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Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk


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All righty, people, here is a question for you all. We've already talked about what fictional character a Fuwa member is like. We've also talked about what fictional character we identify ourselves with. Now, this little thread has gathered a lot of regulars over the months and it's become kinda like a little family. My question is, what if it was a family? Who would be who? Who would be the dad? Who'd be the mom? Who'd be the weird uncle who always let the kids sit on his lap (*Cough* *Cough* Jun *Cough)? who's the oldest sister? who's the toddler (*Cough* *Cough* Monmon *Cough*)? And so forth.

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All righty, people, here is a question for you all. We've already talked about what fictional character a Fuwa member is like. We've also talked about what fictional character we identify ourselves with. Now, this little thread has gathered a lot of regulars over the months and it's become kinda like a little family. My question is, what if it was a family? Who would be who? Who would be the dad? Who'd be the mom? Who'd be the weird uncle who always let the kids sit on his lap (*Cough* *Cough* Jun *Cough)? who's the oldest sister? who's the toddler (*Cough* *Cough* Monmon *Cough*)? And so forth.

You're definitely the anti-social brother who sits in his room playing eroge all day... Actually I think we all would qualify for that role. ._.

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Well I would really like to be a father. Not sure if I´d do a good job, or even give of the atmosphere of a dad, but I´d really want to be one.

So I am going to be the reclusive dad that plays Eroge all day. Wait we already have someone for that?

Hmm then I´ll be the dad that spoils his kids a little too much but is still quite serious.

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Well I would really like to be a father. Not sure if I´d do a good job, or even give of the atmosphere of a dad, but I´d really want to be one.

So I am going to be the reclusive dad that plays Eroge all day. Wait we already have someone for that?

Hmm then I´ll be the dad that spoils his kids a little too much but is still quite serious.

I think you'd make a good dad. The question remains, though... Who'd be your lovely wife?


Double post so: a3ccb8ba69e2df6c4fd9cb01d3b65f20.gif

That feeling when I was considering whether to post that gif 4 days ago.


Can I be the family butler?

The question was who'd be who, not "who'd I be"! But yeah, you can be the butler, if you want. 

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I would be the know-it-all older brother who just thinks he's superior to his younger siblings, and is constantly annoying them with his advice and attempts to teach them interesting stuff. Cuz that's exactly who I am IRL

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I was thinking more Chiaki and Kana (if she had an identical twin)... Jay's the only limey bastard in that pairing so the Weasley's wouldn't work.

For some reason, my picture didn't work, so I had to replace it. But anyway, when you said "I'm probably the younger sibling who's disappointed with their elders. ", I couldn't help thinking of Ron.

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I nominate Lucky for that crybaby/bullied younger brother/sister.

There we go. Also, sounds about right. Monmon's still the toddler, though.


In the hope of clearing up the misunderstantig I´ll start by saying, that I am the Boss, wait no , the Dad!

But who'd everyone else be, in your opinion?

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