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Everything posted by VirginSmasher

  1. Yeah, Kanon's bad end had an h scene, but it still is a pretty bad ending. Other than that, I haven't gotten very many bad endings in my history of VNs so I can't really help you with that.
  2. I loved all the routes in Grisaia but the best one for me was Michiru's route with Amane's route following in a close second. Funny enough, my favorite heroines are Yumiko and Sachi, but they didn't have the strongest routes in my opinion.
  3. Oh well, having a hentai patch makes that game more tolerable cause at least it follows through unlike Sakura Spirit & Angels.
  4. Usually I get really excited when there are threesomes in VNs so I have no problem with it.
  5. 1. Nakiges cause I love to be emotionally destroyed. 2. The heroines have to look really unique and interesting. 3. Mostly if the plot description is really interesting, I'll try it out for sure.
  6. I'm really not a fan of the Days series probably because of my traumatizing experience with School Days. I liked the original heroines better than the Bushido Plan girls because the original Majikoi is way better than S in my opinion. Boob Wars and Koichoco? Those are some really unique choices, but Boob Wars? Really?
  7. Basically Majikoi's h scenes. I don't like heartless protagonists too. I do love Yukito and Yuuichi, but they're more teasing than heartless.
  8. It is good, but I found Kira*Kira to be so much better. In terms of other aspects, that is. In terms of "group of heroines", it is pretty damn good in that part. Still, you'll have to play it for yourself, especially since fans of both games have their reasons. Also, yes, they are most certainly right about Eiji. For Eiji is love, Eiji is life. I would play it quite soon if every Overdrive game didn't look exactly the same. Plus, I'm taking a long break from VNs.
  9. Michiru is the best tsundere I've encountered in a VN so far.
  10. Haven't played DearDrops but I've heard from my friend Shaun that it's good.
  11. Haven't played Rewrite yet, but Key VNs tend to have an amazing cast of heroines based on the 3 I've played.
  12. Hey, I'll back you up. Shizune was great. I'm so tired of hearing, "Shizune sucks, Lilly is best", even though Lilly is admittedly pretty good as well. Probably gonna have to go with Grisaia's heroines as my favorite, and Majikoi's in second place. It's pretty hard to beat Grisaia's cast, they're just so good. I'm sure nobody will be able to guess my favorite Grisaia heroine My favorite Majikoi heroine is, without a doubt, Wanko, with Miyako coming in second. Shizune was a great heroine. The one I remember least was the girl without any arms. The only reason I remember the girl with metal legs is for that lube scene (Sorry if I don't remember their names, I haven't played KS since August of last year).
  13. Grisaia's heroine cast is really good. It's definitely up in my favorites.
  14. What are your guy's favorite heroine group in visual novels? What I mean is what game has the overall best heroines. List your favorite heroines from the game as well. My favorite group of heroines is a tie between Majikoi and Kanon. My favorite heroines from each of those games are Mayucchi and Shiori.
  15. I've seen the first episode of the hentai series and I will say it has all the things I hate in it, but if people like it, I'll try it out. I'm willing to try anything new.
  16. There are a lot of turnoffs for me in visual novels. Here are some of the biggest ones for me. Rape- It just disturbs me a lot of the time. There can be VNs that have rape that don't turn me off the game entirely. NTR- I don't like seeing the corruption of women. It's really fucked up. Tentacles- I know it's a huge part of hentai and VNs, but I can't stand seeing them. Old Men- Just seeing them raping/fucking a teenager creeps me out. Routes only there for Hentai- This is a big problem with the Majikoi series cause the after story routes and one route in particular (Margit) are just there for more pointless h scenes instead of development. I don't see the point of reading a route that's just there for hentai. I'd read a nukige if I wanted that. Scat- Don't know how this turns people on, but I'll leave them to it. Finally, Unexplained Tsunderes- I hate it when girls are tsunderes for a random reason. Like in Michiru's route in Grisaia, it should explain why the girls act that way or else it'll annoy me the entire VN.
  17. I won’t be. Life’s too short and time’s too precious to wade through hundreds of thousands of word of tedium, foreshadowy shit it may be, to eke out a modicum of entertainment later on. There’s too many other great stories to be read for that. A lot of Japanese VNs are bloated to the hilt, i.e. they tend to be full of meandering, meaningless stuff. If someone wants to drop it, I won't be pressuring them to continue. Encouraging the consumer to keep reading is the author's job. Yeah. It takes a lot of dedication to get through visual novels and if they aren't interesting you, I'm not gonna stop them from dropping it. There is none. Neither Muv Luv, nor Clannd will help change anything; You see, those games aren't really that interesting. To be honest, Clannad is really boring (I'll be faithful to my opinion - if you want Clannad, you'd better watch the anime adaptations) and Muv-Luv isn't any better. I can easily bet none of those series will even surprass Sakura games in terms of sales; Clannad hype is long over - people wanted it badly years ago, translation came way too late; Muv Luv will be bought only by a handful of tryhard weebs and sci-fi fans. If you wish for the best, you'd actually pray for vn's to remain somewhat niche - having larger coverage, but still something played only by a handful of people. I can assure you - you don't want eroge to become as popular as our standard western games, and it's not because of porn. Popularity simply hurts the medium and if you still don't believe, just take a look at the japanese industry. I love Clannad's anime series and I haven't played through the entirety of the VN but I can see how it can be boring to you. We all have different opinions on the matter. Haven't played Muv Luv but I've heard Extra is utter shite and I'm not looking forward to playing through it to get to Alternative. Sakura gets all its sales from the fanservice aspect which Clannad and Muv Luv don't focus on that. I also want VNs to stay niche, but a little bit of popularity isn't gonna hurt it much. Just cause a game is overhyped doesn't mean it's trash, it just means you are expecting too much of it and if you don't like it, you're gonna call it trash.
  18. That was an awesome scene. Especially with Yamato being amazing with his dialogue during it.
  19. What is Kancolle? I'm unfamiliar with the term.
  20. This makes all the waiting worth it. If the routes are long, it usually means that it has a proper story and not just a big f**kfest. Who cares about the H right? *wink* Hopefully that's what happens. That was my main problem with the after story routes in Majikoi S. They were just for h scenes alone with no development of the relationship. It was pretty disappointing once I figured that out. The routes for the new girls in A games have some really in-depth story especially with the Kuki maids, Benkei, Seiso, and hopefully Yoshitsune on A-5 Hidden Content But yeah I agree that the original heroines, Margit, and Tsubame, were just mostly fanservice and h-scenes. Monshiro's route was the only one who's not a new heroine in the A-series I felt like had a decent "true" ending/after story. I quite liked Tsubame as a heroine. The true route was definitely the best one in the game though.
  21. This makes all the waiting worth it. If the routes are long, it usually means that it has a proper story and not just a big f**kfest. Who cares about the H right? *wink* Hopefully that's what happens. That was my main problem with the after story routes in Majikoi S. They were just for h scenes alone with no development of the relationship. It was pretty disappointing once I figured that out.
  22. Hello there. I welcome you to the Fuwanovel Forums. If you're learning Japanese, you'll have a lot more options to play from unlike us English only speakers like me who have to wait for translations.
  23. Hello there. Welcome to this den of the internet. I hope you have a good time here.
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