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Did I catch your attention? Perhaps you are wondering who I am? Fear not, I shall give you a brief introduction on who I am.


I am a 17 year old male and I am what people call an introvert. Unlike the typical stereotype of an introvert, I lead a healthy social life. I do, however, have something which people don't know about me. Everyone that knows me knows that I am deep into technology and video games. What they don't know is that I love to read manga. From there I fell in love with Japanese culture (note that I am from Portugal, a tiny country left of Spain.) I, just like many others, roam the web in search of amusement. Manga provided me with worlds which I never dreamed of and many interesting plots that, if I had to come up with them, would be inconceivable to me. I specifically love manga/anime/movies/shows/games with plot twists and mystery. I started reading Visual Novels because of my love, dare I say passion, with decision making. Visual Novels gave me what I always wanted of a novel: to be the protagonist and decide my fate! I see Visual Novels as a parallel universe, where I'd be extremely happy to live in. 


Well, that is just a short paragraph on what I like and how I got to Visual Novels. It might sound a bit cliche, but it is what it is. I've reading the forums for a while and decided to create an account just in case. If you guys have any questions, about tastes or real life, feel free to ask, I don't bite :)

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yea. id be extremly happy to live in Monster Girl Quest




I haven't read to many VNs, but out of the ones I read, I'd pick to live in Majikoi. Epic childhood with a handful of girls that are attracted (in several ways) to me? That is the dream. From what I read about MGQ, I'd be sexually exhausted in that world xD It does sound great though...



Welcome to the forums. I hope you find many great VNs here.



Thanks :) Nice to see someone from Portugal here (not many of us delve into these areas.)

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i hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

Be careful as the forum is going through some major changes at the moment so don't get lost in the process ! :)

Whzt's your favorite Vn ?

Read Clannad !

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i hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

Be careful as the forum is going through some major changes at the moment so don't get lost in the process ! :)

Whzt's your favorite Vn ?

Read Clannad !


Apparently it changed twice today, to the new fuwanovel.net and now it is back to the old fuwanovel.net. A bit lost, but I can manage :) I get too emotional attached to characters and I often find myself lost in fictional universes. I typically don't cry, but Clannad made me shed a tear or two (or many depending on how you look at it.) Right now my favorite is Cross†Channel, but that can change soon since I only started reading them a bit ago.



Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay

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Welcome to fuwanovel!


We share the appreciation of Visual novels here. I'm pretty much also hiding my otakuness from the outer-world but here I've found a nice place where I can share and discuss this hobby of mine (or should I say half my life).


Enjoy your stay, and don't be shy to post in our threads here.

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Welcome to fuwanovel!


We share the appreciation of Visual novels here. I'm pretty much also hiding my otakuness from the outer-world but here I've found a nice place where I can share and discuss this hobby of mine (or should I say half my life).


Enjoy your stay, and don't be shy to post in our threads here.


Guess this hobby of ours is unappreciated in the outside world, what a shame :( I sure won't be shy about posting!

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The place for everything, just like the infamous rule 34.

Welcome to the forum,Hope you will have fun.

Thanks! Another person from Portugal ^^

Wow nice intro :) welcome to the forums! hope we'll get along well :D


Here a Shinobu for a good head start! 




Cute, or should I say, kawaii? :D Thanks for the Shinobu!


Welcome to the forums! I too feel like the protagonist sometimes (one of the reasons why I can't really enjoy visual novels with more than one main character D;), it's pretty fun and satisfying c:
I hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun~! 



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Hey there and welcome to fuwanovel, hope to see you around here so good luck and all.

Have you played Hoshizora no Memoria.  B)



Just got it! It's probably what I am going to read next.


Awesome introduction, good job.


Thank you :) Nice to meet you!


Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Kudos for the CC avatar! :D

Have a moe:


Almost as moe as Ren-senpai~


Thank you :) Glad to see another fan of CC!


Welcome to the forums, we're glad to have you here.



Welcome to the forums have some awesomeness:




Hello Welcome To Fuwa~


It is indeed awesome ^^


Welcome to the forums...


Many thanks!

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