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Posts posted by LinovaA

  1. I just finished reading Oyasumi Punpun, and... wow. Just wow.

    Can't say I have had anything had any other manga affect me in such a way. I read it all in one day, and man, was it ever a ride.

    I'm not even sure how I am supposed to put my thoughts into words for this. It was surreal, yet so very rooted in reality. It was an unapologetic look at life and mental illnesses, that really drives a nail or ten through the heart with its relatively relatable (for me) stories.


    The portrayal of Punpun's early life really had me feeling nostalgic, thinking about the days where I was discovering myself just like he was. It just rang so true as he struggled to understand all of these changes going on inside as he was making his way into his adolescence. He is kind of a blank slate in a lot of ways, but with just enough character that he stands on his own two feet and can really be separated from more generic self-insert type protagonists. This becomes apparent closer to the end of the manga when Aiko makes her way into his life once more, upturning his already turbulent mental stability.

    I think that is what I liked about him the most. All through his life, you could always tell what kind of state his mind was in, based on how he was being drawn, as that is a direct representation of what he thinks of himself. 

    When he finally graduated and went into the world, and his form shifted more and more, you can REALLY feel his mental stability changing. From having that blank "I'm okay" face plastered on to just being portrayed as a simple triangle/pyramid. It was jarring, but when it settled in, it really hits hard.

    There is a lot more I would like to talk about, but I really can't get it into words right now. It was just so good, and honestly, with some time to stew on it, it is probably my number one manga of all time.

    Just, if you are thinking about reading it, be prepared. It has an EXTREMELY depressing atmosphere. Like, an unhealthy level of depressing.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

    But don't they just accept anyone who knows how to call people and read from a paper what to say? :michiru: 

    I mean I guess they wouldn't hire guy like me who can't talk to anyone but you, you can talk right? :pyaa: 

    I THINK I can talk... 


    Or perhaps... maybe I am just hearing my thoughts out loud... and nobody else can hear them but me! :pyaa: 

    1 hour ago, TexasDice said:

    Did you forget to talk during the interview?


    ~ Fight oooooon! :wafuu: /

    I didn't even stutter, which is an accomplishment for me. XD

    *fights the powaa* \ :wafuu: /

  3. 1 hour ago, FruitsPunchSamurai said:

    Confession: I used to be a bully back in middle school. One time i had these 2 kids that were a lower grade than me fight each other just for my enjoyment. I ended up getting suspended when someone snitched on me :komari:. I also did lots of other things of which i am not proud of to my lower peers. I cleaned up my act after seeing a presentation along with other guys that were troublemakers like me by the father of a kid who comitted suicide after suffering from bullying for years. This was set up by the school of course. Overall what's been done is done, but this is a time in my life that i want to forget about. I eventually ended up apologizing and making friends with one of the classmates that i bullied, and he brings this up every now and then to make me sad inside.  

    37 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    I feel that one.

    A confession of my own in the same vein: I was a narcissistic shit in middle school who knocked everybody else to make myself feel better. An adult (a teacher at school, I think it was) told me as much, though not in those words, and explained that it was hurting the feelings of... well... most of the people around me. Thank God for that. Having to live with and reflect on past massive character flaws like that is painful as hell, but is probably what makes me (hopefully) a better human being today.

    Confession: I understand both of these stories way too much. It burns my soul to think about how much I can relate to this. 

    Confession 2: I feel like I have a LOT of catching up to do. Ah well, such is life. ^^

    Realization: HOLY SHIT, MY REN EMOTE IS ACTUALLY A THING!?!?!?!?! 


  4. This probably will only matter to a select few of you, but I figured I should probably give an update on what has happened to me and why I just dropped off the face of Cyber-Earth, both here on the main site, and on the Skype groups.

    Well, first off, please let me clarify that I have no intention of leaving the site. I still love Fuwanovel just as much as I did when I first stumbled in here, as the lowly pleb that I once was. However, I am sure that my long string of inactivity has probably left some of the people who know me thinking I am either slowly dying and distancing myself from the community, or that perhaps I just don't care, and have surrendered myself to the 3D realm.

    Both of these trains of thought are not exactly right.

    Well, to put it simply, I have just been under a great deal of stress over the last six months or so. First off, I dropped out of University, as I wish to switch over to college and take IT. Second, I have been unemployed ever since and no job has given me the light of day. I currently have one thing hanging in the air precariously, but I have a pretty high degree of pessimism as I am currently basing all future outcomes on previous ones. Last main point; I've been in a really dark spot due to the stress of being unable to find a job. Everyone has been very understanding in my life, and I can't thank them enough for that, but I've just felt so useless due to being a very unproductive member of society. The only thing that really keeps me from caving in is the loving support of my girlfriend, without whom I am sure I would be completely and utterly defeated and on some kind of watch list.

    So why does this matter? I have always been very vocal about my personal feelings and the like in various threads, with the Confessions thread immediately coming to mind. How is this any different then what is already public knowledge?

    Well, all of this extra stress has started leaking into my writing persona. Until now, my writing persona and my real life persona have been one and the same. I act the exact same way I do in real life, and I have no shame in saying that. The problem is, I don't want you guys to start seeing me differently. I want to remain that friendly feels guy that some of you guys seem to somehow tolerate. :sachi:

    I mean like, yeah, I do get around to posting every now and again, and I do check in on the Skype groups whenever I can. I just don't stay active because I usually just get bogged down shortly after. Again, I just don't want you guys to start seeing me differently.


    So yeah, I am going to cut this short. This is not a goodbye. This is not even a notice of a temporary leave. This is just letting people who might care, even just a little bit, know what is up with my fading in and out of the community.

    So yeah, sorry for taking up your time with my real world problems. As I have said many times in this post, just letting you guys know why I am so ded. ^^''


  5. 38 minutes ago, Kawasumi said:

    The fortissimo series is something I have meant to dwelve into at some point, the obvious obstacle of course being the fact that non of the games are translated and it doenst seem like its gonna happen soon.

    Albeit, the op for the newest game in the series "kadenz fermata" has everything im looking for in a chuunige OP, pretty cheesy guitar track with small electronic influences. Catchy hook and melody and you got me buying a copy just for the op!

      Reveal hidden contents




    Hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype!!!

    Really excited to get my hands on this one. :D 

    I would post every single Fortissimo OP here, but that is just way too much of a bother.

    But for now: Dekinai Watashi Ga, Kurikaesu.




    Sends chills down my spine every time I watch and just listen to this one.

    Let's see, there is also: Bradyon Veda



    I remember spending a VERY long time looking for the full version of this one, before finally concluding that it just doesn't exist. Hurts my feels, because I really love this song.


    I'm too tired to think of others, but I am sure I will post again in here. :P 

  6. 5 hours ago, hsmsful said:

    Some of them are good, some aren't. Nasu's shit, yasuo's shit, vayne's shit

    I like Annie's, Jinx's , lux's , braum's and miss fortune's

    I haven't tried much of the characters thou

    I am just a weeb anyways so this satisfies me to a great extent

    4 hours ago, Jun Inoue said:

    You must be kidding. Yasuo's is godlike, certainly one of the best, if not the best.

    Gotta agree. Yasuo's was amazing. I also really like Nasus', funny enough. xD

    The best one I have heard so far, imo, is Jinx. The laugh makes it. Holy shit does the laugh ever make it.

  7. 1 minute ago, Kiriririri said:

    Well it's never gonna happen if I write it xD

    If I wrote your post, it would literally only consist of one thing:



    :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: :pyaa: 
























  8. 1 hour ago, Kawasumi said:

    fuck yes! This doujin got me a taste for NTR for good tbh.

    As I have come to terms with jealousy as a feeling and with that also came to the conclusion that its a pointless and a destructive feeling that you're better without, so because of that, I have tried to remove it, but ofc thats impossible.

    Jealousy has instead become some sort of an odd fetish for me, as im drawn to extreme negative feelings like @Clephas but for me, jealousy is a part of this spectrum.

    I remember our small conversation about NTR on Skype. I kinda shut it down before it could go anywhere, but I suppose now that I have a moment to collect my thoughts I can give my own opinion.

    I am also drawn to extreme negative emotions. I love despair. I love raw anger. I like watching as characters have their very being striped down to the core, and then fundamentally dismantled. However, I just can't get into NTR. Jealously will never be an emotion I will just be okay with. I've had a hard time enough mastering my own feelings of jealousy in the past, so I would just rather not go near something that has the potential of having me slip into old mental habits.

    Plus, you know, past events suck and all of that jazz. :sachi: 


    I had this weird thought the other day that maybe I should just read an NTR visual novel and see if I just randomly get over it. Wouldn't be the first time that the medium helped me change the way I think about something. ^^''

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