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Everything posted by Forythos

  1. ^ I can't read any of these. I hope I got everything right :
  2. My thoughts on Kyoukai no Kanata : Since I also finished it around the same time as KnK, my thoughts on Gingitsune : Finaly, I've about halfway through a bunch of shows that I recently started : Kimi ni Todoke, Kobato, Monogatari Series(just finished Sengoku arc). I also watched SAO Extra, which I must admit kinda lost me with all the recaps, but it was still a decent watch.
  3. I've been playing the Bravely Default demo on 3DS since it came out on the NA e-shop yesterday. It surpasses my expectations so far, the graphics are gorgoeus, the use of 3D is probably the best I've seen so far(I usualy try it a few times and then turn it off, but for this I kept it on for most of the time I played), the gameplay and system are pretty much a combination of my favorite things. This feels like what FF would have been if it had stuck to the Snes style for the next generation.
  4. Sorry for the double post but I found some really cute pics after searching on DeviantArt. Misaka Mikoto : Araragi Karen : Bonus : Oshino Shinobu :
  5. Looks like the same cosplayer I found on google image search. Still pretty cute though, thanks.
  6. ^^ That Kame Sennin posted by nohman is awesome. Here's one of Sacha from Attack on Titan : I don't browse a lot of cosplay pics, but anyone has a cute Misaka Mikoto to share?
  7. I just beat my first game of 2014, Zelda : A Link Between Worlds. It was great, I could hardly stop playing!
  8. Sweet! One of my friends who doesn't watch a lot of anime loves SAO and has been asking me about the second season since forever, he'll also be glad to hear this! It's true that the show has some flaws, especialy in the second half, but it's stil an decent action adventure show and I'm glad if it helped get some of my friends a little more into anime.
  9. We keep a tally of games we beat each year on another forum, and I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else here played during the year, especialy since the year is coming an end. Here's my own list, pretty much in the order I completed them. Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance (Gamecube) Clannad : Full Voice edition (PC) Fire Emblem : Awakening (3DS) Crimson Shroud (3DS) Ys Vs Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga (PSP) Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) Little Busters! (PC) Dragon's Crown (PS3) 7th Dragon 2020 (PSP) Ys I (PSP) Sengoku Rance (PC) Senran Kagura Burst (3DS) River City Ransom (3DS Virtual Console)
  10. Taking it pretty relaxed this year. I usualy go hang out somewhere with friends for the countdown, but I didn't really feel like going out, so pretty much the only thing that's gonna happen is one of my friends dropping by after his family party. Otherwise, here I am home with my roommate who is going out later, enjoying a cold beer, playing some Zelda on 3DS and surfing the net.
  11. Probably going to start a new game of Kara no Shoujo after the ultra creepy bad end I got a few days ago.
  12. A girl I knew who was really into shoujo manga and anime, loved Oniisama E... I watched the first few episodes myself back then and it seemed pretty good. Sadly I couldn't get hold of more episodes at the time. Also, I started Kobato, currently up to episode 8. I really like it! It's pretty funny and endearing at the same time. "Dobato!" lol. I didn't know it was CLAMP, I liked some of their manga.
  13. I've been meaning to watch it for a while after seeing it a few times in the recommendations for other shows I watched. I think I'll bump it up to my shows to watch soon, seeing that it also happens to be on Crunchy which makes things easy for me.
  14. A show from Gainax that I thought was pretty funny back when it aired, but don't think I've ever heard anyone else talk about it, Oruchuban Ebichu : In what else could I have seen a hamster make world plays on clitoris and chestnuts(kuri to risu). Another I watched around the same years, though I don't remember a lot about it other than it was short episodes, Omishi Magical Theater : Risky Safety :
  15. I finished Henneko, it was pretty good. I hadn't set the bar too high since it seemed like just another ecchi comedy, but overall it was pretty well done and the ecchi comedy wasn't over the top and was pretty amusing. The series structure kinda reminded me of Chuunibyou in some ways, with episodes progressively moving from mostly comedy in the early episodes to serious story episodes full of feels. I also started Monogatari Series Second Season and started rewatching the original Railgun series to relax with something familiar inbetween holiday dinners and parties. I got the Wolf Children Blu-ray/DVD combo for christmas, so I should rewatch this and cry again sometime soon. (Oh yeah and I finished rewatching all the Kill la Kill episodes up to the latest last week)
  16. VZMGLNQYAZ5 Expires March 15th 2014 Claimed
  17. I started Kara no Shoujo since I recently bought it. I'm not very far into it yet, but I'm already really liking it. I'm particularly digging the music.
  18. Got the new Zelda : A Link Between Worlds on 3DS for christmas! Really loving the trip back to the world of my favorite Zelda game. (A Link to the Past)
  19. I think Clannad was the first VN that made me enjoy crying... lol. I cried at most route endings, and almost all the time during After Story. I never knew I could cry so much playing a video game. Katawa Shoujo also made me tear a lot, especialy Hanako's route. Also Little Busters!(during Refrain mostly) and Sachi's route in Grisaia.
  20. OMG, I rarely do this, but I preordered nearly as soon as I saw it :
  21. I still have to finish Rin's route, but for now I'd rate the routes from favorite to least favorite in this order : Hanako/Shizune/Emi/Lilly/(not including Rin yet). I still loved them all of course. Lilly's route was pretty good, but I feel like I connected more with Hanako's and Emi's route, and Shizune really surprised me in how much I ended up liking her and I somehow find her very arousing. >_>;;
  22. I watched Little Witch Academia yesterday. It was awesome. Go Trigger! I also finished Nisemonogatari and started Henneko and Kimi ni Todoke.
  23. 2 for Ayase Chihaya (Chihayafuru 2) 1 for Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S) 1 for Mankanshoku Mako (Kill la Kill)
  24. Here : http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?goods_type=3&product_code=214
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