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Everything posted by mitchhamilton

  1. gta 5 is a very shallow experience. red dead is the same as gta 4 or san andreas with how it feels like a living world with its npc's. some random encounter could turn into a quest for treasure or a secret about someones shop or home. im sure through subsequent playthroughs youll recognize some patterns but until then, its unpredictable.
  2. this little studio released a sequel to their popular western game, dont know if anyone has ever heard of it called red dead redemption. years later they released a prequel to this game but despite being a prequel it has a 2 after it. could have called it anything else that starts with an r like red dead rhetorical, or something. anyways, bought it little under a week ago and ive been playing it constantly. its been affecting my sleep (and my reading. ) been having loads of fun and having some loads of shit thrown at me in this game. a lot of gripes are minor in the big picture though. i am loving this game a lot despite its problems. i cant dislike a game that has fishing!
  3. welp, i got no trick or treaters. guess ill have to eat all this candy all by myself. how sad.
  4. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! hello ghouls and goblins! tonight is an especially scary night as the demons walk along the earth after delicious treats to eat. as the moon crosses over the night sky, horror shall ente-ah fuck it. what are your plans this evening? mine are to eat all the candy and blame it on trick or treaters. heres momoyo dressed as a witch. idc.
  5. i sometimes think about the comparison of spider-man and odm gear and how it would be a lot harder for them but suspension of disbelief. i just hope they dont go the route in the movie of just over explaining for the sake of not creating "plotholes"
  6. so, uh, yeah. i mean, im not too surprised really. not sure how i feel about this. my first thought isnt "OH MY GOD! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS SA.GJL;DAT;L" but im just shell shocked, i guess. im curious how theyll handle this for sure. i mean, the good thing about aot is like theres only one character whos japanese so no real white casting. BUT what i am worried about is casting other races. other races in the aot universe were mostly wiped out. but they can simple overlook this and not even mention it in the movie and cast erwin or hannes black or something. you know, dont wanna be called racist. anyways, im getting off track. so, there you go... i mean, i hope they dont fuck it up but i wont be surprised if they do.
  7. im conflicted. love sayori, hate sekai project. why have you done something oh so cruel god?
  8. i think crescendo has one. the couple you can break up though. its not like dark ntr or anything. also, its avoidable.
  9. theres a quote button if you need one. as always, gotta suggest if my heart had wings. very lovey dovey vn. dont forget that it got a translation fix for it so get that instead of the butchered version
  10. doesnt steam let you play games offline? like itll still try to connect to steam but if you dont have internet itll give you the option to just play offline. ive done it before.
  11. alright, for all the shit steam gets, good on them for allowing vns to be fully uncensored now.
  12. well, unlike aids, heterochromia wont cause you to slowly die. as for its origins, im guessing its derives from real life. people irl can have two different eye colors and someone decided to add that into a vn.... why is this a discussion? i dont really prefer it but i do like it. why have just one color eyes when you can have two?
  13. never bought one but i would like to. prefer physical copies over virtual ones.
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