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Posts posted by nihilloligasan

  1. 19 hours ago, namiultedjapanXD said:

    fate hasn't always been a friend of mine

    it hasn't always been a friend of mine, either. but fate doesn't deal with what is good, bad, right, or wrong: only with what could possibly be the case. it isn't inhibited by indecisiveness, which is what makes it so useful in situations where we simply can't decide. when you make a list of vns that you think sound cool, but you don't know which one to start with, rngs can do the work for you.

  2. it's a great medium with a lot of potential. it can combine beautiful music and art with vivid prose. it's simple, but also complex. vns can't be described in a single way. they're like a chimera of creative mediums. they're associated with porn, which allows authors to display graphic sexuality in their works without fear of backlash. it's hard for me to explain why i like vns so much, and i can only recommend masterpieces such as subahibi, bible black, mgq, socrates jones, and danganronpa v3 in hopes that you'll understand where i'm coming from~~~

  3. On 2/28/2019 at 5:09 PM, SabakiRe said:

    Studies and texts are a joke. Science told people that the Earth was flat some time ago and everyone believe it. Science would laugh at the idea of there being some form of life "out there in the skies" when we don't even know how big the universe is. Even now. Science tells you what has been confirmed... sort of, just like history tells you the things that have been found. Tomorrow they'll find an old set of bones that will change the way history is told. So, yeah... believe in science and "common sense". 

    Unrelated to the topic, but I'm afraid you have a very poor understanding of what science is. Science does not "tell" people anything; it's a process based on experimentation, empiricism, and induction that people interpret. The reason why our understanding of the world keeps changing is because science itself is based on constant reiterations of experiments to get more accurate results. I mean, the human mind is still pretty limited, so the technology and methodology we create won't get all the answers, so we have to check things over and over and push ourselves to experiment more. If we didn't, we wouldn't be as advanced as we are today.


    Back on topic: As other people have said, the way we perceive porn and sexuality is a lot more nuanced than we realize. It's very deeply ingrained within our psychology, and due to pressure from culture, it gets molded and repressed into numerous forms. Ignoring the sex aspect of it, if you try to simplify what ntr is, it's a power struggle between 3 people: the thief, the one being thieved, and the one being thieved from. Theft is a type of violence, specifically, violence towards someone's property. From this, we can glean two things: ntr can be understood in terms of violence, and the one being thieved is acting as an object.

    Humans are predisposed to fascination with violence. Most of our history is based on war, ingroups/outgroups, and competition. We fill fiction with all sorts of violent content. The entire appeal of storytelling relies on overcoming a conflict. It's easy for us to laugh at other people's suffering, and we are more than happy to ostracize and bully those who are weak and estranged. Sexuality is also affected by this (even in other animals): specimens fighting each other for a mate, aggression during copulation, killing or neglecting children sired by another, isolation of sexually deviant specimens, shaming, the list goes on and on. Violence is thrilling to us, so we go out of our way to seek it. With ntr, it's easy to see what role it plays. It's the thrill of seeing something ripped away from where we think it's supposed to be and watching it being ruined and corrupted. These stories often involve rape, mindbreak, torture, depression, and jealousy.

    People have a multitude of ways of responding to this. In my experience, only a minority of ntr consumers are actually masochistic. The violence in ntr can also be enjoyed through schadenfreude. People love watching the girl getting destroyed, the cuck fall into despair, and the sheer brutality of partner stealing. From this perspective, it's not weird or deviant at all. It's pretty normal to love seeing others get hurt.

    Something that particularly interests me is the fixation on the cuck's depression and jealousy rather than the girl's suffering. I've met a lot of hentai fans that enjoy seeing girls getting hurt in sexual situations to the point where female suffering is practically accepted as normal within hentai circles. I've seen many people praise netori despite it also being based on cheating. I think this reveals a lot about how people perceive the pain of others. Humans are inherently selfish, and we interpret the world according to our own interests. People are projecting and equating themselves onto the cuck and get frustrated when they don't act the way they imagine how they would act. They interpret the fiction according to their own reality, and it in turn reflects the way they perceive the world.


    wait what the fuck am i even talking about. pretty sure im just rambling at this point, sorry for the long post ._.

  4. In a game where the point is to have options for different preferences, roughly equal route lengths makes the most sense for the readers. From the writer's standpoint, it should be brought into questions why the routes have different lengths. In some cases, the length is dependent on the character's personality or the nature of the story being told. But there are also cases where some routes are shorter due to a lack of character development or longer due to filler/padding or the writer simply preferring that character over the others. As for h scenes, I feel like a little leeway should be given based on the relationship and personality types within the route. Human sexuality is incredibly varied irl, so different people have different needs and interests within their sexual goals. This should be reflected in romantic stories. Generally, the problem isn't the amount of sex scenes, but rather how they're presented.

  5. I'm pretty sure we already have vn awards with stuff like the Moe Game awards. In a way, it would be nice to have bigger events for increasing the popularity of vns, but as others in this thread have mentioned, awards don't necessarily mean anything and are often determined by the goals of the company hosting the awards. This selection process can focus on exalting games that are profitable or maintain a limited view on what vns are, which can make it harder for games that are good for other things to gain a following and can stagnate creativity. This is, of course, excluding cases where vns get awarded outside vn-specific circles, like with DDLC. Vns are still a young and niche medium, so big awards programs might not be the best idea right now.

  6. i mean let's be honest here. vn writers and readers generally aren't that experienced in sexual matters and they kinda just get their knowledge from other fiction. i for one cringe at the frequency of painful hymen breaking at every first time, dudes who can ejaculate multiple times easily, girls who cum easily without clitoral stimulation, and the ikea descriptions laced with copypasted dialogue/screaming of tortured young women. i guess it can also lead to some humor if i'm in the right mindset.


  7. Katawa Shoujo: completed all of Hanako's route, finished with the bad end. Honestly, her outburst at the end really resonated with me. As someone who has dealt with social inadequacy similar to hers (as well as several underlying mental illnesses), I really hate it when people treat me like a weak child that needs to be protected. So many people have treated me like I'm some kind of alien or exotic animal whenever they heard about my mental illnesses. It's like I wasn't even a person beyond my social anxiety. I'll admit that I was at first wary of how the Hanako route would go since I've seen so many other stories where the token shy character is coddled and patronized. Seeing that the good ending requires you to view Hanako as her own person beyond her trauma and having the bad end rub that in your face felt incredibly cathartic to me. I also completed the Shizune and Lilly routes before this, and I'm surprised how fast it's all going by. Even though I'm not a big fan of romance, it's a pretty great VN so far.

  8. Confession: I don't know how this thread went from confessions about Japanese shit (as stated in the original post) to confessions about real life shit. is this what op intended

    on that note

    Confession #2: I think people have the right to suicide as part of the right to privately maintain their own bodies

  9. Yuri Kuma Arashi-I definitely like its style. The soundtrack is amazing. I've heard it's a metaphor for how homosexuals are treated in society, but it does something a lot of yuri works tend to do: pretty much every character is a lesbian. Instead of portraying the isolation of being a minority in a society full of people who deem their sexuality as non-deviant, I've noticed that a lot of Japanese stories tend to avoid this by making everyone a minority. Besides that, I can't say I have a very in-depth understanding of the show, but I'll probably look into it more when I finish it.

  10. As of now:

    Cross Channel: only on the 1st week as of now. probably one of the weirdest protagonists i've ever read from. he's just so over-the-top. my headcanon is that the girls are pretending to be nice to him to avoid upsetting him or getting sexually assaulted.

    euphoria: on the final route (kanae). i've heard a lot of praise for this game based on the psychology of the situation, but i feel the psychological aspect of it was underused. but i do appreciate it when writers attempt to reveal certain aspects of the plot/characters in sex scenes (which usually just consist of generic ikea action descriptions and onomatopoeia).

    In the near future:

    Katawa Shoujo: i usually don't care for romantic games, and i'm mostly checking it out as a reference since i'm currently working on a vn on the renpy engine

    Dramatical Murder: mostly because i've heard of how weird the sex scenes get, but apparently the plot is also pretty engaging

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