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Greets from Hokkaido Japan


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My name is Stevyn IronFeather. I was born in Scotland, raised in US and mainly lived in Colorado where I was a radio DJ for 20 years.


SInce 1987 I have been self publishing my small zine (on paper) called IRONFEATHER JOURNAL which is about cyberpunk, hacker, electronic underground, art, music, comics, stories etc and is sold world wide.


Recently I married a dear Japanese woman and I have relocated to the northern island Hokkaido Japan. I am a citizen of Japan now and love it!


There is a Japanese zine fest soon in Sapporo, my goal is to release a new issue of my zine and I am looking for interesting art, comics, stories, etc so want to network.  Would you like to be featured?


If you are writing, producing, creating, etc please contact me asap.


more infos here:




If you already produce a zine yourself let me know, maybe I can sell it for you at the zine festival? 


If you write and create and don't produce a paper zine, I encourage you to make one! It is really fun and something you can share.







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