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    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I'll be keeping track of the post that was liked, the liker, the likee, and the time of the like. That should allow me to figure out how many likes each person has given out, whom they gave a lot of likes to, whom they got a lot of likes from, when they gave/got a lot of likes, which posts have the most likes (you can already do this by going to "Most liked content" but that only gives you the top few posts, and this will also allow me to find a specific person's most liked posts) and probably some other stuff I haven't thought of or have forgotten about.
  2. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Kosakyun in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I'm joining the 'no-fap for one month' club.
  3. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Funyarinpa in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    28 days left.... e___e
  4. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to hsmsful in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Ehm moving on with this conversation that isn't suited to this thread at all, actually grisaia's common route is good since it has comedy, top notch slice of life comedy I am telling you, that's the best thing I laugh, and that's probably the reason why I finished the common route in two days during the exams, it's not long at all.
    Confession: I couldn't last after 5 days and fapped today , and there goes my no fap month : 3
  5. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Don't underestimate how dense some people are.
  6. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    How the hell do billions of people have relationships? Shit's hard, yo.
  7. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to atorq in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    You all need to be forced outside of your comfort zones, or force yourselves. Nothing will change by continuing the status quo. I was lucky, I had to go do military service due to this shitty country, there i had to adapt and talk to people or else I would have had really long and hard year. Afterwards I have had a much easier time talking to people I don't know and socializing as a whole doesn't feel as terrible as it used to.
  8. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to GLM4475 in Some places you should visit when coming to Indonesia   
    This is actually just an independent fraction of my former thread:
    Since this fraction consistently said to me that it's just too long to be put inside the former thread and this fraction is more like promoting things while the former thread is just about explaining things, I've decided to put this into its own thread. With the spoilers I included some pictures. So you could see this more easily. Okay, here are the places:
    In Aceh, you could visit the beautiful Iboih beach, Sabang and Baiturrahman mosque, the only building still sturdily standing after being hit by 2004 tsunami.

  9. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from blahblahblahxxx in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I agree that for introverts, the internet is the most viable setting to look for a potential partner. True, it's likely to have a ton more roadblocks, but the internet filters out your criteria for what you look for a partner (depending where in the internet you're searching from). Obviously you need to be reasonable when it comes to distance and don't try someone that you won't have a chance to physically close your distances with (like Australia to USA or something). Eventually though, you need to work hard to make it work --- money to move and perseverance to maintain the LDR.
    I also personally don't know any places near me that I can find a potential partner from (aside from niche college extracurricular clubs). Bars are no-go, and making small-talk is just too energy and time-consuming for a lot of risk. You're pretty much spending the time to cast a net looking for your fish. While I might suffer from some form of anxiety IRL, I can be outgoing in the internet and that's where I shine. I did have an introvert friend who found a gf just by frequenting a bubble-tea shop... idk what kind of magic he casted.
    However, either way you do need to take the initiative. As blahblahblah said, "waiting" really does nothing. I wouldn't be in my current situation with the girl I like if I had not taken the initiative. Granted I got lucky with her (found her after 1 failed attempt at online courtship). It's easier to open up to people in the internet but there is still a need for pro-activeness. Especially as a guy, being passive isn't going to do anything. Though I suppose most of us are stumped at how to go about being pro-active and whatnot. Expect to fail, you literally have nothing to lose --- which is an advantage to looking online.
    I'm not exactly a great advice-giver... Take my words with a grain of
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    rainsismyfav reacted to Zodai in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Yay, this conversation is coming up again ^^;;
    If I may throw my hat into the mix again, though I'm a bit busy for a full-on debate again.
    Basically, for whatever reason, said introvert has a deficit of social experience, which leads to anxiety.  Even if that social anxiety is defeated though, depending on how late it happens, said introvert may lack places to go where they could meet potential romantic interests.  They never learned the locations of places where something like that could be done.  It turns from a social problem to an information problem with a social solution, but because the connections required to make that require having a place to interact with people to begin with, it turns into a Catch-22 situation.  You require places to meet people to find people who can tell you where to meet people.
    At least, this is in the local sense - most introverts are capable of interacting over the internet, which means that the people and places they know are from that space.  This is why people attempt to find mates over the internet, or at least why it's become that much more common.  It changes the problem from one of whether or not someone who lives near you is compatible with you or shares similar interests, to one where one where whether or not said romantic interest who has similar interests with you is both compatible and has a way to close whatever location block may be in the way.
    The quality of potential mates increases, due to internet sites being interest and sub-section based as opposed to location based, but the number of roadblocks increases at the same time, in addition to lower total potential mates depending on how niche your interests are.
    So, in short, once choices have been made in your life that mean you've passed up the standard meeting places - school just flat-out isn't for you, you don't think you could handle a normal job or you would be more efficient in another path, the number of non-internet locations dwindles into possibly non-existence.  And something along the lines of school/normal jobs if you've already set your life on another path is easier said than done - managing that on top of a relationship and giving them the attention they need simply isn't feasible, and would require abandoning the path one has already taken in life.  If that path turns out to be wrong, fine, but if the path is moving along relatively well putting those weights on as well is going to be as disaster in both the short-term - breaking down trying to keep the dream, school/job and potential relationship/dating in all at once, and in the long term - the pressure leads to damage on the dream and more likely than not abandoning the school/job route.  This requires recovery time, and in that recovery time there's the possibility of losing the dream anyway.  My estimates for recovery time are about ~5 months ish - mine was more like ~8 after dropping out of school in October but the last ~6 of those were recovering from my first breakup on top of that.
    If you've actually completed the initial goal and found someone, it can be even harder - you have to balance the dream and the relationship at the same time.  This is usually the minimum of what's required, if you're below this usually then you're better off trying to focus on the dream still.  That said, the recovery time can bring it down to a point lower than this, which leads to one or both faltering - and when one of them does it usually effects the other - the dream and the relationship are both important factors to the subject, and the loss of one is severe enough to make the other one falter or collapse outright as well.
    I'll end my rant here.  It's a complicated subject and there's counter-arguments to be made, but this is the conclusion I've come to this time around.  I'll see if I can continue the conversation though I'm focusing on writing at the moment.
  11. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to blahblahblahxxx in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    If anybody here spends a lot of time in the house though, don't complain about not having a girlfriend. Of course you're not gonna find anybody cause you don't friggin go nowhere! And when you do you WILL meet someone. Don't blame your looks either. If you were really that ugly, then everyone woulda died. (SB ref)
    You're all nice people who deserve even nicer people, and they'll come. Be patient, but don't wait.
    Confession: One time I was making pancakes and the flame on my stove flared and caught onto my hair. My dad was standing right next to me so when he saw me, he picked up a random table cloth and started whacking me with it.
  12. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from solidbatman in Steam Summer Sale!   
    Grabbed Trails in the Sky and Child of Light
  13. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    What's more important? Some exam nobody cares about or the relationship confession of a fellow Fuwan?
    Yeah, I guess it's the exam.
  14. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
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    rainsismyfav reacted to atorq in Fuwanovel Confessions   
  16. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Confession: Since you guys care so much for no discernible reason (I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's because she's a looker), here's the story, and because I have nothing better to do you'd probably bug me again here's the whole thing, not just the week we actually dated. Warning: wall of words
      Confession 2: Writing all that was painful, and not just because it was super embarrassing.   Confession 3: I overheard a guy in my class saying she isn't pretty once... The only explanation I can think of is that he was either lying, blind, or gay.   Confession 4: Despite being happy-go-lucky and a bit of an airhead (if you've seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, she's basically Clem) she could get pissed. When one of my classmates really got on her nerves she hit him with a freaking chair, and it wasn't one of those pussy chairs made of plastic, it was wood and metal.   Confession 5: I think I'll stop now >.>
  17. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to hsmsful in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    First of all, I am submitting to Mad's handsomeness.

    Confession 1: I hadn't seen the nsfw warning on flutterz's pics and I went through first 2 , my fasting ;-;

    Confession 2:I spent a very fun 12 hours with my sis and cousin and ofc pulled an all nighter and played cards and Bingo and stuff like that. It was really fun. It's really great that I am getting to know my cousin more and actually she used to be an anime/manga maniac two years ago and these were what saved her from depression but she grew out of that stage long ago according to her (scrublord). She hasn't dated anyone before but many guys confessed to her at least that's what she said. Also she said that I am actually her fav kind of guy in both my mentality and my physique but I only need to lose a little bit weight in the abdomen. I dunno if I should be happy. I told her about my crush and she was like don't think again about it , ignore and delete her from life ;-;
    She sang some songs too, her voice is heavenly , best voice I have heard in my life in front of me

    Confession 3: even thou I am trying to convince myself I hate ma crush, I still have lingering feelings for her
  18. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Cyrillej1 in Fuwanovel Member Trivia Game Final Round   
    #16 is definitely me 
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    rainsismyfav reacted to Zodai in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Confession:  This is amazing
  20. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Flutterz in Stray Cat's Anime Journey: Choice 1   
    Shinsekai Yori, unless you have shit taste
  21. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to LinovaA in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Oh god. Based Confessions thread.
    You guys would go from me having a date with someone, to femdom. 10/10 guys.
    Confession: The date went really well. She has changed quite a bit, but in a way that feels complimentary to the way that I myself have changed. I guess you might say this is what it's like growing up and maturing. This meetup was much more comfortable for me, and any nervousness was gone the moment we met up. So yeah, everything went quite smoothly.
    Although, we were supposed to have a bonfire this evening, but it rained earlier today so we ended up postponing it until next Monday. Kinda sucks, but that is just another time we get to hangout~
    Confession 2: I wanted to sneak up on her and surprise her, but she ended up sneaking up on me instead.
  22. Like
    rainsismyfav got a reaction from OriginalRen in Birthday thread   
    Happy b-day Ren~! I'm glad for the Clannad prize you've sent me. Always keep that in mind! <3
  23. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Kosakyun in 1 Year Anniversary Post   
  24. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to Eclipsed in 1 Year Anniversary Post   
    Hoh... Strays' the reason Cyr stayed huh...

    I ship.
  25. Like
    rainsismyfav reacted to atorq in Fuwanovel Confessions   
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