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Posts posted by nihilloligasan

  1. I agree that vns (as they are now) aren't utilizing the full potential of the medium. I think that's why the appeal of vns isn't readily apparent to most people. If I remember correctly, some of the earliest vns were erotic dating sims made in anime art styles, which paved the road for the conventions seen in vns today. Since vns are still a relatively new medium, I don't think they've had enough time to blossom out of these conventions. For now, the appeal of vns relies on the appeal of the current conventions: character-driven stories based on romance and graphic sex.

    I think there's some core aspects of vns that can appeal to people outside of the current conventions, and they're based on the structure of the medium rather than genres. They include the combination of text, sprite/bg/cg art, sound/music, and digital design. Each of these things express something unique on their own, but when combined, they have to adapt to each other to form a functional and well-crafted piece of art.

    I've heard many people compare vns to digital books, but I think a more accurate comparison is with plays. When you have things like art and sound effects, descriptions can become redundant; when you cut them out, you're left with dialogue and internal monologues (with some descriptions if you don't have the assets you'd need to convey everything). Art can bring the text alive on its own merit, while books require readers to use descriptions as fuel for their imaginations. I think cgs are already used well as they are now, but vn creators tend to cut corners with sprites and bgs-they use the same images over and over again. Having these pieces changed to convey different things (for example, having a character's sprite set gaining dark circles under their eyes to convey their fall into depression, or having objects in bg art used as symbolism that reflects the POV character's state of mind) can enhance the story in a way the text can't. Music is often used as a tool to enhance the story, but music can also be used as a separate way of conveying the story. Instruments can be used as symbols for characters or certain ideas, and a bit of music theory can be applied to make the soundtrack itself a medium of storytelliing; maybe instruments that represent sounds from the story's setting could be used for tracks that represent everyday life, or maybe tracks could be written to represent specific scenes instead of general emotions. Sound effects and voice acting breathe life into the setting and characters, respectively. I think both could be used more liberally, as they can add or affirm details relevant to each scene of the vn. The technical design of the vn can do a lot, but it's often overlooked. For example, text boxes could be used to convey different ideas, fonts could establish tone/mood, and text size and color could be used to represent emotions or change the way something in the text is perceived by the reader. Vns are read by clicking to new blocks of text, which could be used to create a sort of rhythm to the narration, or it could allow certain lines to be emphasized when they would otherwise blend in with the rest of the paragraph. The inclusion of choices and routes can enhance storytelling in a way that can't be found in mediums where the consumer is otherwise passive, but kinetic vns can still use the other core aspects in a way that's still unique and interesting.

    To sum it up, I agree with what everyone else has said-vns are appealing because they turn multiple mediums that form a unique amalgamation of mediums, and, as a result, they can't be divided into an already existing artistic platform. Vns essentially provide a strange experience that can't be pinned down in anything else.

  2. Invention and Insects for me (pretty basic answers at this point, though). The thing I find most interesting about these two chapters is that they use a similar framework to convey different ideas about suffering. They both feature lonely and mentally unstable protagonists that are thrust into increasingly more extreme situations that eventually lead to the "End Sky" (or, in a more literal sense, the "End Earth"). Takuji and Zakuro were ultimately trapped in their own worlds. Their perceptions of reality were twisted to the point where absurd conclusions seemed like the only sane ones. It sort of points back to Ayana's speech on how humans can't understand death and have to change it to a form they can relate to. They wanted to find the truth in the end sky, but they ended up returning to the earth instead.

  3. I've had similar experiences with other topics, but not necessarily high school. I think most of that comes from the fact that hs life in otaku media feels completely alien from my own hs experiences (me being in the midwest US might play a big role in this). Like, sometimes it feels as though I'm observing bizarre tribal rituals from another world when I read high school themed vns. There isn't a lot I can relate to, like being in tons of extracurriculars, struggling to find a place to park, signing up for classes, friend drama, dances/prom, competitions/games, jobs/volunteer work, partying/drugs, safety drills, guest speakers, kids being assholes to teachers, college visits and all that jazz. A good thing to keep in mind is that hs life is usually romanticized in vns and that real life doesn't work for anyone in such a fashion. I know several people have already mentioned dating, and I hope I can reassure you by saying that most hs relationships don't last very long, and if they end up marrying, they will probably get divorced.

    Even with all that in mind, if you still feel a bit empty, you can always try reading something dark and depressing so you can revel in the suffering of others. I know it works wonders for my emotions :)

  4. the one you're missing is the cg where minakami is carrying tomosane on her back. the only explanation i can think of for this is some sort of hiccup with the save files. since you first get it during july 15 in jabberwocky 1 after takuji kicks tomosane's ass, i would recommend just skipping through jabberwocky 1 again until you get the cg.

  5. the danganronpa series is popular and engaging

    subarashiki hibi is considered a vn masterpiece by many, and it has a very well-crafted story

    saya no uta is short, but a lot of people praise it for its strong themes and fascinating cast

  6. https://vndb.org/v7738

    translation and editing is finished, now it's in quality assurance. might be coming out around summer this year.

    also, some info from the translator:

    i've been wanting to play this for a few years, but i couldn't since i wasn't that good at japanese. when i heard this was getting a translation, i was hyped af. anyone else looking forward to this?

  7. Trap Shrine: why the fuck did i pick this? i knew it was going to be stupid. have i become so wanton that i cannot repress myself in the face of crossdressers? has my wokeness fallen to such an abysm?

    SeaBed: heard it was a strong representation of the monotony of depression, which i'm familiar with. i'm still in the early parts, but i think it's okay so far.

    Sakura no Uta: still playing Abend, but i like the direction it's taking

    Corpse Party Blood Covered: chapter 2, that ghost kid, that fucking ghost kid, that FUCKING GHOST KID MY GOD...

  8. Not the greatest example of a vn, but it's still on vndb so i might as well post about it-Corpse Party BloodCovered, currently on chapter 2. i'd say it's a pretty cool game.


    so far, that asshole black apparition thing in the infirmary in chap1 was the most annoying part of the game. although most of it comes from the fact that the game makes you click the door twice before you can get the rubbing alcohol. at least its ai was really stupid. it was easy to trick and i got it caught by its own traps many times. the next thing i'm worrying about for chap2 is the asshole ghost kid that patrols the school, mostly due to him appearing right after you pull the second lever and are forced to get around him in a narrow area.


  9. it depends on who you hire

    i know some artists who will charge anywhere from $60-$300 for a commission. they're generally more expensive due to the advanced anatomy/poses. it also depends on what kind of nsfw art you're looking for. artists will sometimes charge more to draw something that doesn't appeal to them, but they can also just flat out refuse.

    a common formula i've seen many artists use for charging commissions is Time spent x hourly rate + cost of materials (+ base commission payment if there is one). a lot of these values are subjective to each artist, so it's best to ask them about how they charge before you hire them.

  10. Most of the sex scenes are "rape". None of the characters except the mc want to be there, but they are coerced into sex to protect everyone (with Nemu it's debatable, as she has her own way of experiencing the sex scenes, as well as having a few other important points that I won't mention due to spoilers). The rapiest route is with Makiba, which lessens as the plot continues and isn't necessary for the true ending. The story actually gets more vanilla later on, but a big draw to this game is the underground game arc.

  11. 1. shitty prose

    2. shitty male characters

    3. use of deres instead of developing real personalities

    4. boring school setting (probably just biased here, american school seems a lot more interesting to me than japanese school)

    5. stories that are based entirely on romance and dating sim structures

    6. romance that fixes all of a heroine's problems

    7. many, many sex tropes, including: multiple ejaculations, everyone bleeds and is in pain their first time, obnoxious loud moaning, everyone has a massive dong, no consequences for unprotected sex (imo everyone in a shitty dating sim deserves hiv), everyone acting the same during sex, shitty ikea descriptions, onomatopoeia instead of actual dialogue

    8. girls with those fucking horrible high-pitched voices dear god someone kill it now

    9. everyone is drawn with the same face and body type, just different hair/eye color and boob size


    conclusion: why the fuck do i even read vns

  12. i'm willing to put up with happy ends since they're so prevalent, but i tend to prefer the "bad" ends. in all honesty, i think sad/bittersweet endings are my kind of escapism. i can't really understand or relate to happy ends, and reading them generally makes me feel bad and more isolated. sadder endings are more cathartic for me, and the fact that someone wrote it with the intention of showing darker emotions usually makes me feel less alone.

  13. Sakura no Uta-been really looking forward to this after hearing about it from sca-di fans and seeing videos on youtube of it. unfortunately, i'm not that comfortable with my japanese skills yet, so i decided to read it in spanish. i'm still on the first chapter, but i've been enjoying it so far, and i'm excited for when things really start to get going.

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