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Visualnovelcharts: A new resource for tracking VN releases


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7 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

Would you like to expand on what elements you'd like to see, or whether other existing English sites highlight new releases more effectively?

From my view, a better question might be:  What does this site add that Omochikaeri or VNDB don't provide?

Also that's a lot of data to keep up with.  It currently lists 40 January releases, which is about 2/3 of the major brand releases for the month (according to DependSpace, HolySeal, and EroGameScape).  If the site is going to keep providing all that info (even English descriptions of 50% of the games!) then I see there is something of value.  But that's a LOT of work and keeping it up is not going to be easy.

I guess what I'm saying is, would all this effort be better spent providing more and better updates to VNDB or other, pre-existing, VN focused websites?

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9 minutes ago, Toranth said:

From my view, a better question might be:  What does this site add that Omochikaeri or VNDB don't provide?

Also that's a lot of data to keep up with.  It currently lists 40 January releases, which is about 2/3 of the major brand releases for the month (according to DependSpace, HolySeal, and EroGameScape).  If the site is going to keep providing all that info (even English descriptions of 50% of the games!) then I see there is something of value.  But that's a LOT of work and keeping it up is not going to be easy.

I guess what I'm saying is, would all this effort be better spent providing more and better updates to VNDB or other, pre-existing, VN focused websites?

More or less my thought...

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10 minutes ago, Toranth said:

From my view, a better question might be:  What does this site add that Omochikaeri or VNDB don't provide?

Also that's a lot of data to keep up with.  It currently lists 40 January releases, which is about 2/3 of the major brand releases for the month (according to DependSpace, HolySeal, and EroGameScape).  If the site is going to keep providing all that info (even English descriptions of 50% of the games!) then I see there is something of value.  But that's a LOT of work and keeping it up is not going to be easy.

I guess what I'm saying is, would all this effort be better spent providing more and better updates to VNDB or other, pre-existing, VN focused websites?

The beauty of this site is that it's mostly automated.  Maintaining it doesn't appear to be much work at all.  It was actually launched in June 2016 and has already been chronicling releases for a while now, until I happened to discover and highlight it to others.

The added value is the casual-friendly simplicity of presentation and the automated aggregation from several sources (including EGS links that will actually work for those outside Japan, once implemented).  It doesn't replace VNDB or Hau Omochikaeri.  It supplements them.

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I think it's great if - like Toranth mentioned - this is kept up to date. There's the cover, a short description and links to all relevant sites. Though, I'd have some suggestions for improvement:

First, the cover images are a bit small, and since those are usually supposed to grab your interest they should be bigger i think.

Second, the EGS links use IP-blocked links which isn't useful for a non-Japanese audience. Conjueror posted an EGS link which isn't IP blocked some time ago: http://egs.omaera.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/. I think it would be better to use this one. (Guess that's what Sana is indicating they'll fix...)

It also lacks a search and a various filters like by year, month, language, etc. But the yearly top 100 are nice.

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9 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

It also lacks a search and a various filters like by year, month, language, etc. But the yearly top 100 are nice.

I agree that a basic search capability would be useful for those who like the presentation.  We do have to keep in mind that it isn't intended to replace VNDB--it's intended to be a monthly release list, not a game database--so the search capabilities, if implemented, would likely be limited unless the scope of the project were expanded.

Edited by sanahtlig
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20 minutes ago, sanahtlig said:

I agree that a basic search capability would be useful for those who like the presentation.  We do have to keep in mind that it isn't intended to replace VNDB--it's intended to be a monthly release list, not a game database--so the search capabilities, if implemented, would likely be limited unless the scope of the project were expanded.

Actually, it already looks very 'databasey' to me. I mean I can already go back and browse all titles from 2010. As a pure news site I think Omochikaeri has more charm since they have nice blog articles where they bash comment all the individual releases.

But this site allows me to browse all the titles of a particular year seeing the cover image, short info and a small description side by side. VNDB is a great database, but it's just horrible for browsing since you just get a huge list of titles and have to click each entry individually to get some info about it. It's great for search and for linking, but not really suited for relaxed browsing for an interesting title.

Edited by ChaosRaven
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