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Everything posted by Rilarion

  1. It's Sezar in Turkish same as english (except a bit of difference in accent)
  2. Welcome to Fuwa I hope you have lots of fun here and;
  3. Pancakes are like ambrosia Its the food of gods
  4. I mostly read Fantasy novels; Harry Potter was the first one I ever read, Lord of the Rings is also a must to read for any fantasy lover. some of the other series I read are: Wheel of Time saga(Amazing series I recommend it to every fantasy lover) Night Angel Trilogy (This one's also awesome) I've read the Drizzt saga from Forgotten Realms. Song of Ice and Fire is also one of the oldest ones I've read. There are other's too but these are the ones that came to mind right now.
  5. I'd like to join as well, username is gunah_kecisi; please don't ever ask me what it means..
  6. EA is the publisher, its made by Bioware, which has made pretty awesome games in the past. DA2 was a failure by their standards, but its still an average game by its own standards. They also made a point of learning from their past mistakes. I don't get the bad feeling I got when I was waiting for DA2 to come out. Everything regarding gameplay is pretty good. Theme of the story is also pretty damn good. All that is left is the story, which no one will know until the game comes out. You don't need buy the game the day it released, you should read and watch some reviews about it after it comes out( not by IGN though, they usually lick EAs boots). Angry Joe makes pretty accurate and objective reviews on youtube.
  7. Skyrim's crashing is caused by a memory leak issue, it doesn't mean your pc is bad. What is important is that the graphics quality your pc can support
  8. Granted, but you'll have to pay the monthly subscription fee I wish that the next person after me won't make a wish
  9. Granted, but it'll only snow for 3 hours I wish I could buy a new graphics card
  10. Granted, but whenever you transmutate them, they rot! I wish I had a TARDIS
  11. Holy baby Jesus! I didn't know it was going to get a pc port! MUST... BUY...
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