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Greetings to all!


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I suppose I've gone long enough without an actual introduction?

Greetings everyone at fuwanovel!  I am Mevvrynne, lover of all things nekomimi and loli!  I have been reading visual novels for almost two years now, but long before that an avid fan of anime and obsessed gamer.  My first real experience at a visual novel was with Clannad, and I will always say it was my favorite as it brought me into the visual novel world.  Since that fateful day I've read over 75 visual novels total (this includes untranslated ones), and out of all the developers I would say Key is my favorite for creating Clannad, Little Busters, Kanon, Air and Rewrite.  Some of my more favorite visual novels not developed by Key would be Hoshizora no Memoria (favorite and Favorite, get it?  ha ha ha....I'm horrible), as I absolutely loved all the characters from it, and Deus Machina Demonbane as it was just plain AWESOME, gave me a great feeling of excitement all the way through.

I say I have read untranslated ones and I mean to the best of my ability.  I am indeed an American, but my older brother married into a Japanese family, and his brother in law is kindly teaching me Japanese in person (He's an English instructor at the nearby high school as a matter of fact).  I can read and write most kanji and have memorized hirigana and katakana, yet when it comes to hearing it directly I am fairly slow to understand it.

I am an independent computer technician in my area and am currently studying for my degree in analytic accounting (big change!).  Why you would ask?  Because I want to!  I have lived my life doing what I want, and will continue to do so!

So once again, greetings to everyone at fuwanovel, it is a wondrous pleasure to be part of this great community!

And Tsumiki will save the world!

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