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Posts posted by Yotek

  1. I felt a need to at least reply to this thread. I will spare everyone the agony of my usual pages of text for shorter points.


    Normally, I would stay out of these sorts of discussions based on my personality, but in this case, I think that might give this reply more weight. I am without a doubt not comfortable talking to people. Fuwa was (is) a community that I have actively joined despite my shyness crippling fear of people because this community is easy to be a part of. This was mainly related to the mentor program (you can read my post there if interested).


    I can honestly say I have only attended 1 of Ren's podcasts. The one I did was awesome. I did it during work and almost got busted  :amane: . I've listened to a few others from the recordings and they were enjoyable. At least for me, participating in something like that is a bit tricky as I work very unstable hours.


    As a community member, I'm probably a horrible example. I have, without a doubt, the least amount of posts of anyone replying to this thread (until someone makes a new account to prove me wrong). However, I will say I enjoy being here. It is great source of information such as the VN status posts every Saturday (It gives me hope that someday White Album 2 will be TLed). It let me know that Muv Luv was getting a kickstarter (so I could throw money at it). I got to join the VN club (Thanks for working so hard on it everyone, and thanks for your post here on it Nimbus). I've got to play games that took me places I never imagined (Grisaia made me cry so much, thanks Astro).


    Am I a good example of what a community member should be? Probably not. However, I will say that the community that is here I still like. It may not be "as good as the old days" but from what I experienced, I like it. There are so many posters I can name offhand. When I see a topic or reply from them I open it immediately because of their knowledge or humor. Maybe I'm foolish, but to me that is a community. 


    I see the point in a topic like this and I see a good community. The OP was pretty upfront. Most communities would blow up at something like that. Instead, I've seen constructive ideas and people keeping level heads and talking it over. I don't think there are many places like that. The only real parting thoughts I can provide are that if this community has changed and you think for the worse, find out what new ideas can be brought about to bring people in and how the newbies out there, like myself, can more easy integrate into Fuwa.


    Edit: Ugh tons of embarassing typos. All remaining ones take backseat to my 日本ごのしゅくだい。

    Edit Edit: Mispelled someones name. A fate worse than death itself!

  2. I tried to push through but had to drop it. Hopefully what I ran across was just the tip of a bad end but that VN takes things too far IMO.


    The VN itself is pretty good. They really do a great job setting the mood and creating that hopeless scenario. I thought at first the no sprites thing would bug me but it worked out okay. The writing and translation is really good. The only complaint to that was a small part where the line displays "..." but Yuka says Tsukasa no baka.  They probably could have just put it in parenthesis or something. Despite it being a VN with heavy music emphasis, there seemed to be a lack of music. Yes, there were some pieces, but I didn't feel like any of them stood out, and more often than not, there was no BGM. I would have liked to seen how the story played out but I can't stomach some of the scenes.

    aka all the rape


  3. Can't make a recommendation yet on how to play this. I'm just going through and making the choices I think are best and hoping for the good or "good" end.


    With that said.... this is the most fucked up thing I've read. It has been almost dropped a few times based on some of the content in it. Hopefully next month is something a bit safer....

  4. Really confused about one scene... hoping someone can explain


    2-6 Right after Takuma saves the girl. The last two lines are-

    "There are so many annoying things. I don't get it"
    "They did something good, so why is nobody praising them?"


    Is that just poor narration talking about how they saved the girl, or is it Takuma thinking about the guys who just raped the girl?

  5. I'm gonna pay attention to how many of the 11 people who voted for Duck Lullaby actually post in this thread

    Prepare to be disappointed.


    I actually took a little head start with Swan Song since it seemed like it would win, and began reading it yesterday.

    And also finished it yesterday...


    It's really compelling, but that's all I'm going to say at this point. 

    Sounds like excellent news to me. Short but deep I think is ideal for this style of discussion.

  6. This VN is an excellent one for discussion, however, it is probably more tailored towards someone reading it the first time talking to someone who has already finished it. It reminds me a lot of G-senjou no Maou. The story has a lot of questions and there are so many interesting points to question, however, as the story goes on those get answered. You can't exactly talk about this without spoiling and by the time you make it to the end things are mostly answered.


    The other issue related to discussion is the fact that it is a single route game(unless you count all the bad ends). It doesn't do the the whole each girl route. It goes through as a single story. Normally, you could build discussions based off each girls route, like we did for Yume Miru Kusuri or Osanadai.


    With that said, it is still an excellent game. I know I'm looking forward to getting a friend to read it so I can see his reactions as he makes his way through it.

  7. Finished!


    The game was longer than I had expected. Overall, I would say pretty good game. Once again, at the very least glad to have played it as it was on my list.


    The original reason (besides it being the monthly VN) I wanted to play it was because I had heard a few pieces of music from this game and enjoyed them. Hopefully, I'll have a little surprise related to that later....


    The art and writing style did take some time getting used to. It was a struggle at first, mostly because of the art. I am not really fond of that style. I think Kerkan was drawn really well in that style and that made up for a bit. The repetitive writing was fitting at some points and annoying at others. Like every extend my right arm sequence...


    I thought that the decision area was unique and a very well placed feature. The option to skip it is nice. For those that want to plow through the VN that works, but I really liked getting additional backstory. I personally never ran into an issue where I couldn't solve it after 1 or 2 attempts. However, if you do have issues, I can see that being annoying. I thought it was a very creative way to give insight into characters without it becoming out of place. The way they explain the why/how at the end related to those was also a nice touch.


    Going to move to spoiler section here for a little bit of story. Please DO NOT read unless you've finished the game. Don't ruin it for yourself.


    You've been warned!

    Chapter 1 was really excellent in setting the stage for things to come. I was not big on the setting, but what really drew me in was the giant plot twist with Salem. At that point, I was hooked.


    The game did a very good job with the H scenes. I didn't feel like they dragged on at all or had crazy impossible things in them. Could be because Ati was amazing. Also, OMG I did not expect that Ruaha twist with Kerkan.


    The characters were almost always fun and had depth to them. You were always learning a little more about every character as time went on. Things like David possibly loving Ati, Iru not losing any memories, Kerkan being Kia's brother. It made reading always enjoyable as there was something always being added. Even if it was cryptic. Though, some characters kinda just disappeared. People like Sara or Randolph, they had moments, but nothing really explained.


    My complaints of the game really come from the ending. It really wasn't a happy ending game. At best it was bittersweet. While I accept that, I didn't like that. To draw an analogy, it may have been a very well made pie.. but I'm a cake kind of person.


    I really can't accept what happened to Ati, I saw 1 of 2 outcomes during their moments in the Opium Den. Either Gii was already dead, or Ati was going to die. When Ati ceased being the black cat, I honestly almost dropped the game. I liked her so much.


    The ending itself seemed weird, rushed, and nonsensical. I didn't get Grim Grim disappearing. I didn't get exactly what he meant by the phenomenon equation hypothesis he had. I didn't get if only Poroshion was now human or all the children. Did Gii and Kia live or die. What happened to Ruaha and Kerkan. Did Ati get out okay. So many questions. Just too open for me personally.


    Again, Glad I played it. Looking forward to next months VN.

  8. --Ten days ago...

    Ten days ago... The <<Revival>> happened.

    Nobody remembers exactly what all their shitposts were.

    I too don't remember exactly what shitposts I had.

    My memories are fragmented in red and black.

    The posters that day, they became something different. No longer human.

    They became ragers and flamers trapped in the forum of Fuwanovel.

    I too am no longer human.

    There is an Archmage Tay who dances in the corner of my vision


  9. In the words of Zouma-sensei JESUS!!!!


    Like, Fred, I just finished it myself. My last route was Yukari.... wait wrong genre of games. Yoshino! ... no still wrong, she wasn't as cute... Yuuko.... wait...  the game wasn't as depressing.... Yumiko?!... no... I think I made that mistake before..... Oh yeah... Obama.... AKA Ohama




    The game, while funny, had its fair share of issues. I personally really enjoyed the common route. If the game was as good and funny as the common route, I think this would have been an amazing game. However, almost every route disappointed me. From my perspective, the game was meant to be a silly parody game to poke at whatever they could. However, I feel like once you got on a girls route, they tried to make it a bit deeper and that just didn't work out.  Music was pretty meh. The girls themselves I liked. I actually was hoping for a Qoo and maybe a Kuon route. 


    Overall, I did vote for it as I bought it a while back. Glad I got an opportunity to knock it off my list.

  10. I was recently asked to speak at my sister's wedding. Being terrible at these sorts of things and wanting to add my own spin, I figured I would find a good monologue from a VN. That said... nothing comes to mind! :michiru:  So I figured I would ask a bunch of random people the greatest known minds in visual novels. :makina:  Feel free to post your favorite, I guess it doesn't have to be just VNs. If I use it, I'll give you a cookie... or maybe a steam key... or maybe a steam key for a VN about cookies..... Note to self: Make VN about cookies and get greenlit on steam.

  11. Part 2:


    Here are some pictures from the 2nd panel



    Here are the videos I took from the panel. First one is about the new game and a new project he will be announcing soon. The other 2 are Q&A that he wasn't able to get from a prior session. 


    If you can't handle shaky camera, don't watch. The room was so cold I was actually shivering the whole time.



  12. So I figured I'd make a post here just to give some information on Ryukishi07. He is one of the special guests at ACEN (Anime central) this year. I'm a terrible writer but figured I'd give some information/highlights that I got from one of his panels today. Also, I'm crazy tired so I'll clean it up later. Tomorrow, I'll either update this post or just add a new one about his new game announcement.


    So first, some pictures. Please forgive my photography, I don't have very steady hands.


    Here is his panel slideshow (yeah.... he only had one slide)



    Here are a few pictures of him.






    Again, unorganized list of interesting points, will be cleaned up later.


    The main discussions of his panel was related around his writing of Higurashi and Umineko.


    The writing style that he uses is a bit different than most. Instead of creating outlines and having expectations for his endings, he has a more fluid free writing system. He will often write without having any idea how he is going to end his stories.


    One of the biggest influences for writing was his friend BT. He would write out ideas and provide them to him to see how he would respond. His goal was often to create surprise in his staff and readers (As I'm sure any of us are aware of if seeing any of his work).


    An interesting story that he told us was that when creating Higurashi, he was actually very influenced by the film "Independence Day". At one point, he was actually trying to find a way to make them fight aliens. (thank god he didn't). Apparently, there is a section where Keiichi and Rika are preparing for a fight, and that was taken from a scene in that movie. (Never seen the movie... I know, I'm horrible). Ever since then, he has a strict rule of not consuming content when writing.


    He is a big zombie fan... though not so much Japanese zombies. He likes the way they portray zombies in the West. Also.... He's not apposed to the idea of creating a game where zombies go for girls panties. (Yes, I'd play that too)


    With characters, he always has 2 sides to them. The example he used was Rika. She comes of a young, cute, and super sweet. However, when alone, she is actually quite different. He also avoids telling how characters feel. Instead of telling you, he likes to convey their emotions and motives through their words and actions. He feels that by doing so, it builds a better connection as it is your interpretation. It also prevents having a very solid baseline so he can throw you for a loop later.


    An interesting question that was asked was about the setting for Higurashi. He got the idea for the setting after reading Seishi Yokomizo's "The Village of Eight Graves". (That was a interesting fun fact).



    Now for some Umineko information. (FYI, It's on my to play list, so this is even more of a text dump than anything else).


    Umineko was fun for him because of the fact that there was so much feedback after each game he came out with. He actually would go through all the feedback he could to see how people were responding to his game. Umineko actually turned into a game for him as well. As the readers were taken down different paths, he got to enjoy how they responded and created fun for them as well.


    One thing I found unique was that he actually changed the 3rd game. Originally, there was a character that was introduced in the 5th game. This was actually intended to be the 3rd but he didn't want to drive everyone into despair.


    The last thing I have was a fun "quote" from his panel. Granted, everything he said was through a translator (my Japanese isn't good enough yet) but it stuck out to me. "The sadistic edge of writing is important". I think this can be interpreted in a lot of ways. He really made it apparent that the writing itself is his inspiration. It could be the sadistic part is the feedback from his audience, or even the content of his works. However, I think one thing is for certain. From what I have experienced of his works, they are amazing and I look forward to giving an update on his new game tomorrow.


    Hope at least someone found this useful. Please chalk up all errors to my horrible writing, note taking, or poor tolerance for sleep deprivation and alcohol.


    EDIT: Part 2 Here- http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/10153-acen-ryukishi07/#entry282310

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