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Everything posted by fun2novel

  1. Well, yeah the pc version of RN was a download only version, with each route sold separately, so obviously my version has a different folder for each route. But Tatsujin said this about his version "It's the latest release from Type-Moon which features new scenes", so I wonder if I have any scenes missing.
  2. Ok, I have not played through FSN yet so didn't know that. Tatsujin, I have the RN japanese download version. I don't remember exactly when I got it but it's only a few months ago. You mentioned that your version is the most updated, I was wondering how can I know if my RN is the same as yours and is not missing any of the new scenes?
  3. You can always make another account can't you?
  4. The Fuwa version does not have the added CGs. I was shocked to find that out myself when I played the ps2 version (only the prologue).
  5. Both have advantages and disadvantages and neither one has the upper hand over the other. I am more a console gamer myself than a pc gamer btw, and I have a lot of console VNs that I love but I also have a lot of pc ones too.
  6. Half-Life 3 confirmed!!!!! Yes we all know they will announce this!
  7. Damn you're so fast. Happy to hear it was good. I played some of Balder Bullet on the ps2. In terms of presentation it's better than than the pc version due to it being fully voiced. On the other hand the text is very blurry and too hard to read. Sometimes it is hard to recognize what kanji you're looking at and even harder to read the furigana that appears sometimes. It looks bad even on a big screen. They knew the problem is severe and included an option to select two filters but none of them help, so don't bother playing this you will just strain your eyes. Thankfully they fixed this problem in Baldr Force Exe where they added the ability to zoom into the screen, so it's easier to read the text (but still bothersome since when you zoom you can't see the whole text box and have to shift from one side to the other all the time.)
  8. I played Balder Bullet today, it's not as good as the PS2 version. The console version has a lot more voiced lines, and i think all the voices are rerecorded. The visuals overall look better and the text is much easier to read (though still a little hard but not as annoyingly so as in the pc version.) Still it's probably worth a try (the ps2 version at least.)
  9. So the Baldr games actually take place on the same world? I didn't know that. I just assumed that each game is it's own stand alone world but it seems they are connected in a similar way to Front Mission games. BSZ is actually the first fully 3d Baldr game, it looks pretty good.
  10. Great review. I had Baldr Sky on my list for a long time already. I also played very first two games in the series, Baldrhead and Baldr Fist none of the impressed me. Baldr Fist is more of a tournament fighter with a story, you select of the characters in the beginning and play their story as they fight in the arena Badrhead is much more story focused about some guy collecting junk and robot parts and sells them, or something like thatI don't remember exactly. Baldr Bullet is probably the first really good Baldr game with a good story. Anyway, are we going to get Baldr Sky 2 review soon too? You better hurry, I hear a certain propeller game is coming soon
  11. Clephas, I LOVE these threads and all the work that you do. But I understand you completely, I mean playing so many kusoges will take a lot out of you not to mention they take a lot of your time. The best advice I can give is select few VNs that are interesting based on your specific criteria, if during playtime you find them not interesting move on to the next one. Some VNs are very very good but also demand a big time investment and would appear like simple Nukige or Charage otherwise, but because if your experience you will probably have this gut feeling if there is something more to the story and if it's worth to continue reading or if you should move on to the next VN. I always appreciated all this work that you do but I also don't want you to get burned out, in this state you can easily miss on some good VNs and not tell us about it, lol.
  12. Maybe instead of hunting anime pirates they should focus on projects that will increase their birth rate. Doesn't it seem strange that they protect the very thing that helps the decline of number of births instead. Something smells bad here and it ain't dirty diapers.
  13. Do you guys listen to the voiced lines all the way through or do you just press Enter as soon as you finish reading and move on to the next line? For me it depends how much I love the vn.
  14. So the story Shinsei Mokushiroku ~Death March~ was bad? I hoped for good things from this one.
  15. Why did you do that? I don't get why people say things like skip Extra and Unlimited and just go for Alternative. It's one whole story. Of course I hated it because it made me waste so much time instead of just getting on with the story but I still think Extra and Unlimited are important to the overall effect of the story. But that's just me. I'm very sorry to hear that. But don't worry, there is still plenty of good stuff. And I think you might have guess that at some point.
  16. Ayakashibito Bullet Butlers, not my favorite but still good Chrono Belt Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo
  17. If you're going for MLE then do this with the intention of finishing the entire trilogy, it really is going to be quite a journey. But if you're a fan of the Infinity series it's worth going through Never7 at least once.
  18. Root Double has an awesome opening 12Riven is nice too but not as good
  19. What a coincidence, I just read this article on Kotaku. Not that I was browsing Kotaku, it's google's fault Rockmandash, you got good reviews but you should be more careful about spoilers. Simple things you mention in your reviews ruin some of the surprises in a few visual novels, Muv-Luv and I/O are some of them.
  20. Pabloc, have you played all the Nitro+Chiral games? Each of them has a very different style and even the writing style seems very different from game to game too. Not that I read much of these.
  21. I can't believe Sougeki no Jaeger was delayed. Clephas, can't wait for your review, going by this opening I'm sure you're going to like it more than Propeller's last game.
  22. Foshizzle Yo! You sir, get a sausage on a cookie.
  23. Kizuato is one I listened to many many times
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