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What JP game are these characters from?


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While playing 13-nin no Uruwashiki Kedamono, I came across some characters that appear to be cameos from another game (likely a Mink title).  The picture below is a cut-out from a much larger CG.


However I searched through Mink's lineup and couldn't find any matches.  Google image search wasn't helpful either (their loli facial recognition appears to need work).

Any idea what game these characters are from?

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5 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

While playing 13-nin no Uruwashiki Kedamono, I came across some characters that appear to be cameos from another game (likely a Mink title).  The picture below is a cut-out from a much larger CG.


However I searched through Mink's lineup and couldn't find any matches.  Google image search wasn't helpful either (their loli facial recognition appears to need work).

Any idea what game these characters are from?


Is this the image Source? But I cannot read Japanese. http://lastkingdom.tistory.com/782 

Edit there are more images of the same VN in the link. 


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3 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

Sidenote: This game is one of the most engrossing VNs I've played in recent memory.  It has a similar "trapped with a killer" mystery-solving storyline as Danganroppa along with romantic sideplots.

Is it? I'm on the fence about trying it. I like murder/mystery/horror type things, but how important actually is the "game" here? How does it compare to Umineko say? Sell the game to me.

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Sanah didn't finish the game yet, so I give some more objective impressions. These are endgame "gameplay" spoilers, but no "story" spoilers. Don't read it, if you want to read this game. Only, if you want to know whether it's worth it.


There is no NTR. Simply because you are not in any relationship with the majority of the girls. This is not a harem game. Not every girl is supposed to be "yours".

The "voting game" is just an illusion. None of your votes actually matter. Only the last "vote" matters which is essentially a good/bad end choice.

Game is completely linear except for heroine scenes. You trigger a heroine by visiting her more often than the other two heroines.

The final revelation is a big let down and kinda ruins everything that happened before.

I like the game. The writing was great. With "writing" I mean the way the story is told. Not the story itself. Especially all the scenes with the side-characters were really good. Great characterization. I really wish other eroge would do this. 

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  • 5 months later...

You don't need a walkthrough for this. The route structure is pretty simple:


Three routes for the three main heroines. You get the route of the girl you visited the most in free time mode.
Only the last vote matters and decides between good and bad ending for that particular heroine.

Before a free time event, just save every time and then visit every place for all the optional scenes. You only need to do this once for every free time event since they are independent from the main route.

That's literally everything you have to do for 100%-completion of the game.

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