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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. Confession:  I've been having a cold for about a few days now.


    I'd hope this masturbation analogy isn't true because it would be quite awkward explaining how I masturbated while at a birthday dinner with my parents.



    It seems I have an idea for another Strange Story...

  2. 1) Persona 4 :makina: becase... why not?

    2) Blood Lad... maybe? Becase i used a couple of different sites and some of them were saying its fantasy and some of em were saying its supernatural... so i let the big boss to decide :sachi:

    3) Kill la kill? :makina: becase..... nudisto beeeeeeach :makina:

    Persona 4: Not even fantasy. Supernatural, super power, Sci-Fi, but not fantasy.


    Blood Lad: This might be subjective, but vampires are more like supernatural beings rather than fantasy ones. (Although the plot does sound slightly interesting)


    Kill la Kill: Again, not even fantasy. It's clearly a super power anime.


    The only possibly acceptable anime from your suggestions is Blood Lad, and that's not even fantasy. What site are you using to look for anime info? My Anime List is what I'm going off of.

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