the girl speaks, holding out a straw doll with a small red thread wrapped around its neck: "Take this. If you really wish to take revenge, you may pull the red string". This must be a joke, revenge? On who?

The world warps, you are in a different place of your house. There laid your wife/husband as they were savagely beaten and violated by some random individual you had never seen once. You yell to stop. But it's not over. You're now in a car, next side you is your child moaning in pain and crying. Driving the car was the same man you just saw earlier. You grip your fists tightly as you achieve a conclusion. You understand the meaning of this as you ask to stop once more. You're back in your room with the girl in front of you. Her speech however continues: "If you pull the string, the person recieving your revenge will be sent to hell". Your hand is already moving by itself before her sentence is over. "However. You must also pay the price once it's over". You're willing to do anything at this point, you just want to completely crush the person who took everything from you. "Two holes open when you curse a person. Once that person goes to hell you will go to hell as well". Hell? This place itself is a living hell, there's nothing to fear. "You will be unable to go to heaven, you will forever wander in hell and suffer for the rest of eternity after you die". Your hand freezes as it's groping the string. You feel a burning sensation. Fire? You don't have time to process the feeling as you are engulfed into flamesand feel your skin peel off exposing your flesh and bones in mere seconds. You never screamed so loudly in your life. But those mere seconds were also the only ones as you are now standing back in your room. "The rest is for you to decide", the faint voice said as there was no girl in front of you anymore. You stand still staring at the straw doll in your hand. Will you pull or will you not pull the red string?


If you pull the string:

The person responsible for the horrible crimes that completely destroyed your life will be punished severely and suffer eternal despair in the depths of hell to never return. This process happens right after you pull the string. The crimes commited by this person will be brought to light as well. Your life will return to normal, you will live the rest of your life relatively happy and you will be able to move on with it. You will however have a mark on your chest for the rest of your life, reminding you of the pact you have with hell.

Once you die (wether of old age or other causes) you will be sent to hell, you are unable to go to heaven. Your family is in heaven.


If you don't pull the string:

The criminal who did those crimes will most likely go unpunished. Your life is still ruined and is unlikely to go back to normal. You won't get a job back and you will lose your house. You will spend the rest of your life in despair until the moment you die. You are still able to continue living however and slowly pull yourself back together. But it'll never be the same.

You have a chance of going to heaven as long as you lead the rest of your life honestly. Your family is in heaven and you have a chance to meet them there.

Suicide will not get you into heaven and is not a way out.


If you managed to stick with me until now I salute you. Please feel free to answer. Will you pull the string or will you not pull the string? (And why or why not). How much do you hate the individual that took everything from you? Enough to curse yourself as well? I'd like to hear your opinions.


Even if this thread gets buried let it be known i had a blast coming up with this story! Sorry if it got too gloomy :lol:

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I wouldn't pull the string. Despair is something that passes with time, and if you're qualified you can always get a new job, though you'd have to rely on social assistance for a while because you're losing your life. I never rated loved ones and family very highly anyway, so I guess the problems are all monetary. Normally I wouldn't have entered that mess anyway (I'd just call the police and let them deal with it. If they can't, no big deal, I still don't lose money) but since some sort of madness took over my mind, I guess I have to start planning how the hell can I go back to a half decent condition, at least. 


Point is, nothing is worth eternal pain to me. There are no circunstances that would make me choose going to hell (even though if it actually exists, I'm probably screwed anyway).

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I would pull the string, i wouldn't mind eternal pain and suffering in hell if it meant he would go to hell as well. I would rather go to hell than heaven anyways. I would say fuck it all. I'm a person who would prefer revenge than to let it slide by, not to mention the son of a bitch will still be able to commit crimes right after. I mean this is a once in a lifetime chance to ruin the person who ruined you and your family. The consequences are severe for this but what the hell i would say hi to the bastard in hell and we can suffer together. 

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Guest hairybumslapper

I would pull the string, because hedonism ftw.

+I would rather burn (less) in hell, then go to a heaven filled with religious nut-jobs. And besides, maybe Satan isn't such a bad guy, he hasn't killed anywhere near the amount of people "God" has.



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This is hard.

Like.  You're asking me to take on a persona you constructed, and then you give me a choice.  All the poop happening could mean shit to me, and as such, the answer is simple.  Or I could answer as the given persona and once again, the answer is simple. i looked up persona and i'm probably usin' it wrong but i don't know what other word to use

I guess the intention is that most people will respond to the events similarly, but I don't know.

Furthermore, you're asking someone in a calm and rational state of mind to make the choice.  Someone who went through all that and and responded appropriately would be all irrational at the moment and would probably make a rash choice.  Hell, I'm going on about this because I'm calm and rational right now.  I could've had a mental breakdown after all that and not even be able to make any choice.

I'm just making problems that probably don't really matter, though.

In the end, I don't care enough about revenge to harm myself.  Like, if I was going to hell anyway, sure, take him with me.  Why not.

But, like.  Heck.  Just being able to rest in peace is a whole lot better than revenge.  Especially after mental trauma which I would probably experience.  But I even get eternal paradise.  That's pretty nice.  And with the family that I supposedly care about.

But I guess that's not fair.  To me, you're just asking if I wanna go to hell or heaven.  It would be more appropriate if I actually gave a damn about the bad guy.  So let's say I did.

Huge gain with infinite loss versus no gain with infinite gain.  Still an easy answer.  But that's me answering with rationale which I wouldn't do had I gone through with the whole mess.  Which confuses me on how I should answer or why it would even matter.  I either act calm and choose the rational answer, or I act not calm and choose the irrational answer.  Both ways, I'm not even making a choice.  I'm just reacting to the situation.

I'd also like to know more about the bad guy.  I'm pretty sure I didn't miss this part in my skimming, but what's up with this guy?  Like, really.  This would influence me greatly.  Either I consider him nothing more than a rampaging animal that should probably be put down (and likewise feel no real desire to have him put down since he can no longer harm me and everyone I supposedly care about is dead), or I respect him for his self-awareness and accept that someone with more power than me used said power against me (and once more, no longer a problem).  Okay, maybe it wouldn't influence me at all.  But I'd still be curious.

I think I'm doing it wrong.  But, um.  I don't care much for revenge, and I care a lot about relief, so no pull.

By the way, most of this was incoherent rambling, so I don't really have much to follow up with.

On another note, when I read the title, I was thinking a "miserable free man vs happy slave" thing on the idea that selling your soul would be to become the servant of whoever owns it.

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I wouldn't pull the string. Despair is something that passes with time, and if you're qualified you can always get a new job, though you'd have to rely on social assistance for a while because you're losing your life.


Point is, nothing is worth eternal pain to me. There are no circunstances that would make me choose going to hell (even though if it actually exists, I'm probably screwed anyway).

Dang it, what part of, "Your life will never be the same," don't you understand??



I'd also like to know more about the bad guy.  I'm pretty sure I didn't miss this part in my skimming, but what's up with this guy?  Like, really.  This would influence me greatly.  Either I consider him nothing more than a rampaging animal that should probably be put down (and likewise feel no real desire to have him put down since he can no longer harm me and everyone I supposedly care about is dead), or I respect him for his self-awareness and accept that someone with more power than me used said power against me (and once more, no longer a problem).  Okay, maybe it wouldn't influence me at all.  But I'd still be curious.

I would assume Nosebleed was going for a whole, "You don't know anything at all about this guy, but he did it anyways."

I got a whole G-senjou no Maou (Tsubaki's route) vibe going on when I read the part about the kid. Wasn't quite the same, but the vibe was still there for me. Might've been wrong though.


My Thoughts:

Hmm... for me, this is one of those things where it's like, "Unless I were actually in the situation, I wouldn't know for sure." There are a lot of things that I tend to miss about myself. I've had moments where I'm doing something, and I may need a friend to tell me that I'm doing something wrong. At the same time, I feel like I have enough confidence in myself to not make a mistake like that. But then again, it's because of those moments where I just fail to notice my errors that force me to draw the line and say that I'd have to actually be there.


To me, right now, I see that there's no point in causing pain for another if there's no real way to actually benefit me in the situation I'm currently in. In other words, it's a waste of time with no real benefit for me.


Then again, I'd imagine that, yeah, I'd be pretty darn mad about losing the person I love, as well as my child. Taking revenge for their sake may be the best option...but I don't completely understand love, nor do I completely understand the mindset of sacrificing oneself for their loved one or beloved child. I always saw these types of things as things I'd understand if I had the chance to experience for myself, as I feel that experience is one of the main ways I come to learn and understand things the best. Thinking about it some more, what about the people I love? What sort of input would I get from them?


I find the two scenarios completely possible (there may be more, but these are just two really general cases):

1. Assuming that I were to follow my morals and what I believe in, no, I would not pull the string.

2. Assuming that my lust for revenge is great enough, I would pull the string.

Because I don't have enough confidence and information, I say my final verdict would be: I cannot make that judgment without actually being in that sort of situation.


Sorry if you wanted an actual answer, but I've always found these just too difficult to really make a call on.

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Dang it, what part of, "Your life will never be the same," don't you understand??

It wouldn't be the same, but I could try to minimize damage as much as possible :P 

Hey, if your life gets better than the previous one it's still not the same as before! It's totally legit.

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It's pretty hard to put myself in that situation, first because I wouldn't act same as the person in your story, second because I don't believe in heaven and hell. My second reason could be overlooked, but the first one is hard to overlook, as for example after I would come home and find that situation, I wouldn't send my child to school normally, I would send him/her to some cousins where she/he would be safe and always with somebody while I would be searching for one responsible. But if I would somehow ended up in the same point anyway, I wouldn't pull the string, but not because I would be afraid of hell, but because I would like to kill that person with my own two hands while I look him in the eyes.


PS: Hoewher in my case it is a very unrealistic that that situation would happen to me, as I am not interested in having a family in the first place.

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The hell and heaven thing adds to the decision making ^^.

I don't believe in this so "usuallly"i xould pull the string without one though.


Mmmh but with te hell thing ... yeah, I'd pull the string anyway.

Can't live knowing the guy who did this is living peacefully.

I'd just want him to suffer, really really bad.


There are few things that I'll never forget, violating is the second of them, unjustified crualty is the first.

And the guy in this story did both, he's not a human to my eyes anymore, not even an animal, nothing , just some guy who doesn't deserve happiness or a life anymore.


That made me think about another question, what if a last choice was : "make the criminal forget his sins and start a new peaceful life".

That would be pretty different

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I don't think I would pull the string. I see no reason to go to hell just so that a monster who ruined your life would have to go to the same hell with no strings attached (pun not intended). It seems a little pointless in my eyes: you'd make yourself even more miserable just so that the person responsible would be just as miserable. Of course, not pulling the string does mean that person would run free, but I think I'd do everything in my power to make their life miserable. That may end up getting me in hell anyways, but it's already quite sure that that person would go to hell, all you can really do is make their earthly life a living hell.


On a side note, I disagree with suicide not being an option for going to heaven under any circumstances. I think there are circumstances where one could get to the conclusion that suicide is the only way out, and in my opinion it would be very cruel for any sort of god to punish someone who is already in agony by sending them to hell.

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I Would Pull The String Because Im Already Suffering In Real Life So I Dont Really Care If Im Send In Hell Or Heaven 


But Like In Hammurabi Code


An Eye For An Eye


A Tooth For A Tooth 


And Death For A Death ~


So If I Will Send In Hell I Might Destroy His/Her Life First~

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On a side note, I disagree with suicide not being an option for going to heaven under any circumstances. I think there are circumstances where one could get to the conclusion that suicide is the only way out, and in my opinion it would be very cruel for any sort of god to punish someone who is already in agony by sending them to hell.


This is not the point here. It's more or less about suffering before or after your death.

So in the hypothetical scenario he purposely avoided this option (I think ?).


Just saying this so people don't start an of topic debate (cough *2D vs 3D* cough).

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Quite simply, If everything in this hypothetical scenario is true, then as long as you are a decent human being, you will go to heaven, no matter your religious affiliation. And if it is so, wouldn't that simply mean that the person who ruined "my" life would go to hell upon death regardless of if I pull the string or not? And another thing: maybe 50 years of being miserable but an eternity of happiness vs An eternity of pain? If we go by the hypothesis above, then the "bad guy" will end up in hell for all eternity anyways. Adding maybe 50 years extra of eternal suffering to him, in exchange for eternal suffering for me? That's a very unfair deal... 


And another thing is that the whole story gives me the suspicion that the girl (or whatever she is) knows about these facts, and is merely attempting to capitalize on my despair in an attempt to acquire "two souls for the price of one"


"Faustian deals never ever work in your favor unless you happen to be crazy prepared" - Person being quoted, whoever it is


Edit: Based on this information, I would NOT pull the string. Instead, I would be left wondering of where I could safely throw away this obvious artifact of doom

Edited by Katatsumuri
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Oh wow this actually got more replies than i expected. I'd like to write more about it and clarify some things.


First off. I wrote this at 3:30AM last night and finished it at 3:50. This is by no means a perfect story. I wrote everything on a whim and just kept imagining the entire scenario as i kept writing.

Here's the reasons behind the existence of the story:

1 - I felt like writing it (this is probably 90% of it)

2 - The main point of this story is to give you context. 


Theoretically i could have asked you all of this without a story. However my goal was to see if i could make you hate this individual as much as possible and see if in a situation of such despair you would basically "sell" your soul. Of course in the end you are still reading it with a rational mind so that goal is pretty tough. But if i didn't give you any context you would probably never even consider option 1 because there's no clear reason to. At least that was the point :P


About the criminal:

I didn't want to elaborate much on this although in the series some of them are often elaborated on. The reason is because if I did then you could judge them based on other factors. I wanted you to judge them based solely on those single actions.

If you're wondering about what kind of person this individual is, in my head they are a despicable human being that would not hesitate to perform these crimes again. This person would laugh in your face as they did it in front of you even if they had the chance. They are the worse kind possible of human being that doesn't care about anyone but themselves. They're even willing to incriminate you if it came down to it and you caught them somehow. 

This was the general idea.


About the girl:

The girl is suposed to be my version of Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl).

This girl is the one who takes revenge on your behalf and makes the contract with you.

Someone mentioned that it looks like they are trying to coherse you into it by force which is true but at the same time it isn't. 

Jigoku Shoujo has the ability to show you the past and the events that happened so you know for sure who is the criminal behind it, that's how you find out about the person who commited the crimes. At the end of this revelation she gives you a straw doll with a red string. She explains everything that comes with the contract thoroughly. She explains that you can't curse someone without paying the price (in this case your soul). Before she disappears she also shows you a taste of hell which is what the scene where you're on fire is supposed to mean.

So technically the girl shows you everything that comes with pulling the string and then leaves you to decide. 

In the anime she comes at your request, however here i decided that she came in your moment of despair because it just wouldn't fit with the whole thing saying you went and requested them, in that case you'd probably pull the string since you're already calling them. That's why i changed it up a bit.


Here's what the anime goes like:

There is an individual that's put in a situation of despair. There were numerous cases from bullying to losing a loved one, to losing a job, social status, rape, etc.

Since every episode is a different story I had to find a way to give you the same feelings of despair but it couldn't just be one random story in the anime since each story applies to everyone differently. Granted that the story i wrote also falls under the same category. That's why i tried hard to give you all the details and even personal feelings because if i just gave you the scenario alone you wouldn't know how to feel in the situation. Of course in the end everyone will be affected by it differently but i tried hard to be broad.

In the anime the person who judges what's right or wrong is the viewer pretty much. The person who asks for revenge is always in sheer despair and they end up pulling the string 99% of the times. That's the kind of emotion i tried to provoke. Probably unsuccessfully.


Regarding hell/heaven:

I don't want to be offensive to anyone's beliefs so don't take this badly. In this scenario you are fully aware hell exists. You are shown hell and consequently you are told heaven exists as well. So regardless of your beliefs keep in mind in this scenario you know these 2 places exist and are where your soul will end up in after you die.


Some other rules i should have probably mentioned but was too tired to:

  • Trying to catch the criminal by honest means (like calling the police) will result in failure no matter how hard you try
  • Keeping on with trying to catch them like this will wear you out a lot, you will likely lose even more and it will be futile, you can not catch this person
  • Seeking revenge on your own will likely fail and if it doesn't you will still go to hell due to the act you commited
  • Suicide sends you to hell, this is not implied in Jigoku Shoujo at any point. However I wanted to cut off your exits because in this scenario suicide would be a really easy way out if you knew you would go to heaven.

I know you are saying this is unfair. And it is unfair. And that is what it's supposed to be an extremly unfair situation where you are left with only 2 options. That was the overall idea behind this whole thing.



I hope some of this info helps clarify some stuff. I really liked reading all of you guys' opinions and I was happy this thread actually got some recognition.

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Please pull the string ^_^


This has the potential to be a rather question regarding the nature of revenge if not for the strange clause "getting revenge will make your life go back to normal". If not for this clause, then revenge would simply be a case of self satisfaction, and would you be willing to sell your soul just so you can feel a little bit better, while ruining someone else's life and perpetuating the cycle (hell approves).


However that making your life go back to normal clause kind of screws with that since apparently the choice of whether to get revenge or not decides whether or not you can be a functional being in the future. Since this is the case, the only reason to not pull the string is if you actually care about the afterlife, or are so self-sacrificing that you don't want to hurt someone else's life even at the cost of your own.


Honestly, in either situation of whether you pull the string or not, you still need to bear the scars of this traumatic event in your life, and I really can't accept that simply getting revenge is the ticket to being able to maintain your sanity. If you are able to live with knowing you killed someone else, as well as the tragedy that has befallen you, and knowing that there is no salvation for you, there's no reason why you won't be able to live with just dealing with the tragedy that has befallen you, and still having hope that perhaps things may still get better. (Hope is an important material needed for the continuance of sanity) Also, being able to make that choice means that you didn't give in to revenge so it shouldn't be something that haunts you every moment of your life since you were able to move on from it.


With that said, I would pull the string since apparently it fixes my life for me without me having to do anything. I don't care about the afterlife.

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I wouldn't pull the string. I don't believe in deities but regardless I still wouldn't pull because if something that traumatizing happened to me I would go after the criminal myself. I watched Jigoku Shoujo and it's one of my favorite anime also but you rarely see the man/woman go after the person themselves, which is overall kinda weak to have to depend on Enma to carry out your vengeance. 

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This has the potential to be a rather question regarding the nature of revenge if not for the strange clause "getting revenge will make your life go back to normal". If not for this clause, then revenge would simply be a case of self satisfaction, and would you be willing to sell your soul just so you can feel a little bit better, while ruining someone else's life and perpetuating the cycle (hell approves).

Huh. I missed that line. I sorta assumed that it'd be impossible to- Wait. This doesn't make any sense. It's not possible for the criminal to recieve punishment for his crimes if your life returned to normal. For your life to simply "return to normal," wouldn't that mean the criminal never committed any crimes in the first place?

Probably gotta clarify that one, because I feel like I may change my mind to pulling it, since my initial argument for not pulling it was because I believed it wouldn't change anything.

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Huh. I missed that line. I sorta assumed that it'd be impossible to- Wait. This doesn't make any sense. It's not possible for the criminal to recieve punishment for his crimes if your life returned to normal. For your life to simply "return to normal," wouldn't that mean the criminal never committed any crimes in the first place?

Probably gotta clarify that one, because I feel like I may change my mind to pulling it, since my initial argument for not pulling it was because I believed it wouldn't change anything.

By "your life returning to normal" I mean you won't be damaged inside as a human being, you will come over your trauma easily. Your family members don't come back of course. The criminal's crimes will be brought to light which implies you will get the money back and probably some compesation for being a victim. You will be able to return to your job and keep your house as well.


The person that takes care of the criminal if you pull the string is Jigoku Shoujo, not the police. The criminal will disappear from the face of the earth and be sent to hell. His crimes will then be revealed by either the police or mass media and everything is clarified. Of course no one will know where the criminal went. The police will eventually close the case because the criminal is simply missing from the face of the earth, but not before you get compesated for it.


If you don't pull the string the criminal is simply let go to do whatever they desire and you will have no control over it. He might even come back to kill you. You don't know. You'll lose your house and job for the time being. 

You can pull yourself back up, there's no reason you wouldn't, but it'll traumatize you heavily and leave you depressed for most part.

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here something you wont hear everyday:

even if both choices lead me to "heaven" i would not pull the string

i will never want to punish anyone for doing anything. any kind of hatred would be solved with a fair fist fight, the stronger one is "justice"

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here something you wont hear everyday:

even if both choices lead me to "heaven" i would not pull the string

i will never want to punish anyone for doing anything. any kind of hatred would be solved with a fair fist fight, the stronger one is "justice"

That's rather reduntant. You won't let someone else take revenge for you but you'll take revenge yourself. I'd just pick the one that requires less effort and risk in this case. Don't care about my pride that much.

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By "your life returning to normal" I mean you won't be damaged inside as a human being, you will come over your trauma easily. Your family members don't come back of course. The criminal's crimes will be brought to light which implies you will get the money back and probably some compesation for being a victim. You will be able to return to your job and keep your house as well.


The person that takes care of the criminal if you pull the string is Jigoku Shoujo, not the police. The criminal will disappear from the face of the earth and be sent to hell. His crimes will then be revealed by either the police or mass media and everything is clarified. Of course no one will know where the criminal went. The police will eventually close the case because the criminal is simply missing from the face of the earth, but not before you get compesated for it.


If you don't pull the string the criminal is simply let go to do whatever they desire and you will have no control over it. He might even come back to kill you. You don't know. You'll lose your house and job for the time being. 

You can pull yourself back up, there's no reason you wouldn't, but it'll traumatize you heavily and leave you depressed for most part.


Oh, so they don't come back. Yeah, no. That's alright, I'll remain with my abstinence stance. Them coming back would probably be the push for me to pull it... probably.

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i would pull it.

seeing as i have no more true bindings to this world anymore.

my moral view on the world is simple live until the day you die or all your loved ones have disappeard.

and having read the bible and other stuff i can say this i dont care.

if something happens to me or the people around me i will get revenge no matter the consequences.

if he goes to hell and i do to later on then i will continue pursuing in hell.

btw iam a extreem eye for an eye person.

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