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Oh shit, 2 please! I have Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, which means I can only go to the beach if I'm willing to spend the next 3 days in a great deal of pain. And by that I mean my hands will feel like they've been set on fire.


I'm going to rip off Red Dwarf for my question. You've died and have gone to the afterlife. Before your soul can undertake its final journey, all the actions you've performed in your lifetime are to be reviewed and you will be judged. Who would you prefer to be judged by:

a) An omnipotent God

b )Your own conscience

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2 )  If my own conscience is the one judging me, then I think I will have a pretty damn good afterlife.  I've never done anything without thinking it through logically, and if my conscience is anything like me, then it would agree that all of my choices were correct in the sense they were logical at the time.  Whereas an omnipotent God would probably say "Why the hell did you laugh at that person falling off the table?  That's just cruel....BANISHED TO HELLL!!!!!!"  

To make a similar what if:
1_Have a personal paradise in Heaven (you could have whatever you want as long as it was not considered "sinful").
2_Work with the devil in Hell (or your religious equivalent) and have whatever you want (literally) through the suffering of others.

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2) The first would probably land me on the sex offender's list, so probably punch. Though the ire from 2) would probably just be as bad.


Would you rather...


1) watch a porno WITH your parents

2) watch a porno OF your parents

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1)  Nobody....in their right mind.....would watch a porno.....OF their parents.

1_Sky dive without a parachute into a pool of gelatin (if you land in it you live with no injuries).
2_Listen to a catholic choir made up of 8 year olds singing out of sync for 10 hours.

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1 Since i'll live anyway, i already hate kids, don't make me listen to a choir of them. I live with an 8 year old sister too, it's enough 8 year olds for me.


1 Have every video/film you watch turn into:


2 Have every song you listen to turn into:


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Easy 2nd choice: Videos films are better so obviously lose the less valuable (music) and if you consider that the movies are intact as a whole you can even replay parts just to listen to the OST so win win.


1 Cancel all gravity affecting small objects /small meaning everything but the landscape, planets and the gas layers/

2 Unleash a incurable virus with a 100% mortality rate /the virus is both airborne and waterborne affecting every living creature/

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1)  I win.  There is no point in lying in arguments because it's extremely easy to refute what one would say in that lie.

1_Gain perfect awareness of your surroundings (know exactly what is going on around you in a 2 kilometer radius, sound, sight, even taste if you concentrated hard enough).

2_Become the dragonborn.

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2 Stamina- its better to run 100+ km that to be Usain Bolt on the 50m dash and stamina doesn't only affect running its an overall thing


1 Be clawed by a large  polar bear /full power swing from head to legs/

2 Be in a 2m long crocodiles' deathroll bite for 10 sec /you're bitten on the thigh/

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2. Hell it pretty much encompass the other and it means I can mind fornicate people with the amazing things I can do.

1 Have a 1 year sex fest with as many perfect women as you want and then never have sex again?

2 Have sex with the most ugly creatures your mind can compile for an hour then have go back to number 1 mines the time constraint?



Is this game a reference to My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy?

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1 My life is monotone everyday, i can get over it easily, the less effort the better.


1 Be transformed into any animal you want but lose concsiousness (Except humans)

2  Be transformed into a robot but keep your consciousness (By robot i mean the kind with bolts and henges that you see in the mecha genre that speak funny)


By consciousness i mean being aware of your own existence and the existence of those around you, a feature not present in animals.

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