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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Ok, my full reply: Member of the Month - better text inside it, instead of stats, otherwise awesome box. - as for position, since it will be there whole month, I would actually move it under "Recent Topics", reason for that is that recent topics often stay few hours, while MOTM will be there for a long time for everyone to notice. I would make it Recent, then Birthdays (those are there only 1 day), then MOTM. Facebook bar - I am not sure if it fits there, everything is green and suddenly blue facebook Awards - Tay needs an award xD - the button in the user info field is too big, the "User's Awards", its too fat, maybe it can be just text or at least as small as the buttons on the bottom of the posts. - I think you cold fit 4 icons on one line, and I maybe if its possible to have users set which award they want to showcase so you don't show like 5, 3, 1 WT etc (those should only show the best achieved). Similarly it works in sc2 for example, you showcase 3 achievements you want in your profile and for rest people have to check your profile. - some of the icons could indeed use some graphical improvements, I can do that and I like doing stuff like that in photoshop so it shouldn't be a problem. Main thing is that the icons should be transparent so it looks like they fit the background, just like for example the walkthrough trophies. - some interesting ideas surely come to mind, just like your mentioned "survived fuwapocalypse"
  2. Ill write longer post later, for now I just want to say that I love it, however I would mad some graphical changes to the new features, for example I would try to make all icons transparent icons and not a square with image on it (im pro at this after making the mini icons for TS and icons for some other stuff ). Next thing I have are some minor changes to the layout of the MOTM (for example I wouldn't include all the stats there, but instead the message that is under the N button). well more later when I have time to write an essay But count with me to improve the icons.
  3. You didn't watch non non biyori, second best anime of 2013? (after Kiniro mosaic)
  4. click the byooton (button) にゃんぱす~
  5. I have my new favorite website and it is http://nyanpass.com/ BEST WEBSITE EVER!
  6. I believe you said you will buy me ps4 to convert me to consoles since I am PC master race elitist xD But since ps4 has not been cracked yet, it would be of no use to me xD (and games for it are expensive) But the problem with KS is that they are broken! Like they miss an eye! Or other things I don't even know. I can't handle that
  7. zoom you should translate some lump of sugar game! I want to play those, they are so moeee anything from that would be so awesome xD
  8. Ill actually bring some stuff I was able to find on the table since I have some questions about those games. Shuffle: This game seems to have a lot of choices but other than that would you say it fits the requirements I made? Cross†Channel: If I understand correctly from nosebleeds WT, you cannot skip the heroines and you need to play them in set order, is it however fun and not too forced (like forced girl you don't want etc). Problem is that according to the WT the first heroine is the one I want the least (I don't like the giant glasses, its not moe xD) so that's a risk that I will just not survive the first week and drop it. Or is it possible to skip this one and go for the next girls that I would actually like to read? And now the most complicate question MajiKoi: There are 3 games and each has translation done for different girls, these are the girls that have finished translation: GAME1: Kawakami Kazuko, Christiane Friedrich, Kawakami Momoyo, Mayuzumi Yukie, Kojima Umeko - from quick glance only Kazuko seems interesting to me that I would want to play her route. GAME2: Kuki Monshiro, Fushikawa Kokoro, Margit Eberbach, Matsunaga Tsubame - from quick glane I am insterested in Monshiro and Kokoro GAME3 (part 1/5): Mayazumi Sayaka - I think I would be interested in this Mayazumi sister. Now the question is, how does the True End works for this VN, the tag on vndb states it has true end but the translation groups don't mention it at all. Is it possible to read only routes you are interested in one game and then hop into the next game an knowing what is going on? Or would I have to wait for the full game to be released to get to the true end to understand the sequel? Like there is so many games I would love to try but they are not finished yet, Iroseka, Nursery Rhyme, Tenshin Ranman, Hatsusaku, Aiyoku no Eustia, Dracu-Riot, Your Diary, Baldr Sky (that got dropped ) Those that are done always have some catch I found that makes me not to play them xD I might end up just replaying Hoshimemo over and over again till one of them is done xD
  9. Well seems interesting story but the characters aren't really moe like Komomo for example (from the big boobed chars) Hm, Im not sure how I feel about playing as a trap protagonist :/ Oh that grisaia, I did want to play it but then I got scared with the bad ends and the "weird" scene that people mention, I don't actually know what the scene is though so maybe it wouldn't bother me. But again must impress me till the OP. Well that would probably be the problem, I LOVED rewrite common regardless of the length, because how good it was, if the common doesn't catch me I wouldn't be able to get to the later stages of the game, I have really short attention span. ... Noo ;( they are broken and I'm afraid of them xD Well I did play (and finish) LB but that one has really slow start but is great in the end. But in my current state I don't have the patience to try something similar to that. Katawas are broken And as such not moe to me And Dengeki Stryker seems interesting, but I have to ask isn't there too much fighting and action and violence? Like take action in Hoshimemo, there is some and it is significant but the amount of it makes it really epic and tense as it is the very small minority of the game. That's the kind of action I would allow. I might indeed try Konosora, however I would have to avoid the disabled girl, I just don't know if I can handle such girl. Another thing is, it doesn't have much mystery, does it? Indeed, why can't I just forget about Hoshimemo so I can read it again for the first time :/ Yeah I know about Quartett, the question I have that I didn't find when I looked previously is if it has voiced heroines, thats another requirement I forgot to mention xD Also what would you say about Period, I was going to try that one like a year ago but never got to it. __________ Added one more requirement to my list - Voiced heroines, protagonist is preferred to be left unvoiced and side characters can be unvoiced but I want main heroines to have voice.
  10. So as it turns out I didn't FINISH a visual novel in a year (last finished 31 January 2013). Since then I only played 2 routes of Rewrite, 1 route of Hatsukoi, started playing common of some VNs and never got back to them even though they seem nice (like Shinikiss etc, some of the 2013 released projects). Quick summary why I didn't finish some of the examples from above as it will help to understand the requirements I have for a VN. Rewrite: I played 2 routes and started common for 3rd, BUT there is SO MANY CHOICES AND MINIGAMES that the skipping of common and getting to the next route takes so long that it just bored me to quit. Sure there are few "extra" scenes that I didn't have the first time but those are not often that funny or entertaining as the remainder of the common route, especially because I don't know where exactly in the common I am. And most of the time is just watching quickly flashing images. Hatsukoi: This time the choices are pretty bad. There is also tons of them but I even got it wrong on my first playthrough that I had to use Japanese walkthrough to get into the correct route. I started playing the second route but I didn't want to alt tab all the time to look what choice I need to select while images flash through my eyes. Shinikiss: I liked the beginning but I didn't LOVE it, it was interesting but not as entertaining to hook me up to so much, It seemed pretty slow paced to me, maybe its the way the characters speak. Same with some other VNs. Yet it was possible to hook me up so much to a game before, with Hoshimemo I was supposed to go to sleep but then I ended up playing 6 hours because there was constantly some mystery happening, some characters being introduced, some comedy. Same goes for rewrite, the first time playing that game I even said that Rewrite has the best common route of any game. But unlike Rewrite, in Hoshimemo there is like 4 total choices so skipping to the next route was really quick, the choices are straightforward, you literally cannot make mistake there. So with that said, these are my requirements: Required traits: - Voiced heroines, protagonist is preferred to be left unvoiced and side characters can be unvoiced but I want main heroines to have voice. - English translation in a good state - Very catchy common route that will hook me up from the start, even before the Opening, something like Hoshimemo, Rewrite, even Flyable Heart - Low amount of choices, about 0.5 choices per hour (for example Hoshimemo first few playthroughs require 6 choices while the common route is more than 12 hours long - less then 1 choice per 2 hours) - Easy choices to understand what girl I'm going for - Happy endings that don't have tricky choices, even better if there are no bad endings - Moe looking characters like in Hoshimemo, Rewrite and such, not necessarily lolis or pettan, just cute like Komomo for example (who has large boobs but I still like her very much) - Awesome personality of characters that separates them from each other, again for example like Komomo xD - Good protagonist that I can immerse with - Great story overall, making me want to play so much to find out the truth behind some mystery - Good music fitting the situations and reinforcing the feelings of them - Focused on love and friendship so romancing like in Hoshimemo or bromancing (not to be confused with yaoi) like in Little Busters, all hail Masato xD Preferred traits: - A loli with a route, can be just one of them, if its the true route it might be even better - Good looking interface like menus and anti-aliasing, you look at that all the time so it needs to look nice, take Rewrite for example, awesome interface - Comedy scenarios, it should be serious at parts but funny at others - True end with happy ending - Mystery that makes me want to continue playing the game, nearly required but maybe there is something else that can replace the mystery - H-scenes with good production, yes I put it only in preferred and not required as I am willing to try a non H if all the other required traits match Unwanted traits: - Gameplay that would only distract me from the actual story - Pure horror story that uses some monstrosities and such - Gore or too much blood (pools of blood), if someone gets stabbed or something it should be fine - Too much violence that is not comical (like battle system of Little Busters is fun and so like that it is fine) - Yandere heroine, I don't like violence so I don't like yandere either xD - Yaoi in any form whether it be H or non-H - Trap heroine, that's the worst xD - Other weird stuff like tentacle rape or weird monsters in sexual acts ____________________________________ Ok, that should be all, now go crazy and recommend me... all the... one game that fits these traits (with luck there will be at least one)
  11. this outfit is coming in next week's update so prepare yourself for pictures of my loli in it, there should be lot of them xD
  12. Not sure if the torrents are working but if they are someone with the game could maybe send you a magnet link.
  13. Well ill just post here what I just found and got addicted to xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTbFBvUifNI
  14. CGs should not be that hard to find, they should be on nyaa. As for VN saves its not that big of a problem either unless you play gameplay VNs, because for normal non gameplay VNs you can mostly just CTRL through the stuff in few minutes (should take you max 30 mintues per VN to get you where you were if you remember). You can ask people to help you getting to some specific position if you don't exactly remember where in the VN it was.
  15. TotalBiscuit paid $2300 for data recovery for few terabytes of data and not all of it was even recovered perfectly - that would be equivalent of full drive of anime/movies.
  16. Indeed, re-downloading everything will be free and who knows maybe you don't even want some of the older stuff. Data recovery for few terabytes of data will cost you thousands of $. I lost my drive with TV series and anime too and at first I thought how it sucks but then it actually didn't bother me that much (I got the drive exchanged since it was still in warranty but not sure if you can do the same since it will be obvious that it was your fault you broke it if you dropped it). Be glad that it wasn't a drive with some unfinished work or something that you didn't backup somewhere else.
  17. Thank you for the work you've done on Fuwanovel, it will always be remembered.
  18. oh 43 members, 480 guests, 0 anonymous user that might be why xD
  19. Yay. Although the website seems to run really slow from Europe, not sure if its just now or it is because of the host.
  20. No idea if this is connected to Ken's leaving but its sad to see people leave when we just want to have fun. Well, take care and good luck Kuu, hope to see you again one day~
  21. Congratulations! And if the afterwards Fuwa wedding is then in Germany, I might actually show up with my army of lolis and they can be the bridesmaids or whatever its called xD
  22. Saber you say? [image removed by moderation] [image removed by moderation] [image removed by moderation]
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