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Posts posted by kyrt

  1. Soldier 76 was on my do not play list since I was shit at him. Now he's on my I can play him if i have to list because he's gotten better to the point I am not complete shit at him. 

    I've been trying out the new Symmetra changes on the PTR and it looks like she is going to need to be nerfed a bit. The ability to quickly move nests around is great though and I like her second ult but the new ability doesn't seem like it's going to do a whole lot although (and I haven't tested it yet) if she can block dva's bomb similar to reinhardt's shield it could be useful for blocking certain ults. It's difficult to judge how symmetra will be with other characters at the moment. She does seem significantly better though.

    Oasis the new Map is expected on the PTR in december and audio files for an xmas event and music have been found in the recent patch so we can probably expect a holiday event come either the first or second tuesday of december.

    As Mei is one my Meins the reduced ult charge is not horribly significant. Hell I barely notice.

    Sombra on the other hand is a really interesting character. While the majority of people I've seen play her are absolute garbage with her she is a defensive beast. If you play her ignore doing damage unless you can group up and get an enemy alone and then quickly teleport away. She is best when hacking and stopping ults but extremely squishy so you always need to be ready to make a quick exit and stay invisible as often as possible and sneak behind the enemy team. 

    Not bad overall quite a bit coming for overwatch in the near future.


  2. I'll take the bait.

    1-9 Takeru: In the majority of most circumstances I would agree with you but I actually think Takeru's angst (not the right word you're looking for but whatever) has a place in the vn.  Remember this is the same Takeru that went through all of the events of extra and unlimited and who has developed friendships and relationships with a good portion of the class. Now he's been dropped on a world to fight for him what is a relatively unknown enemy combatant. I imagine that in some of these situations you would likely go through a similar process. Admittedly you have to realize that Takeru develops PTSD and depression relatively early on which really can you blame him. He is a flawed character but that is one of the reasons people actually can understand a bit of his character. 

    4: I would disagree the plot was very similar to Starship Troopers and this is more of a combat vn than a vn like Steins;Gate, Grisaia, or even Majikoi. It tries to depict war and if you've ever seen/read something like starship troopers you realize that the time between the combat is spent growing closer to characters so that you can cheer or feel sad when they often inevitably kick the bucket or manage to survive. The plot delves into Takeru's training as a soldier and then his battles as a soldier. The entire coup scenario just goes to show that there are human conflicts as well. Just be glad they didn't try to make us feel sorry for the BETA.

    5. The chomp and further deaths are there to showcase death. While often times it might hit people over the head with it the fact it often had little real impact on the characters is actually development on its own. They grown accustom to it. They were impacted each when seeing someone near them die for the first time and then slowly but surely you notice that the deaths begin having less impact. Humans are funny because they don't always work as one would expect.

    The BETA Scene: While initially I like most people despised this scene the feeling behind it I feel is important. You have to remember that in this scene it's not just a scene where she is being sexually experimented on but also a scene where the Takeru of the alternative world was essentially eaten alive as he tried to save her. While yes the sexual experimentation was then happening you have to remember one thing...learning about the physiology and sexual behaviors of other species is something that we ourselves do as human beings (just look at the scientific history). I mean hell what the BETA are doing is not too different from what people used to do with people of a different race to themselves. The human race is fucked up. I can't help but think of that scene as something scientific on the part of the BETA. They wished to understand the creatures and what made them feel. Perhaps it wasn't the orgasms they were interested in learning about but rather the emotions and physicality of their enemy. Regardless it was a disturbing scene and arguments can be made for whether they should or should not have kept it in. The BETA are essentially colonizing earth and don't see the creatures living on it as lifeforms...honestly it really reminds me of colonization. Perhaps because of Takeru's actions in Alternative they will begin seeing them as sentient creatures and may try a different way to deal with them.

    6. The characters for the most part are rather ordinary which transfers over from previous games in the series. Not everyone is going to be some awesome personality but they are going to feel human. You also have to remember that we are seeing things primarily from Takeru's point of view and only from a certain point. It's quite possible that the characters changed more than we know but we are limited to only seeing what Takeru sees and hears. That said though I do agree a good portion of the characters were uninspired and static from appearances but then we humans do not always change. War can definitely help with that but for some there might be little change at all. I do believe this was one of the weakest points in the series though as such a big change definitely should have impacted the characters more than just keeping the quirks from extra and unlimited. 

    7. Romantic Interests: A big part of me wishes they would have just left out the romance part. I mean if the game really wanted to still sell to the crowd that likes sex they could have just had Takeru sleep around and not develop any close attachments to everyone. The sex could have simply been a means to feel closer to people even though it didn't mean anything. I have no issue with just sticking with one heroine in a game but I think having choices of the heroines could have given the bit more development some of the characters really did need. Just seeing how each of them deal with being in a relationship of sorts during the events could have been interesting. How would they respond would they be hopeful would being in a relationship give them more reason to live? Would they respond to a relationship as a token thing to do before they died? Would one of them just want the closeness of being with someone but not the physical relationship? Or vice versa perhaps one of the characters would want a purely physical relationship and nothing else. Relationships in war is an interesting thing that I wish they would have done a bit more in depth on or not done at all.

    8. The Ending: I agree it's bad. I loved the ending but not the very ending. There were a number of ways I wish this could have been done instead. Hell let Takeru die would have been a better ending. Perhaps he dies in the final attack and after seeing the base explode it fades to black and the credits and music playing. I also wish that it would have taken place over a longer period of time. Perhaps have Takeru and one of the other love interests leave a child behind and they could make him/her the next protagonist 18-30 years in the future near the end or the war. Honestly I feel as if sending Takeru back home was a mistake as it makes everything he did in Alternative essentially meaningless for the reader. Sure he might have helped the world of that particular verse but it doesn't really resonate if there are no consequences or responses to his actions. The very end of alternative was disappointing it would be great if they could fix it by giving Takeru an option to stay or go. If he stays maybe he would be a war hero and could have a cameo in a future game where he is training the next set of recruits. It would be nice if the option was there then people could choose what they wanted and that would make it just slightly better.


  3. Come on we need the bonus chapters...I could care less if they are trash the vita port does nothing for those of us who are backing for a pc copy. The Vita is also a dying system. The bonus chapters are for everyone (with a pc) while the vita is not. More content for all is better than special circumstances for a few. Just my take. I'm not saying don't have the vita option I'm just saying put it after the bonus chapters.

  4. I have unfortunately boycotted all of fire emblem fates dlc for the simple reason that they have not yet given us the festival of bonds and the character dlc that expand via conversations the various characters. DLC is more or less a bad thing. This is essentially content that is cut out of a game to make you pay more for it. These concepts and ideas are already in place before you have the game and often times they are already made. Admittedly there are a few exceptions to this rule.

    There are two companies that do DLC more or less right and those are Bethesda with the fallout and elder scrolls series and CDProjektRed with the Witcher 3.

    Fallout/Elder Scrolls: The majority of the dlc you find in these two series is actually worked on post-game not pre-game. While pre-production might start on the dlc these usually don't feel like they were taken out of the main game. They feel like added content. 

    Witcher 3: Witcher 3 released 16 pieces of DLC for free on a weekly basis for a few months. This was the smartest way of handling DLC I've seen yet. The free content keeps people interested and keeps your game relevant while they worked on the first expansion. Now one might argue that Witcher 3's two expansions were nothing more than DLC but considering how developed and separate from the main game they were and the length of work time on them it's quite obvious these two were worked on after the main game. They were also excellent additions and had enough content to be full games. Well worth it. If they ever do something like this again though I think they should have more free dlc to space between the two expansions...blood and wine while excellent and pretty long also took quite some time to release. DLC can be done right and taking something that people hate about video games these days and putting a positive consumer friendly spin on dlc is nothing short of brilliant.


  5. Just now, Darklord Rooke said:

    I enjoy the convenience of consoles, even though I prefer to play on the PC. For example, I still haven't got Crusader Kings 2 working and I seriously just don't have the energy anymore to try 20 different things in order to play my game. I like the 'insert disc -> game starts' nature of consoles :3

    I keep saying each console will be the last one I buy and yet I buy at least one every generation. I am fortunate as my graphics card will likely remain relevant for a few more years but after that I'll probably be playing on console until I get the funds to properly upgrade or buy a new computer (which will take a while). I haven't been playing consoles for quite some time but I just started Uncharted 4 (free game that came with system) and I've realized certain actions simply work better on console (the climbing mechanic for example I simply couldn't see working overly well on PC). 

  6. Been trying out Sombra in the PTR as well and in the quick play scenario she is very easy to counter. If you can find her teleport you can set up a trap for her pretty easily and even if not she's pretty squishy. The fact she exits as soon as being hit means she's unlikely to sneak up in middle of a firefight. If anything her main purpose seems to be harass from behind. Her inclusion though means we might be seeing more defense heroes actually being used and likely an increase in winston usage. Honestly when first fighting her people might find her overpowered but over time she becomes semi-predictable. They do need to get rid of her ability to constantly keep respawning health packs though...

  7. I bought a PS4 slim recently and after comparing FF15 screenshots the difference between the pro is not currently warranted. Honestly I dislike the idea of consoles turning into iphones. We don't need an update every few years and I don't want the companies to think they can do that. Admittedly the PRO itself is only useful if you also have a 4K tv otherwise it's identical (framerate issues aside) to a regular 1080 PS4 only with a slightly larger storage. The slim is definitely the better option (at least at the moment). The PRO is suffering from new console release syndrome...but it will probably be fixed eventually maybe even with an update.

    I prefer PC gaming but Persona 5 and FF15 persuaded me into getting one last console. I hate their paid online and crappy storage space sizes though. It is cheaper than buying a PC though for people who want a cheaper option...although one does have to question whether that remains true seeing as how many games are more expensive to buy longer on console than PC.  Sadly the PS4 also only runs big games at 30 FPS for the most part (FF15 for example) but that may change with time. I hate the Playstation Now feature which is their bullshit (money grubbing) excuse for not having backwards compatibility. That said there are about 8-10 games that I do eventually wish to pick up (none of which are currently out). I typically don't buy a console unless the total cost in games is equal or more than the actual cost of the console.


    1 hour ago, Jun Inoue said:

    How about Bloodborne / Dark Souls 3? You could also play Ratchet & Clank, since they made a remake of one of the first games (or was it the first game?) for the PS4.

    While I appreciate the suggestion I've never been a huge fan of Ratchet & Clank or Dark Souls (which is why I also likely would not care for bloodborne). 

  9. I in a sleep deprived state decided to randomly buy a PS4 and pre-order FF15, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Fate Musou (whatever it's called)...I have also upon receiving it and leading up to delivery have been regretting the decision as none of the games are actually available at this time. Sony has been sickening me as a company recently (no modding, discontinued support for vita/ps3 despite games receiving both versions elsewhere) and if it were not for P5 and wanting to play FF15 before major spoilers ruin it I would have no reason to buy the system. The games catalog of games only available on console relevant to my interests is pretty much non-existent as most of the games also have a PC version or a PC version in the works. I might play uncharted 4 since it came with but really I need some games that have not been butchered via censorship, poor localization, or crappy  gameplay. That said been playing some overwatch occasionally and hyping myself up for multiple games including pokemon sun/moon, ff15, persona 5, and xenoverse 2 (although recently revealed reports on dlc content/roster/and possible DRM on PC version make me immensely sad).  Anyone have suggestions of games on PS4 that are not also on PC?

  10. I just started playing Divinity Original Sin II which like was mentioned above has a great introduction. The game itself is pretty cool as well especially for being in early access (I was a backer so I'm bias). I really like the changes and already have had some pretty funny moments, interesting characters, and some damn good gameplay. I accidentally killed a black cat while trying to heal a companion, met a dapper crab, and got absolutely wrecked by poisonous frogs. Overall it's been a great experience and I've only played for 99 minutes thus far. 

    That said I'm probably going to be buying a PS4 to get Final Fantasy XV which honestly looks the most final fantasy-ish game in years. Which is odd when you consider how very different it is...honestly the movie, the shorts, the voice actor interviews, etc. have all pretty much set me on the path to eventually purchasing the game...the added bonus for getting this though is I can also get Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, and in the future many other games...hopefully the Pro doesn't mean games for the slim will suck graphically though.

    I'm also of course going to be getting Xenoverse 2 and Pokemon Sun and Moon (iffy on if I'll get both of them mind) since this new pokemon game is apparently changing up the formula big time.

  11. Western RPGs vs JRPGs

    Western: Traditionally, a western rpg is one that tends to offer up a world to explore and a variety of ways in which to set out and do the actual exploration. Often times these sport grittier and a more realistic aesthetic than the often vibrant and at times colorful japaense rpgs. Western rpgs offer darker storylines with choice and consequence and a much more action oriented and freedom sense of gameplay. The idea of being able to go anywhere and do anything generally is what one thinks of when one thinks of a western RPG. This definition can also be used as a way to say that the game came from the west rather than the east but the western aesthetic has certainly also been adopted by Japanese companies as well in such examples of Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma. Outside of maybe if you squint Anachronox there have been no (or if I'm missing some, few) western rpgs that have developed a jrpg style.

    Japanese RPG: Traditionally, a jrpg will boast a cast of colorful characters who pull together in order to fight some injustice with an aesthetic which is often but not always in an anime style. The level of freedom and exploration is also not quite as open as is typically found in a Western RPG. JRPGs often like structure where side exploration is just something you do until you advance the story rather than a part of the story that you advance. Often times the game is linear with an emphasis on story and characters which are predetermined rather than one which you create yourself. It seems that most people though tend to categorize a JRPG as anything that comes from Japan or the East rather than the West.

    Which do you prefer western or jrpg? Feel free to explain.

  12. While I agree an uncensored version is good news I do not think they meant it will be mosaic free. Sekai Project often misleads people into thinking one thing when they really mean the other and I'm not sure if it intentional or just poor wording but uncensored does not necessarily mean uncensored (no mosaics). Sekai Project previously stated that PurpleSoft had 'lost' the uncensored cgs for ChronoClock whereas we know Mangagamer has been able to get Hapymaher's with no issue. Sure some games might have them and others might not but I don't think we've seen one japanese game from Sekai Project that has been completely uncensored and without mosaics. Just something to bring up hopefully they have or will clarify a bit on what they mean. 

    I don't plan to pick the game up unfortunately and it has less to do with censorship/mosaics/sekai project than it has to do with there are too many games (other vns and wrpgs/jrpgs) I have an interest in still for this and next year that I can't see myself putting money down for this. Maybe I'll purchase it in the further future.


  13. As one of the people who is opposed to censorship I find this action extremely bad for content creators but as much as I hate to say it, this isn't censorship. I highly encourage people to read the youtube advertiser-friendly content page which explains their policies. All these content creators can very easily release their content (that does not go against general youtube guidelines) and be perfectly fine. If they want to monetize they need to find an advertiser who believes your content is friendly for their purposes and not post clickbait titles and images for your videos. The abuse of this system will primarily come from flaggers who will flag to be dicks/trolls as the rest of it can be quite easily circumvented (via sponsors, patreon, not posting titles/preview images that are controversial). I don't think this should be done mind you but it not quite censorship...yet.

    Advertiser-friendly content is content that's appropriate for all audiences. It has little to no inappropriate or mature content in the video stream, thumbnail, or metadata (such as in the video title). If the video does contain inappropriate content, the context is usually newsworthy or comedic and the creator’s intent is to inform or entertain (not offend or shock).

    Content that may be acceptable for YouTube under YouTube policies may not be appropriate for Google advertising.Google's program policies provide additional guidelines for what can be monetized, and advertisers also have their own standards and requirements for content.

    Content that is considered inappropriate for advertising

    Content that is considered "not advertiser-friendly" includes, but is not limited to:

    • Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humor
    • Violence, including display of serious injury and events related to violent extremism
    • Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language
    • Promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
    • Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown
    If any of the above describes any portion of your video, then the video may not be approved for monetization. If monetization is approved, your video may not be eligible for all available ad formats. YouTube reserves the right to not monetize a video, as well as suspend monetization features on channels that repeatedly submit videos violating our policies.

    Best practices for creating advertiser-friendly content

    Remember: Context is key. We understand that high-quality content isn't always sanitized, especially when it comes to real world issues. If your video has graphic material in it, you can help make it advertiser-friendly by providing context.

    Use these best practices to successfully monetize your content on YouTube:

    • Do follow YouTube’s policy guidelines.

    • Do use a title and thumbnail for your video that represents the content.

    • Do create content that appeals to brand advertisers looking to engage with your content. This can increase the chances of finding an advertiser sponsor for your channel.

    • Don't use explicit language or imagery in your title or thumbnail.

    • Don't embed promotions for your own sponsors in your video since this can create advertiser conflict. Learn more about paid product placement policy.

    How content is approved for ads

    YouTube uses technology and policy enforcement processes to determine if a video is suitable for advertising. A video’s availability in Restricted Mode does not affect its ability to be monetized.

    • Automatic checks: We have trained systems that automatically check features of a video, like the video title, metadata, and visual imagery, to decide how appropriate the video is for general advertising.
    • Community flags: We depend on our user community to flag inappropriate videos to us for our review. Learn more about how to flag content.
    • Advertiser controls: Brand advertisers have tools in their campaign settings to control where their ads may appear on YouTube, including targeting and/or excluding by audience demographics, topics, category, and content appropriateness. If we receive a complaint from an advertiser whose ad served against your video, we reserve the right to disable monetization on your video if we determine that it did not meet our policy guidelines.

    Depending on the nature of the policy violation, videos can be removed from the site or age-restricted. Monetization is disabled on age-restricted videos and Google will immediately stop serving ads on these videos.

    Request video review

    If the content of a video you uploaded has been flagged as inappropriate for advertising ("not advertiser-friendly") and you believe that your video is eligible for monetization, you can request a manual review
  14. I generally use discord over skype for gaming but skype is I think the same as anything else which is kyrt (you can tell it's me because I have an avatar of either a metal gear prinny or firo)

  15. If you haven't yet played Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 1 and 2 this might be a good time to do so. Get one game done a month while you wait. I've bought both cold steel games but I'm still making my way through TitS SC. 

  16. There is one more convention left that both Sekai Project and Mangagamer are going to be going to. Anime Weekend Atlanta (September 29th-October 2nd) have them both listed as having a panel. Whether or not they will be announcing anything new at this time is unknown. I doubt either of them would be mentioning going to this if they did not plan on announcing something. That said Mangagamer, Jast, Sekai Project and even Degica (kind of) have announced a number of titles this year. I have a series of poll questions for anyone who would like to participate. You can discuss and debate in more detail below for why you picked what you did. 

    Here's some refreshers to newly announced titles 2016.

    Mangagamer 2016 Announcements: 

    - Happymaher

    - sorcery jokers

    - A Kiss for Petals: New Generation

    - Sona-nyl of the violet shadows

    - Rance 5D

    - Rance VI

    - if you love me, then say so

    - naked butlers

    - fashioning little miss lonesome

    - D.S. Dal Segno

    - Maggot Baits

    - House in Fate Morgana Prequel

    - Funbag Fantasy

    - Imouto Paradise 2

    - Trinoline (I forgot this was announced)


    Sekai Project 2016 Announcements: 

    - A clockwork leyline: 

    - Just Deserts (OELVN)

    - Maitetsu

    - Companion (OELVN)

    - Still I Miss Her (OKLVN)

    - 2236 A.D.

    - Ne no kami 1 & 2 (note: had a kickstarter)

    - love, guitars, & the Nashville Skyline

    - creature romances (regular and for the ladies games) (note: surprisingly this is not an OELVN)

    - shining star nova (OELVN)

    - Japanese School Life (Sekai Project Original)

    - Baldr Sky Dive 1 & 2

    - Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma (Denpasoft 18+ Only)

    - SakuSaku (both all age and denpasoft version confirmed)

    - Hoshizora no Memoria

    - Sakura Dungeon (if raidy is a vn then I will count this as well)

    - Karakara 


    JAST USA 2016 Announcements:

    Katahane An' Call Bell (the upcoming HD version with additional content)

    Eiyuu Senki (releasing steam and 18+)

    PrincessX  My Fiancee is a Monster Girl 

    Sweet Home



    Kimi ga Nozumi Ein


    (I may have missed something for one or more companies if so just let me know so I can fix it). 

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