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Soulless Watcher

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Everything posted by Soulless Watcher

  1. I'll be the fucking downer and claim that time travel isn't possible. For one simple reason.... there are no people (or evidence of people) from the future, now in the present. ...and even if it was possible, a civilization that managed to develop an energy source and the required tech for a time machine wouldn't dare use it. Why would they risk ruining their utopia?
  2. Im sensing alot of possible funimation/crunchyroll/sao/aot/shounen hate.
  3. Somewhere in Kansas in the States. It really sucks cause the only other visual novel fan for miles is my sister.
  4. See, Majikoi didn't bother me as much because they knew that it was impossible to make a direct adaptation, so they made something completely new. Sure, it wasn't as great compared to the visual novel, but it was nice to see your favorite waifus in new situations. True, the Steins;Gate anime was one of the few decent visual novel adaptation (the only other in my opinion is Clannad), but it almost changed the genre. In the visual novel there was ALOT of science fiction, such as more detail on the mechanics of the time machine, differing theories of time travel, and more talk about the ethics of time travel. It was almost like physics class, abit with classmates you actually like and subject matter that didn't bore you to tears. For the anime they striped out a great chunk of it, leaving only the bits that are crucial to the plot, making it almost a straight up thriller.... but with timetravel. That is funny you should mention him. Takumi was one of the major reasons I was able to enjoy the anime of chaos;head, because of the downright scary similarities in personality he shared with my highschool self.
  5. Of course visual novels are a niche market. First off Japanese VNs are hardly ever localized in other languages on release dates, because there is very low profit from doing so. The oelvn market is still very small and relatively unknown, with no true visual novels ever making a big commercial success (I know there are some who consider telltale games and banner saga visual novels, but I cannot accept them as signs that the oelvn market is flourishing). There are also weird porn laws that make certain elements found in visual novels illegal in several countries. Not to mention that there is also a incredibly negative view of anything with sexuality in the States, where all the religious prudes gather to damn people to hell for fapping. The rise of Sekai Project may be a sign that visual novels are becoming a bit more popular outside of Japan, but does that mean that someday we will be able to pick up a all-ages version of Muv-Luv from the local walmart or gamestop? Haha no.
  6. Doki Doki Oyako Lesson ~Oshiete ♪ H na Obenkyou~ : DAMN YOU LAWYERS!, getting in the way of my fncked up porn.
  7. Well, when you think about it, it is no different from how he was getting stronger to begin with. His ability made him unreasonably stronger due to his feeling twords her, the ability is pretty much a cheat according to his goddess. So the only thing that has changed is that Bell is now being helped by Aiz directly, instead of indirectly. There is also the fact that Hestia already assisted Bell by obtaining a op weapon, which accelerated Bell's growth quite a bit.
  8. Just figured out I had to patch the game first *SOLVED* So I decided to try and get Duel Savior working on my computer, despite hearing how hard it is to run it. I downloaded the game and moved the above mentioned patch into the (unpatched)game folder, however everytime I try to run it a window titled "Patch" pops up and says "could not be located on your system, Re-install and then run this patch again. I've tried moving the game folder around, but to no avail.
  9. Minamoto-kun Monogatari (a borderline hentai manga series): Every single moment that I read the series pissed me off, it's just soo desrespectful to the female sex (this is coming from a guy who plays a subway molestation simulator, and likes it). I just want to beat the shit outa the protagonist, but what bothers me the most is how highly the series is rated . I could hit the random button on pururin or fakku and it would be a 80% chance that the hentai that would pop up would have a better story. Ergo Proxy: That ending pissed me off soo much, it was a giant middle finger to anyone who watched the series. It nearly turned me off of anime forever. Steins;Gate: As much as I love the anime, I just can't stand Faris when she is in her Nyan-Nyan mode. Hayate the Combat Buttler (manga): Everytime another character is introduced, JUST STOP IT ALREADY!!!! You already got a great cast to work with and many of the pre-existing characters could use some development. Kemono no Shoujo Erin: Those constant flashbacks of Erin's Mom dying. WE GET IT, THE BITCH IS DEAD, WE WERE THERE. The Pilot's Love Song: The whole fucking anime pissed me off. Mekakucity actors: None of the bad endings from the songs/light novels/manga were adapted, I get shaft only had 12 episodes to work with.... but, the bad endings are pretty much the best part (see the "outer science" music vid on youtube or my profile pic ). Your lie in April: The amazing unamed plot convinent disease/virus/birthdefect/std strikes again! Golden Time: Tada, I get that you have a thing for that "bimbo", but you are a asshole for defending her AFTER SHE PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED A GAL DUE TO PLAIN JEALOUSY. Oreshura/Asura Cryn': In both the protagonist makes a definitive choice of which gal will be his sweet heart and than gos back on their word and becomes a indecisive prick and the end of each anime. MuvLuv Total Eclipse: Cause it's not MuvLuv Alternative.
  10. My sterling piece of advice is "Don't", I do not care if this a theoretical or actual person, no one should be burdened to spend any amount of their precious limited time on the planet Earth with a indvidual such as myself.
  11. You know, I honestly don't know anymore. Through elementary to my early years of college I got pretty much straight As with the occasional B here and there without even trying, than I hit my second year of college and my grades took a nose dive. I'm now just bearly managing to pass all of my classes. The thing is, I don't put any effort into my education. I don't study worth a shit, only like 3 hours right before a exam. I feel that I may be able to reclaim my former glory as a honor student if I actually read my textbooks...... but, that just takes soo much time and effort that may or may not be rewarded. Next person dosn't brush their teeth twice a day.
  12. Hahaha very funny, you soo clever me soo dumb. You happy? Although.... now that a think about it, skyrim is no longer a current gen game.
  13. Give half of my money to the nearest place of worship, cause I've recieved proof that divinity exists.
  14. I'm pretty sure many of these laws have stated that even if the character "appears" underage it can be considered unlawfull and yes that is really vague and non-specific. The grass is never greener on the other side, it's always the same dry yellow color and full of those spikey weeds that cut your ass everytime you set down.
  15. Are companies really that desperate to hide the fact that current gen games are garbage compared to older games?
  16. As far as I know there is no direct correlation to people who are lolicons and actual pedophiles. The 2-D world is quite different from the 3-D world in several ways. Leaving that aside, if we are simply talking about acutal pedophiles, I doubt anyone would seek psychological help without some pressure from society. If society dosn't leave an impression that something is "wrong" or "abnormal" than there wouldn't be a precieved fault in the individual and thus no reason to seek help to correct a non-existant fault.
  17. The only time I've drank a alcholic beverage was some apple cider that had gone bad in highschool. I likely will never willingly drink alcohol, since my Dad is a bit of a drunkard and liked to take out his life frustrations on the rest of the family (despite rising through poverty in Korea and becoming middle class citizen of the states). However, it seems the apple dosn't fall from the tree considering I have my own vice of vigorously masturbating to all sorts of 2-D porn to escape from reality.
  18. You know a mass extinction of the populace would likely increase the number of radical religions, going by Fallout standards at least.
  19. That's funny considering a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services survey showed 62.8% of American children suffered from neglect (in 2005).
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